Bai Ye understood the cause and effect in just a moment.

Even though he is just a mental body now, he is still extremely sensitive to mental fluctuations. Parson Lip's existence itself is equivalent to a kind of spiritual guidance, leading others to abuse her.

In other words, Parsonlip has a special physique that attracts people to abuse her. This is why Alice and Nursery Rhymes bully her as if they have changed into different people. When they were on bb~channel, even BB couldn't help it. Deliberately bullying her - of course, it remains to be verified whether BB couldn't help it or whether he deliberately bullied her.

The moment he understood this, Bai Ye's right hand reacted without any surprise, trembling slightly as if he was aware of a mental abnormality.

Parson Lip's first SG. Couldn't be easier to identify.

" saved me..."

After the nursery rhyme master left, Parson Lip suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and cast a rescued look at Bai Ye. His eyes contained the most obvious goodwill and kindness, and his expression showed a strong surprise.

"Thank you...."

If this was some kind of GALGAME game, I believe Bai Ye would be able to hear that Parson Lip's favorability towards him was constantly increasing by +1+1+1 at this moment.

"Can this be called saving you?"

Bai Ye touched his forehead. He let out a slight sigh.

Parson Lip's favorable impression of Hakuno is also a bit baffling...but in this way, it actually proves Matou Sakura's statement.

There must be some similarities between these Sakura-type beings.

But now, Bai Ye completely understands. This so-called connection refers to their common affection and admiration for Bai Ye.

Sakura and Melt Lilith were like this, and now Parsonlip is like this too...then...the question comes. Where is BB?

"No matter what. I will accept your first SG."

Bai Ye didn't say anything, didn't tell his guess, and didn't make any assumptions about BB's possible feelings. He just stretched out his right hand. At the moment when Parsonlip didn't react at all, he came to her In front of her, he penetrated directly into her body.

Then, in just an instant, Bai Ye took out a pink ball of light from Parson Lip's body.

Parsonlip's first SG was just as Bai Ye expected. It was called "Based Physique" and had the effect of taunting her, making people want to attack her uncontrollably.

"Is there such a dangerous SG? Wow, Xiaoyu, I almost planned to bully her..." The corners of Tamamae's mouth twitched, I really didn't expect that there would be such a weird SG._

"This is... SG... the gap in the soul... it feels like even the spirit has been drained..."

Parson Lip's face was slightly red, and her unique timid expression was quite endearing. At this moment, the girl stood up with her arms supported.

However, what was different from the scene of the upcoming battle that Bai Ye expected was that Parsonlip twisted the golden melon seeds shyly, and spoke out with a bit of joy while appearing coy.

"Well...if you can cherish my secret...I will be very happy..."

Chapter 1690 Parson Lip’s stalker behavior

Parson Lip's reaction was somewhat unexpected. The removal of SG meant that the wall of the heart on the fourth floor would be cracked by Hakuno. From the perspective of the Labyrinth Guardian, he should have resentment towards Hakuno. right.

But this girl didn't resent Bai Ye at all, not even a trace of resentment. Instead, she looked happy and happy.

After saying these words, Parson Lip disappeared from the eyes of the two of them with great joy.

Hakuno and Tamamoae looked at each other. Neither of them expected that the first SG would be charged so easily. They probably thought there would be a fierce battle.

"Although they are BB's desires, they all have special personalities."

Finally, Tamamo Mae concluded with a sentimental statement.

Although they are both clones, whether it is Parson Lip or Melt Lilith, they are different from BB, except for having the same appearance. Almost everything else is hugely different.

Especially in terms of personality, one has sadistic tendencies and the other has a masochistic constitution. The two have become extremely sharp polar opposites.

Since Parson Lip left on his own initiative, the two of them did not hesitate and followed the guidance of the student union towards the end of the fourth floor.

At the stairs at the end of the fourth floor, there is no longer a gear lock-shaped wall of the heart. It must have been because one of Parsonlip's SGs had been taken out, causing it to automatically break.


When he was about to step onto the stairs to the fifth floor, Bai Ye suddenly felt a sense of surveillance and couldn't help but look towards the source of the sense of surveillance.

Behind him dozens of meters away. Behind a marble pillar, vicious golden claws were revealed.

Parsonlip hid behind the stone pillar, carefully stuck out his head, and looked directly at Bai Ye, his eyes revealing a strong desire to communicate with Bai Ye.

Her concealment skills are quite good, and her timid and cautious personality also adds a lot of points to her concealment. This level of concealment should be enough to form a high-level breath blocking skill.

But it's a pity that her extremely huge and vicious claws completely exposed her in an instant, making her high-level concealment ability immediately useless.


After noticing Bai Ye's eyes looking over, Parson Lip suddenly let out a panicked exclamation like a frightened little animal. Then without thinking, he activated the ability of the Labyrinth Guardian and escaped from Hakuye's sight.

"What's the matter, Master?"

Tamamo Mae asked Shirone in confusion. Parson Lip escaped so fast that she didn't notice Lip's spying.

"No, it's nothing. Let's continue to the fifth floor."

Hakuno shook his head. Without saying anything, he led Tamamo Mae into the fifth floor of the Sakura Maze.


Just entered the fifth floor not long ago. Hakuno and Tamamo Mae didn't have time to clear the surrounding hostile programs.

"Start one by one"

Bai Ye noticed the same sense of voyeurism again, and then looked behind him again in the direction where the sense of voyeurism came from.

This time, Parsonlip hid on the stairs not far away, once again peeping at Bai Ye as if he wanted to talk to Bai Ye, but was too scared to step forward.

When Bai Ye looked at her again, Parson Lip was frightened again and chose to flee in panic.

But this time, Tamamo Mae had already captured her figure. There was nothing he could do. There was really no place to hide her figure on the stairs, not to mention her huge melons which were difficult to hide.

A subtle expression suddenly appeared on Tamamo Mae's face.

"Let's clear out the hostile programs on this level first."

Hakuno also suggested to Tamamo Mae with a strange expression, there is no way. After all, Parsonlip is the maze guardian from the fourth to sixth floors. Her body is integrated with the maze. If she takes the initiative to escape, , if she doesn’t want to appear in front of Bai Ye, then Bai Ye can’t force her to come out.

Parson Lip, who is so large that she has merged with three levels of Sakura Maze, wants to force her out. The difficulty is much more difficult than forcing out Elizabeth who only merged with one level. Even if all the resources of the old school building are used, Hakuno I don’t think I can do it either.

Therefore, if Parson Lip is unwilling to take the initiative to appear in front of Bai Ye, then Bai Ye will have nothing to do with her.

Of course, judging from how Parson Lip came to spy on Bai Ye one after another, it was impossible to say that she was unwilling to take the initiative.

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