The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1095: Can only fail

Gu Ning’an’s nose is a bit sour. Until now, there are only two of them, their siblings, and there is no need to hide them. Gu Ning’an said directly: "Sister, Brother Chengze likes you, but he is I dare not tell you!"

"Brother Chengze is timid, don't look at his eloquent expression in the school, but he dare not say anything in front of you!" Gu Ning'an eagerly spoke for Xu Chengze, and now he is no longer talking to his sister. To put it plainly, Xu Chengze would never have a chance.

Gu Xiaowan's hand flicking through the book stopped instantly. She glanced at Gu Ning'an, who was a little anxious, and then said for a long time, "I know!"

"What? Sister, do you know? You know brother Chengze." Gu Ningan didn't expect her sister to know that Xu Chengze likes herself, so

Xu Chengze was a little flustered, looking at Gu Xiaowan eagerly.

Gu Xiaowan nodded and said, "Yes, I know."

Although Gu Xiaowan had never been in a relationship, how could she not understand Xu Chengze's meaning in Xu Chengze's eager eyes when she looked at her in a hurry?

It's just that if you can't respond, you can only pretend to be confused.

"I always regarded him as my brother." Gu Xiaowan

"Sister, do you like Brother Qin?" Gu Ning'an is not a child anymore. The love between this man and woman has only come to mind since I saw Xu Chengze's lonely appearance last time. Now I see my sister and Brother Qin. That sweet look, in my heart, there is happiness and regret.

Gu Xiaowan nodded and gave an um.

"But elder sister, brother Chengze is also very good, he and Brother Qin are on the same level!" Gu Ningan was a little confused.

Listening to Gu Ningan's use of these words to compare two people, Gu Xiaowan was a little bit dumbfounded: "Ning'an, emotional matters, it's not that you like whoever is good, and whoever is bad don't like whom!"

No one can say clearly about emotional matters.

"But elder sister, brother Chengze is really good, he was the first to know you!" Gu Ning'an doesn't understand very much, but he also understands that if he likes someone, whoever appears long ago Who would you like first!

Gu Ningan’s question fell in Gu Xiaowan’s ears. This time, she did not smile, but put down the travel note, took Gu Ning’an’s hand and said solemnly: “Ning’an, I must talk to you about feelings. To make it clear, it does not come first, only who gets into the eyes of others, when you want to use your life to protect a person in the future, and she also treats you like life, that is the person you hit. With that one person, or anyone else, you won't see it anymore!"

For Qin Yuzhi, that's it.

There is only him in his eyes and him in his heart. Xu Chengze can only say sorry.

Gu Ning'an was slightly stunned after hearing what her sister said, and muttered to himself: "Take her as fate?"

"Yes, the person you care for as your own life is the person you really want to be with him!" And how lucky I am, the person I like is also the person I want to take him to death!

After Gu Ningan returned to the room, he was still chewing what Gu Xiaowan had just said. For a long time, he didn't feel sleepy.

And Gu Xiaowan's remarks really reflected in Gu Ning'an's heart.

Later, beside him, there were many famous ladies who wanted to marry him, but there was only one person full of his heart.

Only that one person makes him determined to spend a lifetime together!

After Gu Ning'an left, Gu Xiaowan climbed onto the bed, but did not continue to sleep, instead there was the book of travel notes on the bed.

The book of travel notes also exudes the fragrance of ink.

This book has taken a lot of thoughts, pictures and texts. Since that time, I have been following Gu Xiaowan all over the country.

Suddenly, there seemed to be crying from outside the window. Gu Xiaowan only felt that the sound was somewhat familiar. She immediately got up and opened the window to look outside. At that moment, the crying stopped abruptly, as if it had never appeared.

Gu Xiaowan looked around, but didn't see anyone. Then she closed the window and turned back.

Downstairs, a enthusiastic look kept looking at the window that Gu Xiaowan had opened. The beautiful face was not really true under the candlelight, but it was deeply imprinted in those hot eyes.

On the second day, after having breakfast at Jinfulou, we planned to go to some fun places to take a look.

There are really several places worth seeing in Ruixian County, and Gu Xiaowan went all the way to the places to play.

Gu Ningping is a savage child, and he needs to look around when he gets there.

Gu Xiaowan finally grabbed him, which made him behave a lot.

Later, because he was going to the toilet, the stone followed him.

On the way back, I ran into another acquaintance.

It was the little girl he accidentally hit last night because of recklessness!

I saw that the little girl was surrounded by a few dudes, and at the moment she was shouting with her hands on her hips: "Hurry up and get out of the way. In broad daylight, bullying the good girl, how decent is it!"

Ayu, the maid next to him, has been protecting Tan Yushu, without any weakness on her face.

The headed brother, Xu is a place where he has been soaking in fireworks for many years. In addition to the lustful smile on his face, his hands and feet have also begun to restless. He has to move his hands and feet towards Tan Yushu, with bad intentions on his mouth. With a grin: "Tsk tsk, how come you have never seen such a beautiful girl in Ruixian! Tsk tsk, look at it, this maid will be able to squeeze the water tenderly in the coming year. This is more beautiful than the girl in the fireworks building. A hundred times a thousand times!"

Hearing that the person in front of him compared himself with the poor people of the fireworks restaurant, Tan Yushu's face immediately turned black, and he went straight forward and slapped the people around him in a daze.

The person who was beaten tilted his head and covered his face with his hands in his face. When he realized that he was beaten by a little girl, he suddenly went crazy: "You dare to beat me! You don't want to Alive?"

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