Each of the knights of the Round Table under the Lion King has the blessing given by the Lion King using the Holy Grail. Lancelot is "Merious" and Mordred is "Rage".

And Gawain means ‘never sleeps’.

This blessing is as literal as it sounds - as long as Gawain appears, the sun will rise. It is as if Gawain has directly received the ability to give himself the characteristics of the sun, and he can bathe in the sun all day long.

As we all know, Gawain has the legend that his strength triples under the sun.

In other words, the current Gawain is the 'Gawain who never sleeps', and his strength is three times that of ordinary situations, which is completely enough to enter the category of super-standard servants in a white-handed battle.

Such Gawain. With the fighting power of Fujimaru Ritsuka, it is very difficult to defeat him. Even if they have the ability to delay the opponent, they can only maintain an unbeaten streak at best, and it is impossible to defeat them and open the city gate.

In the absence of Ozymandias, even Lancelot, the strongest among them all, could only defend desperately against 'Gawain who never sleeps'.

Then, the task of defeating Gawain naturally fell on Bai Ye.

Chapter 1796 Can the sin be wiped out?

Nitocris led the army in the Egyptian field to contain a large number of solemn knights head-on. Shirono was responsible for defeating Gawain, the sun knight guarding the city gate, and opened the main gate of the Holy City. Fujimaru Ritsuka and others then commanded the army to rush into the main gate. within. Waiting for an opportunity to defeat the Lion King.

This is the combat strategy they formulated. It is not a very complicated strategy in itself, but the victory lies in the certainty, high probability of victory, and sufficient stability.

At this moment, Bai Ye took the first step and came to the main gate of the Holy Capital to confront Gawain head-on.

Well, even though it is a confrontation. But Hakuno actually came here with the same mentality as on an outing. After all, he promised Fujimaru Ritsuka that he would help her without affecting her growth, but in the final analysis, the combat power of a servant at this level was somewhat outdated for him.

Even if a first-ranked servant came in front of him and became hostile to him, it would be no different from dealing with a second- or third-rate servant. Not to mention that Gawain's strength is not yet up to the crown.

In view of this, when it doesn't take much effort to defeat the opponent, Hakuno's mood will naturally not be so tense. It is basically equivalent to taking a walk.

"If you can do it, I won't have any complaints even if you kill me."

Bai Ye said lightly, secretly thinking in his heart that at most he would continue to be resurrected by then. Death or something like that is really not a big deal to him now.

"On the contrary, I would like to ask you, do you not have any psychological burden at all when you carry out the 'Shengba' on the order of the Lion King, and your hands are stained with the blood of unknown aboriginal people?"

After all, they had friends in other worlds in the past, and Bai Ye was relatively familiar with Gawain.

Although he is merciless in the face of his enemies, he will not show any hostility towards beings other than his enemies. The title of Sun Knight is not for nothing. That not only refers to his invincible strength under the sun, but also refers to his attitude of treating everyone as warm and humble as the sun.

Let’s forget about facing comrades-in-arms and civilians. Even facing the enemy. He will also fight with the highest respect, and will never say anything to undermine the opponent. The only time he got angry in his life was because his younger brother and sister died on Lancelot's hair. He is a more suitable person than Lancelot. The title of "Perfect Riding Earth".

However, this man is now following the Lion King's orders and performing the 'Holy Bastard'.

Bring only a few pure and kind-hearted humans among a thousand humans into the Holy City, and slaughter all the remaining 900 or so humans.

Gao Wenjing had done this kind of behavior more than ten times in the six months since he was summoned.

"--That is the mission given to me by the king."

Gawain's hand holding the hilt of the sword tightened slightly, and he fell silent under Bai Ye's question. After taking a deep breath, he spoke with a solemn expression.

"Since it is the king's order, then I will never let him down."

Instead of blaming the Lion King by saying, "There's nothing we can do about it, it's the King's order after all." Instead, he actively used the reason of "We can't let the King down." He took all the responsibility on himself.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being a Sun Knight, and he is indeed as dazzling as the sun.

"But, do you think such a sentence can erase the mistakes made by the Lion King?"

Bai Ye chuckled as if he was amused. There was undisguised ridicule on his face. "You can only be regarded as foolish and loyal at best. If you don't point out the mistakes made by the king, it will lead to the mistakes of the king." As we go further and further on the road, if your king finally goes astray and commits an irreparable mistake, will you really not feel guilty about it?"

