The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1108: King King

He was a little eager to try.

Gu Xiaowan saw Qin Yizhi's changes.

She was stiff all over.

There is a panic in his eyes, it seems, there is still a little bit of anticipation.

Anyway, she had already made her love, and she had already exposed her heart.

Although young, but

She was a little scared after all!

Gu Xiaowan's panicked look fell in Qin Yizhi's eyes.

After all, still a child!

Qin Yizhisheng was afraid of shocking her, so he closed his eyes and muttered for a long time: "Wan'er Wan'er Wan'er"

One after another, like raindrops, they were beating on Gu Xiaowan's heart, once, again, and again, let her follow her, her heart rippling!

After all, Qin Mozhi was still afraid of scaring her. He raised his head slightly, his lips naturally fell between Gu Xiaowan's brows.

The slender eyelashes fluttered, like a fan, stroking Qin Yizhi's lips.

Qin Yizhi’s kiss fell deeply between his eyebrows, as if he was punishing, and pressed it down hard, holding Gu Xiaowan’s face tightly with both hands, and she pressed her tightly against his firm and strong force. In the arms.

The steady heartbeat, at this moment, seemed to be beating a drum, "thumping and thumping."

The room was silent.

Gu Xiaowan leaned quietly in Qin Yizhi's arms, feeling his heartbeat, his face flushed.

And when I look at Qin Yizhi again, his face is flushed, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, touching Gu Xiaowan's brocade-like hair, smiling like a contented child!

The long and narrow eyebrows bend into a month.

A room of spring flowers blooms.

At this moment, when Gu Ningping and Tan Yushu came back in the lobby downstairs, they were shocked to see the embarrassed look in the store.

Seeing that Jinfulou had become like this, Gu Ningping hurriedly pulled a shopkeeper and asked, "Where is my sister?"

"The girl is upstairs!" One of the shopkeepers said with a look of admiration: "Gongzi Qin is really good. With one enemy and one hundred, he beat all the more than one hundred people brought by that golden man to the ground. !"

"Which young man?" Gu Ningping didn't react at once.

According to Xiaoer in the shop, someone came and broke the place?

"Huh? You don't know?" The shopkeeper was even more puzzled when he saw that Gu Ningping didn't even know who King Jin was.

When the Hunshi Demon King came just now, the one who named him was looking for Gu Ningping!

"It's the King of Kings King of the Overlord Jin Family!" Dian Xiaoerdao.

Overlord Jin Family is the name given to Jin Family by people in Rui County.

This Jin family is a tyrant in Ruixian County, specializing in deceiving men and women and doing evil things.

There are three kings in the Jin family, the oldest is the old man of the Jin family, who wants to come here to wash his hands and return to the backyard.

It's already over fifty, and I walked around the fireworks restaurant from time to time, no one wanted it, just for those young prostitutes who were just sold in, but still full of body.

As long as there is such a little girl in the brothel, Jin Dingtian is like a cat smelling fishy.

Everyone secretly called him the old king of Kaibao Jin Dingtian.

The second one is the master of the Jin family. Now Jin Yougui is the housekeeper. He doesn't like women very much, he likes money. He has raised hundreds of thousands of small shops, and specializes in large and small shops in Ruixian. Go inside to collect money, and it's also called the protection fee!

The Jinfu Tower and Fujin Tower are naturally also here. Li Fan used to take care of them.

Li Fan is a transparent person, so he naturally surrendered Jin Yougui, but he would not go to these two restaurants to do evil.

This Jin Yougui, the people all gave the nickname to ask for money two overlords!

This little overlord, naturally, was talking about King Shikai, and the Jin family didn't know if it was not buried in the ancestors, or if there were too many evil things. There was only one son in one line, not even a daughter.

This Jin Shikai is naturally a single pass from three generations. When he is here, the Jin family will treat him as a treasure.

Following everything, following everything, what he wanted to do and what he wanted to do, he seemed to be a rui county no one who dares to control and dare to speak.

Eating, drinking, prostitution, gambling, bullying men and women, and in the village of fish and meat, do all things.

Moreover, King Shikai was interested in the eldest daughter of Huang Hua who was a good man. Sometimes the girl who was a good man would be molested by King Shikai on the road.

The whole Ruixian complained about the Jin family, especially Jin Shikai, who was more innocent than his father than his grandfather.

The entire Rui County hated the Jin family. But there is nothing to do with the Jin family!

Why, someone has a relative who is a high official in the capital!

No one dared to provoke the Jin family. Even if the Jin family committed a crime, they could only punish and punish them, and the rest would just open one eye.

This time, Gu Ningping offended King Shikai, and that was the end!

Gu Ningping listened to the introduction of the Jin family from the shopkeeper, but on the contrary, he didn't flinch from the Jin family's brutality. Instead, he aroused his pity for other people.

"Too much bullying!" Gu Ningping said furiously: "This Jin family is doing evil in Ruixian, bullying men and women, why don't you sue him?"

"I've told him, why didn't I tell you!" The shop Xiaoer said helplessly: "The Jin family has a big official to support him in the capital. I heard that he is still a relative!"

"Is an official in the capital? What kind of official?" Tan Yushu heard that the Jin family had done all the bad things and no one took care of it. It turned out that his family was covered by an official in the capital, and the anger also rose.

The shop's little second looked blank: "I don't know! I heard that it is a big official!"

Tan Yushu said fiercely: "What a big official? No matter how old the official is, it is given by the emperor! The official is for the benefit of the people, not to rub the bottom of his abused relatives to oppress the people!"

Gu Ningping didn't expect Tan Yushu to have chivalrous feelings, and he liked Tan Yushu even more.

Looking at Tan Yushu with admiration, he said with a high-five: "Miss Tan, what you said is really good!"

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