"That is the aircraft in ancient Indian mythology that allows humans to fly across the sky. It is called 'Vimana'."

A calm voice sounded beside Achilles.

Another 28 voices appeared in the mid-air, with pale skin, covered in gold armor, holding a gold steel gun in their hands, and the whole body was burning with fierce flames.

Those flames were like propellers, allowing him to stand in mid-air and fly at the same speed as on the ground.

This is Karna's effective use of 'Magic Release (Fire)'. It is not just about increasing attack power, but it can even be done by flying.

Saying this, Karna suddenly raised the golden steel gun in his hand, and burning flames suddenly wrapped around it. Under the flames, his whole body rushed towards Baiye like a huge flame bomb. And go!

"Are you really here to deal with me together?"

Seeing Karna's attack, Bai Ye didn't show any panic in his eyes. He was still sitting on the throne, but raised his hand slightly.

Immediately, in the space behind him, transparent ripples appeared again, emerging one after another, and countless swords and guns shining with cold light popped out from them.

"Although they are all disposable items, let's try my rare barrage attack!"

What emerged from the ripples in this space were all weapons inventories that Bai Ye had created using fantasy materialization in his spare time for more than a year.

Each piece is absolutely unique, and 99% of it is a fantasy weapon.

With Bai Ye's current superior's fantasy materialized, it only takes a breath to materialize a magic gun. Over time, even Bai Ye himself cannot give an accurate number of the inventory placed in the Millennium City. , I only know that it is completely all over the sky.

If it is such a quantity, with the help of the Millennium City, Hakuye can completely launch a barrage attack like Gilgamesh's King's Treasure, but this is not the case. After all, Hakuye can launch the Noble Phantasm with the help of the Millennium City, but But the Noble Phantasm cannot be recovered.

Once launched in large quantities, it would be a huge project to recover them. Therefore, Bai Ye almost never used barrage attacks.

The only time it was used in the Millennium City was during the battle with the berserk Arquette, and not a single piece of it leaked outside.

But at this moment, it is a rare experience to use it lavishly.

Dozens of swords and spears flashing with cold light were shot out from the ripples like bullets, covering the opposite side.

Not only was Karna covered, but Achilles was also brought within the attack range.

Countless weapons whizzed through the air, almost dazzling the human eye.

Karna's eyes narrowed, and he immediately picked up the steel spear in his hand, switched from offense to defense, and swung it, hoping to knock down the incoming swords, guns, swords and halberds one by one.



The moment the steel gun in his hand hit these weapons, these swords suddenly exploded like bombs. Under the firelight, they made a violent roar, and the shock wave also caused his whole body to retreat uncontrollably.

Since it is a disposable item, then of course a projection weapon is more suitable, right?

It is launched and explodes directly. It is used to cause damage to the enemy on the right path, and it also completely saves the effort of recovery. It is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Achilles, who was not far behind him, controlled the chariot and escaped directly across the speed of sound, but his expression changed when he saw this situation.

"Will it actually explode? This will make things difficult..."

Flames burned from the smoke, and Karna's figure burning with flames reappeared, looking solemnly at Bai Ye, who was sitting on the boat of glory.

"Not only does he possess the flying machine from Indian mythology, but he also has the ability to shoot explosives quickly. This guy is indeed more than just Hercules."

Because the golden armor blocked 90% of the damage, Karna was not seriously injured.

After a pause, he glanced at the golden armor on his body, remained silent for a moment, raised his head, and said, "I am going to use the Noble Phantasm."


Achilles' pupils shrank immediately after hearing this, "Are you sure? In your current state, you can only use that Noble Phantasm once in this Holy Grail War."

Karna's ultimate Noble Phantasm is of course undeniably powerful.

According to Bai Ye's guess, it may be comparable to the ordinary white horses he released, and may even exceed it.

After all, in the legend, the god-killing spear was the weapon of Indra, the King of Gods and the God of Thunder, a blow that even the gods could not master and could not face.

Reaching this point is entirely possible.

However, as a Servant, releasing such a powerful Noble Phantasm must come at a huge price.

The huge consumption of magic power is one of them. Even Karna's magic power is only enough to be released once in the Holy Grail War. After one time, he no longer has the magic power to use a second time.

In view of this, Achilles said that this Noble Phantasm can only be used once.

"No problem, the opponent is the strongest enemy standing in front of us. It would be better to say that it is my original wish to use this Noble Phantasm against him." Karna used his usual calm voice and spoke out with fighting intent. declaration.

Chapter 785 The First Meeting of Black and White Joan of Arc

Saying this, Karna surged the magic power in his body, causing the flames on his body to burn more intensely.

That violent fluctuation of magic power clearly wanted to release his ultimate treasure that could only be used once——

Under such a situation, even Achilles, with a solemn expression on his face, steered the chariot toward the distance.

The power of an EX-level Noble Phantasm could completely involve him and kill him, so of course he had to stay away.

Seeing this scene, even Bai Ye, who was sitting opposite Vimana, had his eyes changed.

"The god-killing spear?"

Bai Ye murmured in a low voice, "That is indeed a very powerful Noble Phantasm. If there is one method on the red side that I admire, it is your Noble Phantasm, Karna."

"But, your opponent today is not me."

Just as Bai Ye finished speaking——

"——KazikliBey (King of Execution)!!!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, before Karna could release his Noble Phantasm, a steady stream of scarlet wooden stakes emerged from the surrounding space, completely surrounding him.

The timing of the appearance of these wooden stakes was simply too accurate. When Karna was about to release his Noble Phantasm and was unable to care about his surroundings, they appeared directly as Noble Phantasms, covering all of Karna's body.

"Besides, I'm not here to fight with you."

If possible, Hakuno would certainly be willing to send Karna back to the Throne of Heroes, but now is not a good time.

Bai Ye cast his sight towards the sky. In Bai Ye's field of vision, the huge aerial garden was flying towards Milenia City at this moment.


In an instant, Vimana made a low roaring sound like an engine. After a short moment of acceleration, he immediately exceeded the speed of sound and chased towards the aerial garden.

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