It was a very calm and indifferent voice, but it made Bai Ye feel very familiar. He was instantly startled and cast a powerful look in the direction of the voice.

From there slowly walked out a tall figure wearing a long coat.

"——You guys, are you still alive? Nero Kaos!"

Chapter 347 Kill you as quickly as possible

The tall man in black clothes and white hair walked from outside the factory. He had a calm face, but his eyes contained anger that seemed to be engraved in his body. He was the Death Apostle who was killed by Hakuno not long ago. One of the twenty-seven groups, the Beast King, Nero Kaos!

"It seems that I couldn't kill you completely at that time?" Looking at Nero coming out of the shadows, Bai Ye said with a cold look in his eyes.

The person standing in front of him at this time was actually Nero, whom he had killed before. It really surprised him, but although it was unexpected, it was not surprising.

Vampires are very tenacious beings, not to mention the ancestors of the Dead Apostles who stand at the top of the vampire species. Each of them possesses extremely powerful immortality, and Nero is one of the best.

Even if he was killed by someone in front of his eyes, it would not be strange for him to jump out again next time. In fact, even Bai Ye had made such speculations in the past few days.

Standing opposite him, Nero looked directly at Bai Ye and said coldly: "You are right. The moment before you killed me, I made the only factor turn into a beast and become transparent to escape. The explosion Being so dazzling is truly a salvation!”

"I see, is it the factor of a beast with the ability to become invisible?"

When Bai Ye heard the words, he suddenly understood, and then said: "Then you got together with Roja? That guy jumped out with such a big fanfare, it turned out that he still had such an ally-"

"Not an ally!"

However, before Bai Ye could finish his words, Nero on the opposite side suddenly shouted loudly, and his originally calm expression instantly became filled with shame and anger, "After I was almost killed by you, I was killed by that The guy was found – and controlled!”

"Insulted! Threatened! Used like a dead person to collect blood! Even my own blood was sucked away by that guy!"

"This is the biggest insult in my life, Nero! To be so insulted and despised by that 'snake'!"

Nero's sudden outburst made Bai Ye stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly came to his senses.

With only one factor left, Nero was almost at the weakest point in his life, and at that time, he was caught by Roya.

Shiro Ye could imagine what happened next. Roya, who got Nero, was naturally overjoyed and immediately took control of this powerful combat force and became a pawn in his own plan.

This approach naturally made Nero's dignity unbearable, not to mention that the 'snake' - Roja, was still despised and not recognized by the ancestors of the Dead Apostles.

"Of course, that snake makes people angry, but as the culprit of this matter, you are even more unforgivable!"

As if he had vented his anger, Nero's expression gradually calmed down, and his eyes looking at Bai Ye were gradually filled with cold murderous intent.

Bai Ye, on the other hand, listened to his story quietly, ignoring his murderous intention, and just asked aloud: "Then what? What is Roja's purpose? Do you know about this? "

"Humph, do you think I will tell you?" However, facing Bai Ye's question, Nero coldly refused.


When Bai Ye heard this, he could only sigh, and then his eyes became cold, "It seems that we can't get any information, then-"

"——I just have to kill you as quickly as possible!"


Nero on the opposite side almost doubted his own ears. He said with a sneer: "I admit that you are very strong, but you actually said that you should kill me as quickly as possible? There must be a limit to arrogance. !”

Faced with Nero's sneer, Bai Ye just remained silent without saying a word. He immediately raised his hand, and a shadow of a golden clock flashed in his left eye.

"——Zafkie1 (Emperor Keke)!"

Along with this call, a bell-like sound sounded low behind him, and then, a huge golden clock two people high seemed to have traveled through space, appearing behind him from shallow to deep.

An ancient rifle followed closely and appeared in Bai Ye's raised hand.

"That is -?!" Seeing the appearance of the golden clock, Nero's expression instantly became astonished. Even with all his years of experience, he could not clearly see the identity of the thing in front of him.

What kind of concept gift is it? Or is it a Noble Phantasm?

No, the golden clock in front of him was different from any kind of weapon he knew——

"——Zayin (Seven Bullets)!"

The next moment, another voice came out of Bai Ye's mouth. At the same time, above the golden clock, a black shadow-like aura poured in along the barrel of the rifle as if it had turned into a bullet.

"No matter what, let's do it first and then talk!"

In an instant, Nero made the most correct and ordinary decision. Thinking like this, he immediately wanted to take action. However, the next moment, he discovered that——

"Can't move?!"

As soon as he moved, he realized that his whole body seemed to be imprisoned by something non-existent. It was extremely strong, making it difficult for a Dead Apostle like him to stretch out his arms and legs.

During the struggle, Nero's eyes were still on Haku Ye opposite him. Therefore, he saw the opponent's pupils that flickered into golden color. In that state, 163, the vision that appeared when he was in a battle with a certain princess was very special. consistent.

"Fantasy materialized...did you use air to imprison my body?!"

After judging this situation, Nero immediately made a countermeasure, "Then, use the soil of creation to disappear him?!"

The moment he had the idea of ​​releasing the black mud, the figure standing there suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if the space had been transferred!

At this moment, the various inexplicable methods used by the other party gave the battle-hardened Nero an ominous premonition, and he felt strong palpitations in his heart——

However, at this moment, because he was imprisoned by the air, for a moment, he could not even retreat or escape, let alone fight back.

The next moment, a scene that frightened him even more happened.

The figure of Bai Ye who disappeared strangely appeared in front of him very suddenly in the next moment!

It was a move that even the brain seemed to have been deceived.

"——Pump your feet."

Holding the rifle brought by the golden clock, Bai Ye came to Nero as if in a flash, and smiled indifferently at Nero, who looked inexplicably frightened but could not move.


As this voice came out, the next moment——


Chapter 348 Instant Kill

After the gunshot, Nero, who was directly hit, seemed to be petrified in an instant, without any reaction, and all his breath and life reactions were frozen in an instant.

The Seventh Bullet is one of the abilities of Emperor Keke that has the effect of stopping the time of the target.

Letting go of his hand, the rifle in his hand and the golden clock behind his back turned into phantoms and disappeared, returning to his body.

Bai Ye looked at Nero who had completely stopped time in front of him. Without saying a word, he stretched out his hand again, and the weird-shaped dagger appeared in his hand again.

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