"...Almost, it's almost reaching its limit."

Nero took a deep breath. While the original power brought her great strength, it also brought a huge burden to her. She couldn't notice it when she first used it... but after using it for a long time, her whole body felt like As if he had fallen into hot water, an increasingly intense stinging sensation spread throughout his body.

Chapter 1740 Two strikes! The universe is destroyed!

The original power can only be used once. This one time does not mean that only one ultimate move can be used, but that it can only be activated once, and there is a time limit for this only activation.

This is of course because the original power is so powerful that even the body of the follower cannot resist it.

If used for a long time, even the body of the Servant may collapse.

After vaguely realizing the limit of use, Nero and Tamamoae exited the state of the mythical attire, and their clothes changed back to the previous red dress and witch uniform. The breath suddenly became weaker.

"Well, in short, this can be considered a staged victory. After that, we only need to solve the troubles of the Sesshōin and it will be over."

Although it has only been more than two months since I entered the world of spirit children, a lot of things have happened in the meantime. Now it is finally at the end, and the golden fragments in the core of Mooncell can be returned. Finally, two-thirds of the task could be completed, which made Bai Ye feel a lot more relaxed.

Next, as long as Bai Ye enters the core of Mooncell, all problems will be solved. ,

It's just that the facts are always not as they should be.

"Oh? Are you out already?"

A mature and bewildering voice sounded in everyone's ears, causing Nero, BB. and Hakuye, who had long been familiar with her voice, to stare at each other with guarded and hostile expressions.

"It seems that the power you gained is a bit beyond my expectation, but... there is no difference."

"Crash, one, one, one!"

A red sea like blood emerged from all directions, and like waves under a storm, it surged toward the direction of everyone with great ferocity.

Bai Ye's body suddenly tensed up. Out of instinctive hostile will, he instantly understood the true nature of these incoming attacks.

"Get out of the way! Don't fight with the other party!"

That is a power that no one can deal with except Hakuno. The most important thing is that this power with Sesshōin as its host has definitely reached the second stage and has reached the point where all fantasy powers are ineffective!

Although BB seemed to have planned to attack him head-on, she paused slightly after Bai Ye's warning... and then decided to give up on confronting the opponent head-on.

With a wave of the silver pointer in his hand, a dark wormhole tens of meters long appeared in front of everyone. It swallowed everyone in one gulp and made everyone disappear into this space in an instant.

The wave formed by the blood-colored energy naturally fell into nothing.

"As expected of you. BB... In this virtual universe, you are like a god. But, do you think you can escape from me like this?"


In a daze, it seemed as if the entire universe and starry sky were trembling violently.

The starlight in the starry sky flickered on and off one after another, and then completely dimmed under a burst of tiny firelight, falling into endless darkness.

A huge shaking feeling seemed to come from the origin of the universe. Stars perished, star clusters were annihilated, and galaxies collapsed. The entire virtual universe suffered unimaginable damage in an instant.

"How can it be!?"

After the wormhole opened, BB led everyone to appear in another space. However, BB's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"My universe...was half destroyed in an instant!?"

Half of the universe was destroyed in an instant?

Everyone present, including Bai Ye, lost their voices in an instant.

Absolutely no one among them can do this, not even Nero and Tamamo Mae who are wearing mythical attire!

"Originally, if you had been hiding in this universe and kept silent, then even I wouldn't be able to do anything to you.

"But... it's a pity. In order to control the Mooncell core, you made a very unwise choice. You actually wanted to deceive the Mooncell core by integrating this virtual universe with the central field."

"Thanks to you, I was originally unable to capture the location of your universe, but in this way, as long as I stay in the central field, I can easily capture your universe and destroy it."

The virtual universe itself cannot be found. Unless BB itself, as its creator, fixes the virtual universe at a certain 'anchor'.

It is a pity that in order to control Mooncell, BB did merge the virtual universe and the central field together.

This causes the central field to become the 'anchor' that can locate the virtual universe.

Therefore, through this anchor point, this universe can be completely discovered, and can also be set to 'attack and target'. .

"Boom one one one one!!!"

Another roar that seemed to tear apart the Milky Way reached everyone's ears.

Among the stars. The entire universe seemed to have been violently torn in two by someone. The vast starry sky suddenly shattered like the most fragile glass!

No one knew what it would be like after the destruction of the universe, and now Hakuno felt it.

In the entire field... at the moment when the virtual universe was shattered, the concepts of time and space suddenly became extremely confusing. The distance, the flow of thoughts... everything seemed to have entered a static field.

My thoughts are stagnant. There is nothingness around me. It seems that I have even lost the ability to think.

Because the connection with the main body has become very ambiguous, the strong mental power of the main body cannot take care of this side. As a result, Bai Ye's spirit cannot break through the time and space here. Like ordinary people, he has fallen into a stagnant field.

The power shown by Sesshōin at this moment was too powerful.

If BB, who has the power of creation and can create the universe, is equivalent to a weakened version of the devil, then Sesshōin, who can destroy the universe at will, is the real devil - at least, in terms of destroying the universe. She is enough to rival the devil.

If Sesshōin wants to take action against BB. I'm afraid the ending can be decided in an instant.

There is no comparative value between the two.

——Of course, all this is based on the fact that this is the world of spirit children. In the real world, the most damage the two of them could do would be to Alexander the Earth.

Chapter 1741 Goodbye Sesshōin Kiara

When time cannot be calculated. I don't know how much time has passed, but Bai Ye suddenly woke up from the stagnant field and realized the passage of time and the changes in space around him.

After opening his eyes, what he saw was a blue, as if clear, blue sky. Under him was a transparent ground made of the same material as the arena.

Not far away, the Mooncell core cube, which had once again turned into azure blue, was floating there motionless - the moment BB was defeated, Mooncell had already taken back control of itself.

"are you awake?"

Not far away, a familiar seductive voice reached Bai Ye's ears, causing him to turn his head and look in the direction of the sound.

A mature woman wearing a black nun's uniform with slits on the side and a white headscarf stood in the open space a few meters away from Shiro Ye. Her eyes, which were as bottomless as the abyss of desire, showed deep pleasure. Such a look.

"You awakened almost the moment you came out of stagnation. You awakened faster than your followers and those desires."

Sesshōin said with a smile in his eyes in the same tone that was as irresistible as ever. "As expected of the person I considered my old enemy, his qualifications are indeed completely different."

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