The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1102: Curious about this person

Looking at the new styles in Fengmingxuan, Gu Xiaowan really hadn't seen it before.

And just the sound of these names makes people happy.

Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi also came to the counter and took a closer look.

I also got a lot of inspiration from this. The treasurer of Feng Mingxuan seemed to be a very active and creative person. Suddenly, Gu Xiaowan had the desire to meet.

"Xiao Er, can you be the treasurer at home?" Gu Xiaowan asked with a smile.

Seeing the second person in the shop, he shook his head and said: "It's really unfortunate that the big shopkeeper of my family is not here today. It is said that there is an old man in the back alley who is good at network and wants to learn!"

"Your big shopkeeper is designing, what did he go to do with others?" Gu Xiaowan really felt strange.

"You don't understand this. My big shopkeeper said that everything in this world has their causal relationship. Don't look at the difference between making collaterals and making jewelry. Good. This shows that the old man has good craftsmanship, or has a flexible mind, can design styles that others can't think of, and can do more refined than others!

The shopkeeper paused, and continued: "My shopkeeper said, to do things, you have to make something that no one else can do, unique! Only in this way can you attract customers!"

After the shop Xiaoer had finished speaking, Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi looked at each other, the big shopkeeper, they were really more and more curious.

Gu Xiaowan likes a few things in Fengmingxuan and she can't put it down. It seems that this woman is really not afraid of many things.

Obviously I have so many jewelry that I can wear to gray hair, but I still can't resist the temptation of beautiful things!

Qin Yizhi saw that Gu Xiaowan liked it, so she wrapped them all up.

After paying the money, the shopkeeper opened his eyebrows and laughed from ear to ear. He sent them out happily, and he did not forget to call them to continue: "This lady, our shopkeeper said, he wants to Several different styles have been designed. When the time comes, where are you from!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and nodded, and said with a thumbs up: "Your little brother has such a sweet mouth, you can really attract business. Okay, if next time, your shopkeeper will design a new style. Could you please go to Jinfulou and tell me, just go to Gu Xiaowan."

When the shopkeeper heard that, the girl in front of her said, looking for Gu Xiaowan, she was taken aback: "Girl, do you know Gu Xiaowan?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded and said, "Yes, I am Gu Xiaowan!"

The younger brother’s eyes lit up suddenly, and he rubbed his hands with excitement: "Wow, you are the head of Anping County! I really saw you this time. I have heard of your name a long time ago. Our Rui County was able to Thanks to you for spending the disaster year without prejudice!"

The younger brother rubbed his hands with excitement, "If it weren't for you to let our family grow sweet potatoes, I am afraid that it would be the disaster year that my family would not survive."

The shopkeeper's gratitude looked at Gu Xiaowan as if he had seen the benefactor.

Seeing his excitement, Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "Does your family still grow sweet potatoes this year?"

Those second brothers kept nodding their heads and said excitedly: "Of course you plant it. The yield of this sweet potato is much higher than that of rice. It doubles several times a year, and this sweet potato is sweet and fragrant, even if you don’t eat rice. Just eating sweet potatoes can fill up our stomachs and prevent us from going hungry. The big shopkeeper in my family also said that you are a good person, saying that if you have the opportunity, you must visit you. It’s a pity Yes! He is not here today, otherwise, girl, when my big treasurer comes, I will tell him to visit you!"

That little brother is really impatient!

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said: "Then there is no need, we are just passing by. When we have the opportunity, we will come and touch your shopkeeper again. It just so happens. I also want to learn more from your shopkeeper, you thing. , It's so beautiful."

"The county lord of Anping values ​​the things my big shopkeeper makes so much. When I come back, I will tell my big shopkeeper. If he hears you say that he likes what he makes, he must be very happy."

Seeing that it was not too early, Gu Xiaowan exchanged a few words with the little second of the shop, and then left with a smile.

After leaving Fengmingxuan, Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi were talking and laughing along the way.

"I didn't expect that when I came across on the road, everyone knew me?" Gu Xiaowan was a little bit dumbfounded. As long as he said his name, someone would say that he had heard of him.

Be like a star!

Those celebrities who always appeared on TV in previous lives are really well-known!

Qin Yizhi smiled and said, "You are now the head of Anping County. You are a fifth-grade magistrate. You see, the magistrate of Ruixian is only 8-grade, do you think you are a celebrity?"

There are five-rank officials in a county, whether he is a man or a woman, that is the pride of the entire county!

"Oh" Gu Xiaowan said helplessly after hearing Qin Yizhi's words: "People are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong, next time I won't tell everyone what my name is."

Gu Xiaowan said angrily, but there was a faint smile on her face. Qin Yizhi saw Gu Xiaowan very happy, and she also grinned, her eyebrows curled up, like a painting.

The two were walking on the street, the handsome man dressed in Chinese clothes, and the smile on his face immediately made the people around him stupid.

Wherever they passed, the people all looked towards Gu Xiaowan and Qin Fei!

This man is like a golden boy in the sky, and the female doll next to him is a jade girl in the sky.

The golden boy and the jade girl were originally a pair, and everyone looked enviously.

Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi returned to Jinfu Tower, and Gu Xiaoyi and Aunt Zhang had just arrived.

Before putting down the things in his hand, I saw Gu Xiaowan coming. Gu Xiaoyi took the item she just bought and said to Gu Xiaowan like a treasure: "Sister, there are several rare fabrics here! They are all in Liu's house. The town has never seen it!"

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