"Let me tell you first, I won't help."

Nero spoke in a tone without any fluctuations: "Even if it's me who's there... Even if you want to help me out, I won't help. If you really plan to rescue me, then just You can rely on yourself.”

"Yeah, I know."

Hakuno just thought for a moment, then nodded, and then gave an instruction to Tamamo Mae behind him, who had been staring at Nero and looking up and down.

"Wait for me here. I'll come as soon as I go."

Chapter 1716 The cruelest choice

The range defended by the defense program is a circle with a radius of about one hundred meters centered on the wall of the heart. As long as someone breaks into this round insect, they will be 'eroded' by the defense program.

"Please be careful, Mr. Hakuno."

Leo's serious voice came from the terminal, "We can't analyze the defense program in that place at all. I'm afraid it's a program made by BB himself. We have no way to formulate countermeasures here, we can only rely on you. Don't force it. , immediately retreat as soon as you notice something is wrong.”

"I see."

Bai Ye nodded, then raised his feet with tentative intention and walked towards the wall of the heart.


Tamamo-mae instinctively wanted to follow him, but in the end she suppressed this thought. In the end, she just watched Hakuno leave silently. Having been with Hakuno for a short time, she fully realized Hakuno's abilities and character. As a submissive servant to her master, she firmly believed that her master could win.

Rather than worrying about Tamamo Mae for Hakuno, he was even more jealous of the red emperor beside him. His golden beast eyes glanced at Nero one after another.

"Fox, you know that Yu is a beauty. You can look at Yu's beautiful body openly!"

Even though she lost her memory, Nero is still Nero. She raised her head proudly and showed an arrogant look, full of confidence in her own charm.

Tamamo-mae curled her lips secretly. She decided to ignore the arrogant emperor and set her sights on Hakuye who had entered the scope of the defense program.


The moment he stepped into the perimeter of the defense program... and walked a hundred meters away from the wall of the heart. As soon as Bai Ye stepped in, he suddenly felt a spasm spreading throughout his body, making his body tremble slightly.

However, this level of pain is only close to the feeling of electric current flowing through the body. To Hakuno, it is no different than being bitten by a mosquito.

"Ah, senior has actually arrived here?"

And the moment Bai Ye stepped into the field of defense procedures. An extremely familiar voice that seemed to be gloating about someone else's misfortune but also seemed a little distressed sounded in the ears of several people.

Immediately afterwards, a virtual image that looked like a holographic projection appeared in the sky above the wall of the heart. It was a girl whom both Nero and Tamamo Mae were familiar with and called the 'Witch'.

She didn't come in person. The reason was of course that she needed to concentrate on overcoming Mooncell's self-protection program! She couldn't get away, but after the show she had carefully prepared for a long time finally started, she still couldn't hold back, and a virtual image came here.

The transparent image of aBB floated in mid-air, but his line of sight landed on Bai Ye below. He pursed his lips somewhat unhappily.

"That Melt guy was completely useless. It's a shame that I had high hopes for her. But in the end, she didn't even last a day... After all, it doesn't make any difference."

BB bent down slightly. Although the angle was perfect, no secret parts could be seen. However, it highlighted her slim curves. ,

At the same time, BB also showed an extremely bad expression, and said sternly, "Because, it is absolutely impossible for seniors to break through this level!"

BB made such a confident declaration,

Bai Ye raised his head and glanced at BB, his eyes fluctuating slightly. He was not shocked by BB's understatement. Just thinking about it. If BB can say that, he must have some kind of confidence, right?

"It seems that Miss Nero has not explained it to the seniors. There is really nothing I can do. Let my lovely junior character BB-chan kindly explain it to the seniors!"

BB's face was full of smiles. However, that smile was filled with some strong malice, "In a word, this Miss Nero is different from the real Miss Nero!"

"The real Miss Nero has long since fallen into a deep sleep. The Miss Nero who appears in front of seniors now is actually just Miss Nero's external 'instinct'."

Instinct, needless to say, is a human expression that can only appear when consciousness is asleep. Usually, it is difficult for people to express "instinct" when they are awake.

In other words, ‘instinct’ and ‘consciousness’ are polar opposites in a person.

But now, Nero's consciousness fell into a deep sleep, and this Nero appeared outside. In fact, it was just Nero's instinct.

"In other words, if the real Miss Nero wakes up, the instinctive Miss Nero will disappear immediately!"

BB smiled extremely evilly and announced the real problem on the tenth floor of the Sakura Maze, "Senior thought that it was obviously a plan to rescue Miss Nero herself. But why didn't Miss Nero help you? That's of course. Because. If the real Miss Nero wakes up, this Miss Nero will die, ah!"

In this way, the mystery is solved.

Why did Nero lose his memory? That is not actually amnesia, but because of the instinctive Nero. There is no real memory of Nero in the first place - Shiro Ye also suspected that it was BB's manipulation, but in fact it was not. Memory is something that belongs to the conscious body, and instinct does not have that kind of thing.

Why wouldn't Nero help Shirono save himself? Because once Nero is rescued, this Nero will 'die'.

"That witch..."

Nero looked at BB. floating in mid-air with an extremely disgusted expression, as if even the sight of her figure in his eyes felt disgusting.

But even so, she couldn't deny BB's statement - she was indeed not the original Nero. She's just instinctively Nero.

"Okay, after learning the truth, how should senior make a decision?"

BB's face showed a true devilish look, full of bad, vicious and cruel smiles, "Are you going to kill another Miss Nero in order to save another Miss Nero?"

This is what BB prepared for Bai Ye. A real 'big surprise'.

this moment. Even Bai Ye fell silent.

Chapter 1717 Don’t understand the existence of ‘human’

In the end, he ignored his instinctive 'survival' to save the real Nero. Still unable to sit idly by, Nero decided to let it go. Let the real Nero fall into a deep sleep. This is the choice BB gave Hakuno.

If it were Hakuno who valued companions and friends extremely, BB believed that he would never watch Instinct Nero perish. Therefore, BB concluded that it would be absolutely impossible for Hakuno to pass the final tenth floor of the Sakura Labyrinth.

Want to pass here. Instinctively Nero will surely perish as a result.

BB thinks. Bai Ye must not be able to do this.

It can only be said that BB is worthy of his devilish nature. He plays with people's hearts and uses applause to provoke and tease others with the greatest malice. And enjoy it. Be proud of it.

Under BB's strategy, even Bai Ye inevitably hesitated.

What should be done?

Everyone in the student union room fell into silence, no one could think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

Tamamo Mae couldn't give an answer either.

Instinct Nero didn't even say a word from beginning to end except for expressing his hatred for BB. This was originally a matter of her 'life and death'. Judging from her instinct that she didn't know Hakuno at all. It's a blessing that Hakuno's process of rescuing the real Nero was not hindered. Can she still be expected to give an answer?

However, at this moment, Instinct Nero's eyes were completely focused on Bai Ye's back, and there was a calmness in his eyes that seemed to disregard life and death.

During the silence, BB looked unusually proud.

Just. Just less than a moment. Bai Ye's legs that were originally stagnant lifted up again and walked towards the wall of the heart.

The malicious smile on BB's face suddenly froze, and a bit of surprise appeared on his face.

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