The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1005: Let's make peace

Jiang Huainan's own affairs have not been resolved yet, and Gu Chuanlu is ignored.

Gu Chuanlu was completely panicked!

Where is that triumphant before.

I ate explosives in my heart, I don't know when this thing will blow him to pieces!

Gu Chuanlu understood that if Gu Xiaowan really went to the capital to file a lawsuit and found out the instructions behind the scenes, then Gu Ziwen's life would be over.

Knowing that this was the result, he shouldn't have agreed to replace Gu Ning'an's grades without his conscience!

Gu Ziwen's future career path is gone. This is a lifelong ban on examinations, and he cannot be an official for the rest of his life!

Only Gu Chuanlu and Jiang Huainan knew about this matter, and even Gu Ziwen didn't know it.

You really can't tell the third person to know about this kind of thing. The more people know about it, the more likely it is to be exposed. Therefore, Gu Chuanlu has always been Gu Ziwen's talent and was admitted based on his strength.

Sun didn't know the truth either, only knew that Gu Chuanlu wanted Gu Ziwen to pretend to be seriously ill in order to make Gu Xiaowan look good.

Everyone in the Gu family’s big room is not pleasing to the eyes of Gu Xiaowan. If she really tripped Gu Xiaowan this time, except for Gu Ningping.

Even if Gu Ningping can't be eliminated and he can be kept in a cell for two or three years, it's worth it!

Therefore, the people in the Gu family's big room have the same external caliber, and Gu Ziwen is unconscious.

However, within a few days, Gu Chuanlu changed his view.

Let Gu Ziwen go out, the more people the better the place.

Gu Ziwen found it strange that Gu Ningping was still in prison and had nothing to do, so he was full of doubts.

Sun's and Gu's heartbeat are the same, how come they don't pretend to be halfway through?

Gu Chuanlu didn't dare to tell the truth, he could only say: "Last night, the second child gave me a dream, saying that I was too cruel to treat his son like this! If Gu Ningping had a long and two short words, he would not let it go. mine!"

Gu Chuanlu said that he was sad, and he sighed, seemingly full of guilt.

Sun, Gu Ziwen, and Gu Xintao were all a little puzzled, but seeing Gu Chuanlu's firm and a little reluctant look, although they were a little unhappy, no one dared to refute what Gu Chuanlu said.

Therefore, Gu Ziwen immediately appeared in the downtown!

Or, where there are many people, he will go wherever he goes.

Sun, Gu Xintao and Gu Ziwen dangling in the street.

Although Gu Ziwen's face is still a little bruised, but looking at that spirit, he is already much better, like a okay person.

The news that Gu Ziwen was fine was like growing wings, and it spread all over Liu Jiazhen and Gu Xiaowan's ears.

Stone personally saw Gu Ziwen jumping around in the town, talking and laughing with him and Sun, so he immediately returned to Gu Yuan and told Gu Xiaowan to go.

Gu Xiaowan was waiting anxiously for news at home. Li Fan sent a letter from the capital. The letter specifically mentioned Gu Ningping's affairs, and he also gave Gu Xiaowan a countermeasure.

Lead the snake out of the cave!

However, Li Fan's letter specifically mentioned the high-ranking official and said that he was familiar with it. If Gu Xiaowan's trick was not available, he would write the seal directly in the capital.

Even if this matter may not have any results, or there may be no evidence of Gu Ziwen's fraud, it is still okay to make his reputation a little bad and make people suspicious!

Sure enough, this snake can't wait to come out!

Gu Xiaowan felt relieved after hearing what Shishi said he had seen in the town.

It seems that Xu Chengze's saying that Gu Chuanlu did rigged things seems absolutely true!

Gu Xiaowan felt uncomfortable, and she looked at Gu Ning'an and saw that Gu Ning'an was also relieved at this moment.

Now, the most urgent task is to rescue Gu Ningping as soon as possible. The rest, let's talk about it later!

"Sister, as long as Ning Ping is fine now, I don't care about the others." Gu Ning'an suddenly said solemnly as if he could feel what Gu Xiaowan was thinking.

The eyes are very firm.

Gu Xiaowan knew what Gu Ningan meant!

Now he can only nod his head: "Okay!"

Gu Ziwen is okay, then Gu Ningping won't be in any serious trouble!

When Gu Xiaowan was about to go to the government office to talk to Lu Tao about Gu Ningping, Gu Chuanlu came to her.

Said to be reconciled.

"Xiao Wan, you also know that the uncle was so angry that day, and then he said so many unacceptable things. Now Gu Ziwen is fine, you see, I will come to you right away. We are a family Uncle also feels sorry for Ziwen. Otherwise, let's never pursue it again!" When Gu Chuanlu said something that was not pursued, his eyes were bright and he looked at Gu Xiaowan.

This is not held accountable, both sides have.

Gu Chuanlu no longer pursues Gu Ningping's beating of Gu Ziwen.

Gu Xiaowan also stopped investigating Gu Ziwen for stealing Gu Ning'an's results.

"If we continue to investigate this matter, it won't be good for both of us! Ning Ping has been in the cell for so long, but he can't stay any longer. Uncle has been there. That's not where people are. !"

Gu Chuanlu took the initiative to ask for peace with Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan was anxious for him to say this, and immediately agreed.

However, it was Gu Ning'an who was the first to nod his head: "Then you let my brother out! We won't pursue it anymore!" Although Gu Ning'an felt uncomfortable, his fame was not as important as his brother's safety.

As long as Gu Ningping is safe and sound, his talent and fame will continue to be tested next year.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll go to the government office and find Master Lu, Xiaowan, let's go together, just to pick up Ning Ping!"

When Gu Chuanlu heard that Gu Ning'an was the first to nod, he was immediately excited.

As long as Gu Ningan no longer pursues it, and Gu Ziwen misappropriated his grades, it will be easier to handle.

Gu Xiaowan and the others sat in the carriage and arrived at the government office.

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