"Then, I'll go to the arena first. Leave the task of attracting his attention to me, and leave the rest to you."

"Don't worry." Bai Ye nodded. Although his expression was calm, he was even more determined.

After the two made an appointment, Tohsaka Rin left the multimedia classroom and headed towards the arena. Not long after, he also appeared on the monitoring equipment of the multimedia classroom.

"Okay, now it's up to me."

Seeing that Rin Tosaka in the image had caught up with Leo, the two servants were already confronting each other. The atmosphere became tense. Bai Ye finally took action.

Tohsaka Rin's servant is Lancer Cu Chulainn. Although this fact surprised Hakuno, it did not affect his work.

Inside the multimedia classroom... Bai Ye quickly opened the 'operation interface' and invaded the arena system.

Chapter 1626 The battle against Leo and Gawain

Julius completely transformed the multimedia classroom into a magic workshop. The operating interfaces and other materials necessary for the spirit hackers are all displayed here. And without exception, they are the most popular ones. Top quality material.

The so-called 'operation interface' actually refers to a virtual computer, but it does not have the entity of a real computer, it is just a translucent image. But this image has everything from the display screen to the keyboard. This is the ‘operating interface’ used by Lingzi hackers in the computer world.

Lingzi hackers write computer skills through this 'operating interface'. This kind of thing can be said to be the foundation of the foundation for a Lingzi hacker.

Bai Ye's level as a spirit hacker is not low.

If Hakuno was still a novice in computer arts two months ago when he first came to this world, then now two months later, his computer skills have completely surpassed Tohsaka Rin. He is called a great magician.

There is no other way. Firstly, Hakuno has the skill of "rooted wisdom", which allows unlimited access to various computer arts for research. Secondly, Hakuno's talent in magic arts is really inhumane. , Kanzaki Kaori has long said that if Bai Ye concentrates on magic, he is fully expected to become a devil in a few years.

And in this process, even the 'Root Protection' skill, which comes from the root type, might have played a big role.

The superposition of several factors allowed Hakuno to make rapid progress in computer arts like a miracle. In just two months, he had already surpassed Tohsaka Rin, who was known as the 'genius once in a century'.

With Bai Ye’s accomplishments. Coupled with the top-notch magic workshop, Bai Ye quickly invaded the arena's system.

This kind of intrusion is actually not difficult. After all, Mconcell now has no self-awareness and everything is done according to the procedures. The firewall is really full of loopholes and will not react to intrusions that cannot be discovered. Of course, if Mconcell generates If you lose your self-awareness, intentionally upgrade your firewall, and be vigilant about monitoring at all times, then the other person will say that when that time comes, I am afraid that even the strongest spirit hacker in mankind will not be able to break through the first layer of Mconcell. Firewall every penny.

"The lighting system...discovered tampering...Although it only took a moment, it was enough!"

After finding the location of the arena lighting system, Bai Ye pressed the button on the keyboard without hesitation and tampered with one of the programs.

And in the arena.

Leo and Tohsaka Rin are confronting each other here.

Of course, Tohsaka Rin is not stupid enough to have sex with Leo. When Gawain still has the skill of 'Saint's Digital EX', even if Tohsaka Rin and Cu Chulainn go all out, they can't be hurt. Gawain every bit

Therefore, in fact, Tohsaka Rin only restrained Leo by reasoning with him - in fact, he was the legendary "talker".

Of course, the argument between these two people is still the old-fashioned debate about whether the world should slowly die under the control of Western European plutocrats, or whether it should follow the ideas of the Liberation Front and find ways to save the world. But there is no way, Leo just likes this. As the future king of the world, if he has the only expectation for all people, it is that he hopes that everyone will agree with him and the ideas of Western European plutocrats.

And at some point during the conversation between the two of them——


From somewhere, there was a sound like a switch being turned off.

The next moment, the originally bright arena fell into complete darkness, with not a trace of light left, as if it had completely disappeared from here.


In the dark space, Gawain's muffled voice that seemed to be shaking suddenly came. His voice was clearly full of surprise.

"Now! Lancer!. "

In the darkness, Tohsaka Rin suddenly shouted loudly and gave attack instructions to his servants.

The scarlet magic light flashed in the darkness without interruption. While it emitted the only light, it was also full of life-threatening danger.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the sound of steel sounded extremely harsh.

In the darkness without a trace of light, the two servants retreated as soon as they touched each other. Without the slightest sign of fighting, they each retreated in front of their respective masters.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of several people suddenly shone brightly again, and the lighting equipment of the entire arena was completely restored.

Leo and Tohsaka Rin stood motionless, while Cu Chulainn and Gawain stood up to confront each other. Their eyes looked at each other full of vigilance and fighting intent.

"I'm sorry. Master.. Gawain is worthy of being a knight on par with King Arthur. The raid failed."

Cú Chulainn was holding a scarlet magic spear, and he crouched down slightly like a wild beast...like a wolfhound that chose people to eat, but he made a regretful apology.

"Did it fail? Although I had guessed it a long time ago, it is still regrettable."

Tohsaka Rin shook his head in despair. There was no doubt that it was a very good time. If the attack just now was effective, not to mention defeating Gawain, as long as he could be injured, it would be her share. Chance to win.

But unfortunately, this sneak attack failed.

"But it doesn't matter. Even if the attack fails, the goal has been achieved. Let's retreat!"

Tohsaka Rin quickly adjusted his mood and quickly left the arena with Cu Chulainn, leaving Leo and Gawain silently watching their departure. Leo's eyes showed slight thoughts.

Chapter 1627 The final of the first battle of six rounds (please subscribe for the third update!)

Tohsaka Rin's purpose from the beginning was not to sneak attack Leo when the arena lighting system was turned off. In fact, the sneak attack was just an incidental purpose of hers. Everyone would be happy if she succeeded. It didn't matter if she didn't succeed.

Her purpose is actually just to trap Gawain and ensure that others are in the arena when the arena lighting system is turned off.

Because in that case, Gawain’s invincible skill ‘Saint’s Number EX’ would be broken.

——The Saint’s Number EX.

That is Gawain's special physique, which lasts for three hours from 9 a.m. to noon, and three hours from 3 p.m. to sunset, a total of six hours. Gawain's power will triple.

In view of this, Gawain, who possesses this skill, almost has the reputation of being 'invincible' when he is 3 times stronger.

However, this skill has a fatal weakness of "being unable to escape the shackles of the legend" - once it is broken, it will never work again. In other words, as long as this skill is broken once, it will immediately become ineffective. A nearly one-time skill.

According to Celtic legend, Gawain died because Lancelot delayed time until sunset, and then he struck Gawain seriously injuring him.

Tohsaka Rin asked Hakuno for help in order to break Gawain's invincible skill.

This fictional world of spirit children, whether it is a teaching building or an arena, is actually an inherent barrier created by Mconcell to imitate the magic on the earth. It is not a real world at all.

In such a world, the "sunshine" itself is a systematic thing that can be searched and tampered with.

As long as Gawain enters the arena and tamper with the arena's 'sunshine' - that is, the lighting system, the 'sun' can be easily extinguished and plunged into darkness.

In this way, when the 'sun' that is indispensable to Gawain disappears, his 'saint's number' will be destroyed and can no longer be activated.

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