The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1035: Life for life

Lu Tao didn’t look at Cao Xinlian anymore. He tapped the gavel in his hand and shouted: “Cao Hui, tell me all the facts you know. If you say everything, this official can let you take the blame and do meritorious service. Be punished!"

Cao Hui had already been pitted to death by Cao Xinlian.

I didn't even think that Cao Xinlian would have this trick. He would not admit it, just not admit it! Cao Hui also felt that he didn't need to argue with Cao Xinlian, and shook everything he knew about Cao Xinlian, including the cause of death of Gu Chuanfu and Tian.

What Cao Hui said was justified and well-founded, and he said everything clearly, not a lie!

Cao Xinlian didn't expect that Cao Hui would have shaken out what happened before. She was a little frightened, and she rushed forward to cover Cao Hui's mouth: "Cao Hui, don't spit people!"

Cao Xinlian was stunned by Cao Hui. She thought that Cao Hui was only talking about Gu Xiaowan. She had already figured out the way to deal with it. She just refused to admit it. What can Lu Tao do with herself? Anyway, he and Cao Hui have no written evidence.

"Master Lu, if I didn't know that Cao Xinlian did so many things, what would I say? Cao Xinlian ordered me to do something wrong in order to monopolize the Gu family's ancestral home and fields, and accidentally killed Gu Chuanfu and Tian family. Ah, but, Cao Xinlian asked me to do all of this, not what I wanted to do!" Cao Hui knew in his heart that if he didn't push all his faults to Cao Xinlian this time, he would die today. The place of burial!

"Cao Xinlian, Cao Hui, I'm going to kill you!" Suddenly, there was a heart-piercing cry from outside, and I saw that the crowd of people automatically gave up a way, and I saw Gu Ningping rushing in directly with a face. Anger and despair!

Unexpectedly, the deaths of father and mother back then were caused by the Cao family!

In order to prevent them from starving, the parents went to the river to fish for fish in the middle of the night. Unexpectedly, there would be no people here.

Everyone said it was a rainy day and the stone slipped. Gu Chuanfu and Tian accidentally slipped and fell into the river. Who thought it was because Cao Hui poured oil on it!

Gu Ningping roared and rushed in, Gu Fangxi was about to tear Cao Xinlian in grief, and Gu Xiaoyi was crying for his parents, and was held tightly in his arms by Aunt Zhang, but the tears in his eyes still seemed to be broken. Like beads, they fell down.

Gu Ningping rushed in front of Cao Hui and punched and kicked him. Cao Hui wailed and cried constantly.

Seeing that Master Lu hadn't spoken, the officials did not dare to step forward to stop him.

This is the younger brother of the county lord of Anping. This is not the right thing to do with the lord of Anping to stop people!

Anyway, if you fist a few times, you can't beat anyone! It just happened to make them vent their anger.

Above the public hall, swearing, crying, and screaming, all of a sudden, it turned into a vegetable market, noisy.

Lu Tao kept watching. Gu Ningping beat Cao Hui. He saw it. However, in order to make Gu Ningping vent his anger, there was no one to stop him. Seeing that the fight was almost done, Cao Hui also lost the prize. Then he said softly: "Gu Gongzi, it's almost done, don't beat anyone to death!"

Very flattering.

When Cao Xinlian saw Gu Ningping openly beating people in court, Lu Tao didn't need to ask, and only then discovered that Lu Tao was on Gu Xiaowan's side. At least, Lu Tao was against Gu Xiaowan!

At the thought of this, Cao Xinlian was a little flustered, thinking about countermeasures.

Seeing Gu Ningping stopped and looked at herself fiercely, Cao Xinlian almost sat on the ground in fright. However, it was not a time to be scared at this moment. If these people say that she killed someone, she would be dead. Up!

Cao Xinlian quickly held her breath, took a long breath, took two steps back quickly, and said in a panic: "Ning Ping, don't listen to Cao Hui talking nonsense, how could I treat my brother and sister-in-law like that? He must not want to Look at me well, that's how you slander me! Ning Ping, I really didn't do anything to sorry you!"

Gu Ningping did not want to listen to her explanation. He approached step by step with a black face, and Cao Xinlian sweated anxiously on his back: "Ningping, I really, I really didn't, wronged, wronged! Master Lu, I was wronged! This younger brother has never learned no skills since he was a child. He can eat, drink, and gamble. Don’t believe him! I was wronged!"

Cao Hui was beaten by Gu Ningping and couldn't say a word. He could only lie on the ground, staring at Cao Xinlian as he splashed dirty water on her body: "When I told Cao Hui's parents-in-law about her plan, Cao Hui disagreed, and said that if this field is in the hands of my second brother, there will be less rent he will hold in my hand. He said that this must not happen! I can't hold him back, and I don't know if he will go. What did I do, and later learned that my second brother and sister-in-law had lost his life, I wondered if Cao Hui did it, but I have no evidence!"

"My Cao family is really poor. If it weren’t for the Gu family’s donation money, I’m afraid that my brother wouldn’t even be able to marry his wife! He saw that I was married to Gu’s family and lived so well, so he threatened me , Said that I was asked to give him a sum of money every year. If I didn’t give it, my family would be destroyed. I was married. How could I not want my family? I had to listen to him. Don’t believe me. You can ask if what I said is true!"

Cao Xinlian said words and tears, accusing Cao Hui of all sorts of misdeeds.

Cao Hui can't say a word now, but his ears are very clear. Hearing Cao Xinlian's slander, he kept wanting to say something, but he couldn't say a word, let alone mention it. Say a complete sentence.

There are laws in the Qing Dynasty. If the plaintiff has no evidence, and the defendant refuses to plead guilty, then the lawsuit will have to be tried again.

If Gu Xiaowan can't find any favorable evidence, then Cao Xinlian must put it back!

Lu Tao was also anxious, what Gu Xiaowan meant, he guessed it with his toes, his parents were killed by his wife, and naturally he wanted to take a life to pay for it!

However, if there is no evidence sufficient to prove that Cao Xinlian killed someone or ordered Cao Hui to do something, Cao Xinlian cannot be convicted!

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