"Ahem, it just so happens that the exploration of the Sakura Labyrinth may last for a long time, so lunch cannot be missed. Give me both of your lunches."

Tohsaka Rin suddenly regretted whether Hakuno would have accepted her bento if she had taken it out directly just now. It's somewhat inappropriate... Hesitation will lead to defeat.

Chapter 1661 The first floor of the Sakura Maze

After Hakuno accepted all the bentos from Sakura and Tamamo, although the two of them seemed to want to say something, they did not say it after all.


Leo was sitting at the head of the square table. Suddenly he frowned, "It's strange that I can't contact Mr. Matou. Could it be that he unilaterally refused the communication?"

When all the remaining people can only survive in the old school building, they should not be disrespectful to each other. After all, the current situation requires everyone to work together to overcome the difficulties... However, what Shinji Matou said is true It's hard to say. After all, he is only an eight-year-old child, so it makes sense that he doesn't care about the situation.

"Forget it, we will continue to contact Mr. Matou. Mr. Baiye, please go into the cherry blossom maze with Ms. Caster to explore. But remember to be prepared before going."

"I see."

Bai Ye nodded and left the student union room with everyone looking worried or solemnly. He walked towards the outside of the old school building.

There is a centuries-old cherry blossom tree in the open space at the entrance of the old school building. At this moment, cherry blossoms are blooming seemingly endlessly, making this space extremely beautiful.

Hakuno and Tamamozae came to the cherry blossom tree. As expected, they encountered a teleportation point. Just like the teleportation point in front of the storage room of the teaching building on the side of the moon, it was a magic that teleported people into the maze. Array.

BB is originally a Sakura maze modeled after an arena. There may be a great similarity between the two. Not only the teleportation points, but also the scenes and facilities inside the maze may give people a sense of immediateness.

"Master, before entering the Sakura Maze, there is one more thing I must explain to you."

Stopping under the cherry blossom tree, Tamamo Mae spoke to Hakuno in a somewhat complicated and humble tone, "Actually, my strength is not that strong. In fact, I can be said to be a rather weak servant. Maybe We will live up to your expectations.”

Tamamo-mae is a caster. Casters are not good at frontal combat. What they are good at is building positions, making them as unshakable as temples. Then stay in the position and wait for the servants to come to the door, close the door and beat the dog... This is the most suitable combat method for the caster class.

Although Tamamo Mae has a rather extraordinary background, as a servant, she is just a caster, so her strength is indeed not outstanding.

So she was also worried, worried that she would be useless and unable to help Bai Ye achieve his wish.

"Don't worry."

Faced with Tamamo Mae's worries, Hakuno shook his head easily and said indifferently, "Actually, I have known about this from the beginning, so I have a plan for a long time."

As a Master, it is the most basic thing to fully understand the strength and abilities of your servants.

"Caster. You must be very good at spells, right? Your skill shows 'Spell EX', so there is no need to worry about using various enhancement spells on me."

Bai Ye said this: "Although I can also use various spells, because of the problem of magic power, it is impossible to use it without restrictions... Don't worry about my body, add spells to me as much as possible. There are also a lot of healing potions stored."

"Are you putting a spell on the master to enhance his power? That's no problem...but why?"

Tamamo Mae asked in confusion: "Why does the master want to use the spell to become stronger?"

"Well, you'll know when you get in."


The Sakura Maze is located underground in the old school building.

After coming out of the teleportation point, what struck Hakuno's eyes was a nearly 100-meter-long staircase leading underground. Hakuno and Tamamoae quickly passed the stairs and arrived at the first floor of the Sakura Maze.

The first floor of the Sakura Maze.. This place deserves the name "Sakura Maze." Pink cherry blossoms are scattered everywhere, making the entire maze look beautiful.

The maze is indeed a replica of the arena. The ground is completely composed of transparent data walls. Compared with the arena, it only lacks the surrounding walls and only has the ground.

With Bai Ye's eyesight enhanced by magic, he could see at a glance an enemy program that looked very untouchable wandering around in the maze.

The terrain of the maze is also quite complex and wide, with no edges visible at a glance, and seemingly countless hidden roads.

"This shouldn't be made from a replica of an arena."

Bai Ye made a very certain judgment. "This is simply moving the arena directly here!"

Tamamo Mae on the side also had a speechless expression, looking at the first floor of the cherry blossom maze in front of him, as if he couldn't bear to look directly at it.

That guy BB, what he said about 'copying' was just a copy and paste, and the copy was incomplete. He threw away the walls of the arena, leaving only the transparent maze floor. At first glance, it seemed like a series of wooden boards floating on the ground. Like the sky, if it is not small, it may fall from the edge of the board.

If you copy, just copy. If you insist on saying imitation, do you want to be embarrassed?

"Hahaha! Kishibami! Are you finally here? I've been waiting here all night!"

Not long after Bai Ye stepped onto the first floor, a loud and proud laugh came from not far away.

Accompanied by this loud laughter, a kelp head soon appeared in front of Hakuno and Tamamo Mae.

However, compared to the fearful Kelphead before, the current Kelphead is only filled with pride and ecstasy.

Beside Hai Daitou, there was a smaller girl.

Just from the first meeting, Bai Ye was sure that the girl was definitely a Servant.

In other words, Matou Shinji jumped back.

Chapter 1662 Matou Shinji jumps back

No wonder I couldn't find him...it turned out that I had already entered the Sakura Maze first.

Moreover, the most important thing is the girl servant beside him.

Hakuno turned his gaze to Matou Shinji's side and looked the servant up and down.

Her figure is quite petite. She looks to be only about four years old, and she looks very sweet on the outside. But for Hakuye, who has a keen sense, he can detect that she is full of madness and bad nature hidden under the sweet appearance.

She has red dragon horns on her head, a long black tail behind her, and scarlet nails like beast claws on her ten fingers. After showing a seemingly sweet but cruel smile, you can also see The sharp tiger teeth in her mouth.

Looking at Hakuno and Tamamo in front of the moonlight, there was a natural sense of arrogance, as if they were not regarded as human beings at all, but as beasts and poultry.

At first glance, it gives the impression of a demon, and he looks like a demon.

This guy is not a heroic spirit, but an anti-heroic spirit.

Bai Ye knows her, after all, he has met her many times in the world of FGO.

——Elizabeth: Bathory.

The prototype of the vampire Camilla is the world-famous Countess of Blood. According to legend, she is both arrogant and noble, domineering and cruel, even cruel to the point of squeezing the girl's body into blood just to maintain her beauty.

Although in the world of FG0, they should be considered acquaintances, but in this world——

"Look! Kishinami. How about this is my new follower? It looks much stronger than your completely weak and useless fox, doesn't it?"

Matou Shinji showed off to Hakuno quite proudly, as if he planned to see the fear and shrinkage on his face and then beg him for mercy.

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