The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1104: Find the difference

I heard Gu Xiaoyi complaining: "He used to like to play with me, but recently he always followed the sister who followed Yushu, and ignored me!"

Gu Xiaoyi's age is not much worse than Tan Yushu's age, which is only a month away. Tan Yushu is slightly older than Gu Xiaoyi's month by two months. In the end, Gu Xiaoyi still calls Tan Yushu her sister.

Gu Xiaoyi was a little jealous!

It seems that Gu Ningping's different behavior is obvious to all!

"The older brother is still the older brother, but because he has an extra person in his heart, he will be different from before!"

"Pretending to be someone? Did you pretend to be sister Yushu? Is it pretending to be someone in your brother's heart?" Gu Xiaoyi asked curiously.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Well, yes, my brother pretended to be someone in his heart!"

Naturally, I must put all my thoughts on Tan Yushu!

Gu Xiaowan didn't say the second half, Tan Yushu is really not an ordinary girl!

If it's an ordinary girl's house, Gu Xiaowan would definitely go to match Gu Ningping without saying anything!

But now, this thread can't be connected, nor can this bridge be built!

The identities of the two people are too far apart, Gu Xiaowan felt that this is not a good sign!

Gu Xiaowan decided that one day she was going to beat Gu Ningping aside!

Gu Xiaowan's view of love is that there is no harm without love.

If Gu Ningping really moved his heart when the time came, and then came to tell him this cruel fact, I was afraid that Gu Ningping could not stand the blow at all.

It's better to let his fantasies be disillusioned sooner, and not to be too sad.

Gu Xiaowan made up her mind. Seeing Gu Ningping's good intentions, she felt like knocking over a five-flavored bottle, sour and sweet, everything tasted.

With Gu Ningping's company, Tan Yushu is very popular in Ruixian.

All day long, after having breakfast, I went out to play for a whole morning, and came back when I had lunch, and ran out after a short lunch break.

Gu Ningping is like a conjoined person, walking in and out with Tan Yushu's side all day, always full of smiles on his face.

Seeing him so happy, Gu Xiaowan suddenly couldn't bear it.

I just wanted to wait for Tan Yushu to tell Gu Ningping himself, but before Tan Yushu took the initiative to speak out his identity, things took a big turn!

The **** brother Jin, who molested Tan Yushu at the time, took a group of people and found Jinfulou.

I saw the group of people headed by that person, followed by Ulala, I was afraid there were hundreds of people.

Surrounded by the whole Jinfu Tower, the hands of those people, either holding machetes, or holding swords, or holding axes, were filled with viciousness and evil.

The atmosphere of the whole street immediately became weird.

The people on the street saw the ferocious look with the surname Jin, and the people who had brought them as if they were about to eat people, they scattered in fright, and hurriedly hid in the house and closed the door.

Those guests who ate in Jinfu Tower saw this, where they still had the mind to eat, so they threw their chopsticks away and ran out. The one named Jin did not stop him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and the bright light in his hand. The machete, knocked back and forth again and again, making the wrong sound, just staring at Jin Fulou with such unkind intentions.

So when the guests ran together, there was a clanging sound in the Jinfu Building, and Gu Xiaowan was on the second floor, and she heard the scattered sounds outside.

There were other people clamoring loudly, run for your life, run for your life, Gu Xiaowan was a little confused, and quickly came out to see that the entire first floor of Jinfu Building had become a mess of porridge!

Those diners scrambled and rushed outside. Others who didn’t run fast enough, tripped and fell directly to the ground by the people behind, and walked away by the people behind. In the past, make a wailing sound!

Gu Xiaowan was taken aback for a moment, secretly saying that major events were not good.

Just heard a fierce voice coming from outside: "Gu Ningping, come out for me."

Gu Ningping was not at home and went out to play with Tan Yushu.

The person Gu Xiaowan heard was looking for Gu Ningping, and went out without thinking.

Qin Mozhi followed, guarding Gu Xiaowan behind him, and walked straight ahead.

When I walked outside, I saw an overly indulgent person, with a yellowish face and thin skin, staring fiercely at the people inside, and looked at the people who I saw.

A man in his twenties, dressed in a white garb, his clothes were faintly shimmering under the sun, and the petite and exquisite woman next to him, although he was not very old, his overall bearing was He is on par with the man next to him, and in time, he is also a rare and pretty person!

Looking at Gu Xiaowan, the eyes of Jin's surname were straight.

She stared at Gu Xiaowan with a squint, a lewd smile.

Qin Yizhi resisted the urge to dig out this man's eyeballs, and guarded Gu Xiaowan behind his back.

Seeing that I couldn't see Gu Xiaowan, the one who came out was not the person I was looking for, and said angrily: "Where is Gu Ningping? Hurry up and hand him over to Gu Ningping. Otherwise, I will burn you Jinfu Tower!"

Those who followed really carried the torch in their hands, as if waiting for the order from the surname Jin to throw the torch into the Jinfu Tower.

Gu Xiaowan was a little flustered in her heart because this group of people were unkind, but she immediately calmed down!

Qin Yizhi wrapped a hand behind him, held her hand in his palm, and squeezed it lightly. The first moment on this face was still warm as spring, and the next moment, there was ice on his face when he turned his head.

"Who are you?" Qin Mozhi's voice was cold, like the ice of the twelfth lunar month.

When the surname Jin saw that Qin Yizhi asked who he was, his expression immediately became proud.

A small-looking person who followed him immediately pointed out flatteringly: "My son is the young master of the Jin family. He dare not even know my son, and blind your dog!"

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