Bai Ye shook his head and looked around.

What you see in front of you is no longer the grotesque and colorful space, but a sea of ​​flowers filled with flowers of all colors, as if you have come to a paradise Utopia outside the world, giving people a strong sense of joy.

In the distance, there is an altar that shines with strange brilliance, and a huge magic circle is carved on it. Even with Bai Ye's current magic skills, he cannot understand even a single link on it.


Bai Ye suddenly covered his forehead and gritted his teeth tightly.

A sharp pain, as if thousands of needles were stirring in his brain, attacked his brain at this moment, making Bai Ye, who had passed the test of the Great Holy Grail, unable to help but groan.

"After all, the mental body clone creation technique was used to release mental power..."

Spirit and soul are closely related.

Only by using the spiritual body clone creation technique to release spiritual power can Bai Ye enter the Great Holy Grail.

But using this ability while he was in a traumatized state was basically a struggle for himself.

"However, as long as the Great Holy Grail is obtained, this kind of injury can be recovered in one go."

Therefore, there is no need to be stingy at all.

"I didn't expect you to come here?"

A voice full of surprise reached Bai Ye's ears.

Immediately, the very familiar figure of the young priest came to Bai Ye.

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada said with a smile on his face, "To be honest, it really surprised me."

Chapter 821 Methods to Realize Ideals

"Is it really here?"

Hakuno shook his head, took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked at Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, "You have already used the Great Holy Grail, right?"

With those arms and such a firm will, Amakusa Shiro would definitely be able to enter the core of the Great Holy Grail.

And now that he has entered here, Amakusa Shiro must have made a wish to the Great Holy Grail, right?

"As you said, I have indeed used the Great Holy Grail."

When Amakusa Shiro heard this, he still said with his gentle smile: "And the Great Holy Grail is now beginning to fulfill my wishes."

"My desire to save all mankind!"

Amakusa Shiro's eyes revealed a strong light.

This itself is not difficult to guess.

In fact, even now, Bai Ye can still feel that countless torrents of magic power flow from the outside world into the Great Holy Grail, on the altar in the distance.

That is the Great Holy Grail consciously absorbing the magic power from the outside world.

The reason for doing this is of course 283 because - the magic power of the Great Holy Grail itself is simply not enough to fulfill Amakusa Shiro's wish.

This is kind of funny.

The magic power stored in the Great Holy Grail is almost a hundred times more than that of Hakuno. It is a massive amount of magic power that no god of high rank can ever possess.

But even such a Great Holy Grail needs to absorb magic power from the outside world in order to realize Amakusa Shiro's wish... This is enough to show how crazy his wish itself is.

"Relief for all mankind..."

Bai Ye rubbed his forehead and sighed, "Your original intention was good, but due to your own obsession, it turned into a desire that was contrary to it... That's why I don't want such a thing as obsession .”

"Do you really think your wish is to 'save humanity'?"

"Of course."

Although he didn't understand Hakuno's words, Amakusa Shiro's answer was very straightforward and decisive without any hesitation.

"By making all human beings immortal, wouldn't this save all mankind?"

——Make all human beings immortal.

This is how Amakusa Shiro saves humanity and realizes his ideals, and it is also his wish to make the Great Holy Grail come true...

It's not something that can't be done.

The Great Holy Grail itself is the application of the Third Method


The third method is the so-called ‘soul materialization’.

In the world of Xingyue, people are composed of three parts: body, soul and spirit.

The body will decay with the passage of time, but the soul can ignore the torture of time and will never decay.

Therefore, as long as the soul is materialized, the soul will become a 'body', and because it will never decay, it will naturally make people immortal.

In fact, because the magic circuit is also a part of the soul, after the soul is materialized, it is equivalent to the entire person being composed of magic circuits, making the magic power nearly infinite and inexhaustible.

In view of this, as long as the Great Holy Grail is used to carry out the 'soul materialization' project for all mankind, then all mankind can obtain eternal immortality.

It is precisely because of the need to carry out this unprecedented and huge project that the Great Holy Grail needs to absorb magic power from the outside world.

Because if you want to materialize the souls of all human beings, then even a magic power that exceeds Bai Ye's thousands of times is still far from enough.

——That project requires continuous absorption of the magic power of all the earth's leylines and takes a long time to complete.

"Isn't this great?"

Amakusa Shiro showed an extremely reassuring and expectant look, "As long as all human beings are immortal, anger, hatred, jealousy...all kinds of negative emotions will disappear from human hearts! The war between people , environmental pollution...none of these will happen again! Major disasters will not threaten human life!"

"Isn't this saving all mankind!?"

Yes, I have to admit that what Amakusa Shiro said does make sense.

All the negative emotions of human beings, even wars, etc., are all caused by the struggle for interests.

So, as long as all mankind is immortal, there is no need to compete for those interests, right?

Because there is no death anymore? Then why bother fighting and competing?

In this way, human beings will enter a paradise society without any negative emotions or disasters——

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