The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1026: Crown hair

Xu Xianlin and his wife sat back in their positions again, and the couple looked at Gu Xiaowan with emotion in their hearts.

Gu family is no longer an ordinary family!

In the future, the Xu family is afraid that they are not worthy of the Gu family.

The family's parents died early. Originally, Gu Xiaowan should be responsible for the crowning of hair by Tian clan. But when Tian clan died, Gu Fangxi would do the crowning of hair.

But Qin Yizhi said that he wanted to help Gu Xiaowan get the haircut. Gu Fangxi liked this young man, and agreed without thinking about it.

Therefore, when it was auspicious, I saw Qin Yizhi stepping off his seat, and Aunt Zhang held a hairpin and jade comb to the side.

Mrs. Xu originally thought it was Gu Fangxi who helped Gu Xiaowan get the haircut, but when Qin Yizhi stepped down, she went straight to Gu Xiaowan, picked up the jade comb, and naturally helped Gu Xiaowan comb her hair.

Skillful, like having trained many times.

Ahmad on the side, his mouth twitched, as if thinking of the sharp pain when he was being pulled by his hair.

I touched my scalp without thinking, looking helpless.

For this moment, the master has used himself as an experiment how many times.

However, looking at Gu Xiaowan's calm and contented look, she should be very comfortable, and it won't be a waste of being a guinea pig for so many times.

Qin Yizhi picked up the hairpin, which was still a wooden hairpin, or the hairpin that Gu Xiaowan usually wears.

The slender fingers were pulled together, and her hair was black as ink, which was crowned high by a hairpin. Originally, Gu Xiaowan's face was small. At this moment, her hair was crowned high, making her face even more slap-like.

With pointed jaws, pink lips, dark eyeballs, and long eyelashes, he has already looked like a man at the age of thirteen.

"Does it hurt?" Qin Yizhi's hand was very light, gently, softly, and softly like a satin on his head.

Whispers in a low voice can only be heard by two people.

Gu Xiaowan didn't move, she still kept the same posture, but she smiled like a flower: "It doesn't hurt."

The room was quiet, no one spoke, and they all smiled and watched Qin Mozhi's help Gu Xiaowan tie her hair.

Looking at the two people in the field, they did not speak, but there was a tacit understanding in their hearts.

Mrs. Xu suddenly sighed. Fortunately, Xu Chengze did not come. If he did, looking at such a scene, I was afraid that she would not know how many days she would suffer.

Mrs. Xu had a warm smile on her face, and her face was filled with relief, but her heart felt painful like a knife.

For his poor son who didn't have the courage to say love.

Don't even dare to meet up.

But this Qin Yizhi, as soft as dripping water, with a gentle smile, and Gu Xiaowan's affectionate interaction.

If my son can be 30%, I am afraid that he will not be sad as he is now.

After the crown, it means that Gu Xiaowan is now a big girl.

After Li Cheng, supported by Qin Yizhi, Gu Xiaowan stood up, with her jade-like face and straight nose, she lifted her head slightly and looked into the doting eyes. At this glance, it is one life.

It doesn't matter who comes early and who comes late.

Treating it with your heart is true!

After dinner, Xu Xianlin and his wife hurriedly left because they were worried about Xu Chengze at home.

Gu Xiaowan also installed a lot of delicious dim sum to Xu Chengze, and asked Mrs. Xu to take her thanks.

Mrs. Xu responded one by one, keeping a decent smile, but after getting on the carriage again, the tears in her eyes could no longer be controlled, and tears fell like rain.

"Xianlin, I feel sorry for Chengze. His heart is bitter, this child just can't tell!"

Xu Xianlin took Mrs. Xu into his arms, and his expression was moved: "Madam, don't be too sad. All this is fate. Missing is missing."

Thinking of the sweet relationship between Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi just now, Xu Xianlin also knew that Xu Chengze had lost ground before he even started sending troops.

"Gu Xiaowan and Xu Chengze are not the same people!"

Xu Chengze is a bit clumsy, doesn't like to talk, likes someone but hides in his heart silently, never willing to say it.

All he could ask for was a gentle and well-behaved woman, but Xiao Wan had never been in that category.

Xu Chengze can't afford such a woman!

"Xiao Wan was first met by Chengze, how did she become someone else's?" Mrs. Xu said uncomfortably, Mu Mudi.

But I didn't expect that love would never come first.

It is whoever loves more and who does more can move people's hearts most.

Gu Xiaowan treats Xu Chengze from beginning to end, but only as a brother.

Xu Chengze is too warm, so warm that there is no personality, all this is not what Gu Xiaowan, who dares to love and hate, needs.

What she needs is to stand upright, not only to shelter her from wind and rain, but also to be able to overcome obstacles with her and move forward courageously!

After dinner, Gu Xiaowan and Qin Mozhi took a walk in the front yard to digest.

"Brother Yizhi, where did you come from?"

The big boxes are filled with jade, pearls, gems, silver and gold, and brocade garments. All kinds of fun, as long as Qin Yizhi can think of, all the fun in this world, All were collected, more than two hundred large boxes, not to mention the value of the contents of the box, the box of golden nanmu alone is already worth ten thousand gold, just thinking about it makes people stunned.

"Didn't you say that you are already homeless?" At that time, Qin Feizhi's face was stubbornly dependent on Gu's house and it seemed to be vivid.

At that time, Qin Yizhi's face was rascal, still fresh in his memory.

Pitifully want Gu Xiaowan to take him in!

"My parents are dead, there are no other relatives at home, it's not homelessness!" Qin Yizhi replied with staring eyes.

If there are no relatives in the family, no matter how big and rich it is, it is not a home.

But now it's all right, as long as there is a place for Gu Xiaowan, his home is everywhere!

"But you still have a place to stay. Your family is so rich, how come you come to this remote country!" Gu Xiaowan still couldn't laugh or cry.

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