The so-called True Ancestor is the creature known as the origin of vampires.

Creatures like True Ancestors were originally derived from the planet itself. Therefore, although they are classified as vampires, their nature is similar to that of elves. Compared with ordinary vampires, they are much less hostile.

However, the biological species of True Ancestors is not perfect in itself. After being conceived, they themselves have a flaw, which is the desire for human blood-that is, the urge to suck blood.

All True Ancestors longed for human blood and used their own spiritual power to suppress this impulse. However, after a long period of accumulation, this desire was eventually accumulated to the point of being uncontrollable.

Therefore, some true ancestors chose to stay away from the world and fell into deep sleep, while others chose to indulge themselves and suck blood.

Under such circumstances, the existence of the Dead Apostle was born.

The existence of the Dead Apostles was originally just the blood bag of the True Ancestors, an emergency food prepared by the True Ancestors. The True Ancestors could turn humans into Death Apostles by sucking blood. This is the most primitive origin of the Death Apostles. The beginning of humans becoming vampires.

However, the humans who became Death Apostles also longed for blood. Therefore, like the True Ancestors, the Death Apostles began to hunt humans. Gradually, more and more Dead Apostles were born, and finally reached a point where the True Ancestors felt threatened. Degree.

To this end, the True Ancestors created a new True Ancestor, giving her greater power than other True Ancestors and making her a killing weapon.

And this hunting weapon did exactly what the True Ancestors expected, wiping out a large number of Dead Apostles and even cleaning up the fallen True Ancestors. It became the leading existence among the True Ancestors and was known as the 'Pure White One'. Princess Ji'......

——This is the birth of Airquit.

However, in order to maintain the nature of Elquet as a weapon, the true ancestors did not instill any knowledge into her. Of course, she was also troubled by the urge to suck blood.

At that time, the person who appeared next to her was Roja, one of the twenty-seven ancestors, who was still a magician at the time.

As a magician, Roya had the idea of ​​​​immortality. For this reason, he thought of becoming a Death Apostle.

Although one can become a Dead Apostle by sucking the blood of a Dead Apostle, how could Roya be satisfied with becoming an ordinary Dead Apostle? Therefore, he focused on the strongest true ancestor Erquette at the time, and tricked the ignorant Arquitect into sucking the blood of a Dead Apostle. He took his blood, and finally took away part of Elquitt's power as he wished, becoming a powerful Dead Apostle, and was listed as one of the twenty-seven ancestors.

However, Arquette, who fell into a vampire urge after sucking his blood, went berserk on the spot and killed all the True Ancestors in the Millennium City without leaving a single trace——

This is the history of the demise of the true ancestors, and it is also the painful past of Elquit.

It is also because of this that Erquet hates Roja so much that he will wake up from his slumber every time when Roja is possessed and reincarnated, hunt down Roja, kill him and then return to sleep in the Millennium City.

In view of this, in this era, there is no other true pure-blooded ancestor other than Erquet.

But now, Nero calls Hakuno his true ancestor—Elquit's true companion.

The evidence is that - the ability to manifest dreams is originally an ability that the True Ancestor, as a spirit of natural touch, possesses.

The realization of dreams is the ability born from the world of Xingyue.

——Elquit has the ability to materialize dreams, but it is slightly different from Bai Ye's fantasy materialization. Generally speaking, only the True Ancestor has the ability to materialize dreams.


Therefore, if we call it fate, it is indeed an extremely deep fate.

If it were the ability to realize dreams, it would indeed be enough to shake Arquette's thoughts.

Under such circumstances, Erquette also suddenly recalled the inexplicable intimacy she felt from Bai Ye when she met him for the first time yesterday. At that time, she thought that the other party had used something. The magic of suggestion, now it seems, is definitely not magic——

It is something innate and irresistible, the most profound feeling felt from the body and soul.

At this moment, Erquette had so many complicated thoughts in her heart that even Nero beside him forgot to pay attention to them.

Although she ignored Nero, Nero's expression changed the moment Arquette arrived, and he suddenly felt bad.

Originally, one Baiye would be enough to give him a headache. If another Elquitt came in, maybe he might really end up here today!

After thinking this, Nero immediately took action without hesitation——

On the rooftop, because of the arrival of Arquette, Bai Ye was attracted to her for a moment. Looking at her extremely complicated expression, he didn't know whether to be happy or helpless in his heart.

"——The shame you have given me so far today will definitely be repaid twice as much!"

At the moment when Bai Ye was distracted, Nero who was opposite him gave a low drink with a cold expression, stepped hard on the ground, and jumped back into the air, directly from the edge of the rooftop. Go down!

"——Want to escape?!"

At this moment, not only Bai Ye's eyes moved, but Erquette's expression also changed, and he immediately wanted to rush in that direction——

However, the next moment, a black shadow soared directly up from the bottom of the platform, surprising both of them.

It was a huge bird, with a body that was very flexible even for carrying a person. It spread its black wings, tearing through the air at a speed comparable to the wind, and headed towards the sky——

Chapter 331 Chase in the sky

He is such a troublesome guy as always, let him run away again..."

On the rooftop, Elquit curled his lips unwillingly, but just watched the giant bird fly away into the distance with no intention of catching up.

However, although she was like this, Bai Ye did not intend to give up.

While Elquit complained, Bai Ye tightened his leg muscles and instantly jumped up. With the blessing of the embodied wind, he chased the giant bird that flew off the rooftop.

"Eh?! Hey, wait for me!"

Although the voice of Erquet calling came from behind, Bai Ye had no time to pay attention at this moment. His eyes were just staring at the bird in front and Nero on its back - or in other words, the inherent knot in Nero's body. The fragment in the world.

The bird flapped its wings and flew rapidly above the city, but behind it, there was a group of strong winds whistling past, chasing each other.

On this night in Misaki City, in the sky above the city, two beings that did not belong to common sense started an aerial battle that exceeded common sense——

Of course, Nero discovered Bai Ye's pursuit, which made him instantly frown and become impatient.

"You can't kill me, but you still chase me. What a difficult man!"

Nero is difficult to kill. Even Arquette would find it difficult to do so without using her trump card. Perhaps it was for this reason that she chose to give up tracking.

Otherwise, with the strength of her strongest true ancestor, even if 80% of her power is used to suppress the blood-sucking impulse, Nero cannot resist it.

"Or does he have some trump card that can kill me?"

Such thoughts naturally emerged from the bottom of his heart, causing Nero to feel very uneasy.

The strange phenomenon in the sky attracted the attention of many people on the ground, but when they looked up, the two men had already gone away, leaving many people looking surprised and confused.

"This guy is actually faster than me?!"

Standing on top of the giant bird, looking at the fierce wind approaching from behind, Nero's heart immediately sank; then his face turned grim, "Okay! How about this?!"

As he spoke, he opened the coat on his chest, revealing his body that looked like a black mud body. Then he grabbed another handful from it and threw it toward the back——


This time, the beast created from the black mud was very different from the previous beast——

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