"Or, in fact, you don't think the Lion King's behavior is wrong at all, and you even agree with her theory, right?"

The Lion King's theory is to store pure and kind human beings as specimens and kill all other humans with evil intentions in order to perpetuate the true value of human beings - she believes that the value of human beings is only reflected in the good part.

"Whether the king is wrong or not is not something I, as a minister, can judge."

Gawain's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he had already raised the Holy Sword of the Sun with both hands. The magic power was released, causing the atmospheric magic power around him to quickly tumble.

"I just have to carry out the king's orders."

Gawain's words showed that he lacked opinion. He was like King Arthur's pendant. As long as the king ordered, he would do it, regardless of whether the king's order was moral or humane.

However, in fact, Gawain himself is not a person without opinions.


Under a fierce sound barrier, Gawain's entire body turned into a cannonball approaching the speed of sound, charging straight towards Bai Ye indifferently and solemnly, setting off waves of smoke and dust in the air.

In the sleepless state, Gawain has the strength to step into the category of a super-standard servant just by fighting alone. The speed of his charge is already close to the speed of sound, making waves of sound barrier sounds in the air that seem to be a beat slower.

With the blessing of a large amount of magic power, the silver holy sword made a whistling sound and slashed at Bai Ye's neck mercilessly.


However, before the Holy Sword of the Sun could touch Hakuno, the knight holding the Holy Sword was kicked by Hakuye and flew backwards at a faster speed than when he came in, spanning several meters in the blink of an eye. distance and hit the chalky city wall.

"Wow one by one"

On top of the city wall, Gawain's whole body was embedded in the wall under the action of huge force. During his struggle, the tiny bricks fell downwards, but no matter what, he was in a posture that could not be buckled down. , unable to move.

Even though I said at the beginning, "Faced with my sleepless state, I won't have any complaints if I die." Such handsome words, but when they actually fight, they are actually the result of being completely killed instantly.

Chapter 1797 - Thirteen restraints are lifted!

With Hakuno's current strength, even without using Fantasy Obliteration or using the Infinite Dragon Divine Armor, he could just use his physical strength to kick Gawain to pieces.

After all, with an EX-level body, the full control of body power brought about by entering the supreme realm of martial arts, and the explosive skills of dozens of times the body's functions, even the God of Disobedience would never dare to resist head-on with a single blow. Otherwise, he will be easily killed by Bai Ye. Of course, Gawain and others will not be able to hold on for a while.

In the final analysis, the difference in strength is too great and cannot be summed up by the simple term "dimension-level gap".

Gawain didn't die on the spot, which was already the result of Bai Ye's mercy.

"As expected, all of you round table knights are either king chefs or perverted king chefs."

Bai Ye retracted his kicked foot, raised his steps, and walked slowly to the front door. He was only a few meters away from Gawain.

"Lancelot planned to seek death from King Arthur because he felt guilty about King Arthur. Bedivere felt guilty towards King Arthur because he did not return the holy sword, so he planned to kill the current Lion King, and you, Gawain, also wanted to kill him because of the legend. After the death of his middle sibling, he got angry and fought with Lancelot, causing the Round Table to fall apart. He took it upon himself to take responsibility, and felt guilty and decided to be loyal to King Arthur even to death..."

After careful calculation, it seems that everyone in the Round Table Knights feels guilty to King Arthur to a greater or lesser extent. They believe that the demise of Great Britain is their own responsibility, and believe that King Arthur is a perfect king worthy of their allegiance. Without useless knights like them, Britain would not have perished.

In a sense... it is not an exaggeration to say that these knights who take all the responsibility for themselves are King Arthur's chefs, right?

"However, at least Lancelot is much smarter than you. He was the first to discover the anomaly of the Lion King. Unlike you, who always clings to his foolish loyalty, as if he is falling into hell without even thinking about it."

From the perspective of loyalty, Gawain's loyalty to King Arthur is undoubtedly admirable. But from another perspective, the reason why King Arthur became the Lion King has something to do with the foolish loyalty of these knights.

If they could discover something unusual about the Lion King and take action. The Lion King may not have become what it is now.

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