In the room, as the flames surged and the air suddenly heated up, Bai Ye said, "Although your master is indeed this artificial human, the causal line between you and her is not. It’s complete!”

"I provide you with magic power, but I..."

This is a technology of the Yggdmillennia clan. By dividing the causal lines between the Servant and the Master, the magic power is distributed. All the magic power necessary for the actions of the follower is given to the artificial man, and he only has to be responsible for the supply. A very small part of the magic.

This technique not only ensures that the combat power of the followers is maximized, but also prevents the Master from being embarrassed by competing with his followers for magic power, allowing both parties to act with sufficient magic power.

When this technology is applied to Hakuno's side, the task of providing magic power to Black Joan is naturally handed over to Hakuno.

In other words, at this moment, although Black Joan's master is an android on the side, it is Hakuno who provides her with magic power.


It is true that he did not notice this, and Black Jeanne's face immediately moved slightly after hearing this.

If you sense it carefully, you can indeed find that there is a circuit connecting her and Bai Ye, just like a blood transfusion, connecting the magic circuits in the two people's bodies.

What comes from this is the huge magical power obtained from Bai Ye!

"It's not just that!"

Bai Ye looked at the black girl with sharp eyes, clasped his hands, raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers with a "pop" sound.

At the same time, as if to echo Hakuno, the female android on the side also raised her right hand that had the command spell pressed on it.

"Avenger, I command you with the first command spell——

You are absolutely not allowed to attack Kanzaki Hakuno!

I command you with the second command spell——

It is absolutely not allowed to resist Kanzaki Hakuno's orders! "

Chapter 759 Let’s try this cute meow!

Two consecutive strokes of the command curse disappeared from the female android's hand, turning into an invisible curse and falling on Black Joan's body.


This scene was something that even Black Jeanne didn't expect, and her pale golden pupils widened.

Even if the Command Seal is on the android and her master is this android, Hakuno has already prepared the means to control this android.

"Although I can't become a Master, I'm not the kind of fool who will be rebelled by the servants I summoned, right?" Bai Ye shrugged and said.

It is true that according to the judgment of the Great Holy Grail, Hakuno is a Servant and cannot become a Master. It is impossible for the Command Seal to appear on Hakuno. Even if it does appear, it will be directly destroyed due to Hakuno's God-Slayer physique. No command spell can find a home in him.

This is why Hakuno uses androids.

If he doesn't use it, then Hakuno won't be able to use the Command Seal. And compared to 22 mages, a self-less artificial man is naturally more trustworthy, right?

Let the artificial man hold the command spell as the Master of Black Joan, and Hakuno himself provide the magic power. This allowed Hakuno to successfully summon the heroic spirit and pull Black Joan from the Heroic Spirit Seat.

"...You used two command spells in one breath just to control me?"

Black Jeanne looked at Bai Ye coldly, and said sarcastically: "Even so, how far do you think you can make me obey such an ambiguous order?"

The command of the Command Seal is absolute, but for more ambiguous orders such as 'absolute obedience', the Command Seal cannot be accurately implemented. At most, it can only achieve the level of 'no objection'.

After all, Command Seals are just a magic system.

"After all, I used two strokes of the command spell, so it should have some effect... Besides, you are not a ruler now."

Hakuno glanced at Black Joan, raised his feet, and walked towards the android with only the last stroke of the Command Seal left on the back of his hand.

"If you are still a ruler, then using three strokes together, not to mention one stroke and two strokes, won't be of much use to you, right?"

"However, now that you are an avenger and have 0 magic power, this will be fun."

Black Joan has absolutely no magic power.

This means that she has no way to resist the command spell.

Therefore, even two command spells containing ambiguous commands can achieve good results.

"Not to mention, I still plan to do this-"

Bai Ye walked up to the android girl, bent down, and peeled off the last command seal with great care.

Immediately, he turned his hand and took out a book-like magic gift from the Millennium City.

Then, he placed the command spell on it.

——The Book of the Pretender is a magic ritual made by Nakatō Zoyan in FSN for Matou Shinji. It requires one command spell to be made.

However, once it was made, the servants who originally belonged to Matou Sakura were taken in by Matou Shinji as his own servants.

This is the only function of the Book of Pretenders. By consuming one command spell, you can use the 'Master's authority' on your behalf.

Even at this moment, the three-stroke command curse on the back of the android girl's hand has completely disappeared, and the last stroke left is only the 'Book of False Minister'.

"Don't come near this way."

Black Jeanne naturally wanted to step forward, but Hakuno stopped them several meters away with a word.

There was obviously no magic power fluctuation, and no strange means were used, but it just stopped Black Joan's footsteps, and just watched Haku Ye complete the production of the 'Book of Pretenders'.

This is the effect of two strokes of the Command Seal on a servant with no magic power.

Only half a minute later, Bai Ye produced the Book of Pretenders and raised it in his hand. Then he turned around and looked at Black Joan with a thick smile on his face.

"How about this?"

What else could it be?

Naturally, the master has changed.

He clearly knew that he could not become a Master through 'normal' means, so Hakuno had already prepared 'secondary' means.

Using the android girl as a medium, and then creating the Book of False Ministers, you can perfectly avoid the shortcomings of the Great Holy Grail's perception and the God-Slayer's physique - and take Black Joan into your hands.

The magic power is provided by Hakuno, the final command spell is controlled by Hakuno, and all the causal lines are contracted by him alone. In this way, Hakuno has truly become the only master of Black Joan.

"...Really? You've already planned to wait for me to dance, right?"

Black Joan's face was gloomy and terrifying, and she looked at Bai Ye with eyes as if she wanted to eat his flesh.

However, not long after, under Bai Ye's gaze, the malice on her face gradually disappeared, and instead, a thick, provocative smile appeared on her face.

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