The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1016: I will be the princess in the future

Gu Xiaowan always looked at Liu Tianci’s flowery face and Xiaotao’s sad face. The two masters and servants are really

The master is ruthless and unrighteous, but the slave is sentient and righteous!

It really hurts!

I don't know if this little peach will turn against Liu Tianci in the future?

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaowan seemed to see Liu Tianci betraying his relatives, and continued to say with a bit of heartache on her face: "Miss Liu, Xiao Tao has been with you for so many years. There is no credit and hard work, but just one sentence can save this. Is it that difficult for you to live a maid?"

"Don’t dream, Gu Xiaowan, don’t think you’re hitting something in your stomach, I don’t know. Don’t let me plead, you still don’t let her go! I won’t be fooled by you! And, just that Just a maid, clumsy, one is gone, there is another! I don't care!" Liu Tianci's words were a bit hurtful, and Xiao Tao was sitting on the ground paralyzed with hollow eyes.

Looking at Liu Tianci lifelessly, he seemed to lament what he had done.

I have been by Liu Tianci's side for so many years, and when she was a little girl, she has been waiting by Liu Tianci's side. For so many years, she has served tea, poured water, dressed up, and made suggestions. There is no credit, but also hard work!

However, looking back and looking at it, I did so much, but I didn't get Liu Tianci's distress and reluctance at all. I was like a **** and let her give up.

Is he too stupid, or is Liu Tianci too unyielding?

Xiao Tao couldn't figure it out. The young lady who she had always done her best and took care of her diligently, despite her own safety, was just a plea, she felt embarrassed and didn't want to say it!

Even Gu Xiaowan, who she had hurt, said in person, as long as the young lady begged for mercy, she would not pursue it anymore.

She will let herself go!

With tears on her face, Xiao Tao looked at Liu Tianci, who was supported by Xiao He, and then at the triumphant smile on Xiao He's face.

Xiaohe had long thought that he was not pleasing to his eyes, and always wanted to replace him.

This time, what a good opportunity to look at her with contemptuous eyes.

Xiao Tao wanted to laugh out loud.

Xiaohe, Xiaohe, my today is your tomorrow!

A deep sorrow spread in my heart, Xiaotao, Xiaotao, you are really pathetic, pathetic, and sigh!

"Xiao Tao, this is your good master! Do you still want to protect her?" Gu Xiaowan looked at Xiao Tao.

I was full of sympathy for this maid.

This maid is really good, but she has followed the wrong master.

Liu Tianci's expression immediately changed when he heard Gu Xiaowan's words: "Gu Xiaowan, what do you mean? Don't provoke the relationship between our master and servant! Xiao Tao has been with me for so many years, you can't provoke you with just a few words! "

Gu Xiaowan saw that Liu Tianci was still protecting her poor self-esteem, and she snorted: "Liu Tianci, you think you are noble. You came to Liujia Town to be a domineering blessing and domineering. Do you think everyone is afraid of you? I told you. You, everyone is not afraid of you, but it's your father's identity. If your father is not a fifth-grade Beijing official, do you think everyone will be afraid of you? Do you think you can put on a high-ranking look, belittle us, and look down upon Us! It's just a fox and a fake tiger, with Lao Tzu's blessing."

"Good talk, girl Gu, good talk!" As soon as Gu Xiaowan's voice fell, someone clapped and said in praise.

Immediately afterwards, coincidentally, more and more people shouted loudly, agreeing with Gu Xiaowan's words.

Not to mention, Gu Xiaowan is really good at mobilizing the emotions of the people around her.

Gu Xiaowan wanted to let Liu Tianci see, if there weren't the fifth-tier Beijing official's father, who would know this woman!

Always put on a lofty, defiant look, in fact, it's just a paper tiger

"Gu Xiaowan, you" Liu Tianci felt a little flustered when so many people agreed with Gu Xiaowan's words. He pointed his finger at Gu Xiaowan and was about to blame.

Gu Xiaowan interrupted her severely and said loudly: "I always thought you were arrogant and arrogant, but at least it is good for the people around you, but today, I look at you with admiration. You are just a ruthless and unrighteous person. To you, anyone is just a pawn. What is useful is used, if it is useless, discard it, turn your face and deny you, ruthless and unrighteous. This sentence is true for you. It couldn't be more appropriate."

"Gu Xiaowan, you mean girl, my status is honorable, you are just a wild girl in the country, why should you blame me!" Liu Tianci has almost collapsed: "I will be the princess in the future, you dare to slander me! See me not to tear your mouth!"

To be a princess?

When Mrs. Jiang heard it, she was a little confused?

Liu Tianci just said she will be the imperial concubine?

What is she doing in Liujiazhen?

Didn't Liu Congran say that they will be in-laws in the future? Did Liu Tianci marry Jiang Yuan?

Everyone was also puzzled, and this look was seen from Liu Tianci and Madam Jiang.

Sure enough, I saw that Madam Jiang's face had changed, and I didn't even know what happened this time!

Liu Tianci had just finished speaking, and seeing everyone around him was silent, he was panicked. Only then did he understand what he had said just now.

"Miss Liu, what do you mean by this?" Madam Jiang's face changed suddenly, and she looked at Liu Tianci maliciously, waiting for her answer.

Liu Tianci's face was just like that kaleidoscope, colorful and really beautiful.

He creaked, but he couldn't say a word.

"Little Tao, what's the matter? Tell me! If you don't, I'll beg Girl Gu for you. I think, Girl Gu will still sell me a lot of face!" Madam Jiang suddenly felt like she was like herself. She was a fool, and was teased by Liu Tianci. The anger started from the heart, looking at the silent Liu Tianci, the anger started from the heart, and I wished to tear Liu Tianci open now to see what secrets were hidden in her belly!

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