The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1114: escape

"Hehe, my background, I'm afraid to scare you to death!" Jin Shikai laughed loudly.

"Who is behind you?" Tan Yushu asked suddenly.

That Kingsky blurted out: "The people behind us are clear."

As soon as he said a word, King Shikai closed his mouth tightly and stopped talking, becoming a little angry: "You dare to use Laozi's words! You are looking for death!"

With a slap in the face, Jin Shikai slapped Tan Yushu's eyes at the gold star.

Seeing that Jin Shikai had hit her own lady, Ayu screamed and rushed towards Jin Shikai. As soon as he lifted his leg, he kicked him.

Then Jin Shikai dodged sideways, Ayu didn't kick him, but because of too much force, the whole person leaned forward, his leg was directly split, and it was straight into a word.

The tearing sensation from the muscles in the legs made Ayu's painful tears flow out.

Seeing Ayu fell to the ground, Tan Yushu shouted in grief: "Ayu, Ayu!"

In the front yard, knowing that the Jin family had captured three children, Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan rushed towards the Jin family to give them.

At this moment, Qin Yizhi has been fighting with Ahmad in the front yard with those of the Jin family.

Those in the Jin family also have some fist and kick skills, but in front of Qin Yizhi, they are nothing but fists!

However, due to the large number of people, and to protect Gu Xiaowan, Qin Yizhi and the others took a while.

The family member of the Jin family didn’t know where it came from. It’s been a wave after another, and it’s not stopping. This side fell down, and the other side came out again. It seems that the Jin family did it. It took so many bad things to raise so many families.

When all those squats were beaten to the ground, Qin Yizhi pointed a sword to the throat of a squad and said viciously, "Are there three children here this afternoon?"

That Ding is also a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. Seeing Qin Yizhi's sword pointed at his throat, he was trembling with fear, knowing that if he didn't tell the truth this time, I was afraid that this sword would only need to move forward slightly. Stabbing, the tip of the sword pierced his throat all at once, and he hurriedly begged for mercy: "The hero is forgiving, the hero is forgiving, yes, there are three children!"

"Where have they all gone?" Gu Xiaowan asked quickly when they saw that Gu Ningping and the others had actually arrived at the Jin's house.

"They are locked up in the wood house!" The family hurriedly replied.

"Where is the Caifang? Take us there!" The Ding hurriedly got up and took Qin Yizhi and the others to the Caifang.

When I arrived at the wood house, I found that there was no one in the wood house, no one.

There was no one inside the house, and Qin Yizhi's sword tip came over with a search, and it was all pressed against his own flesh, and his calf was weakened in fright.

"A good man, forgive me, we really caught him here!"

"Where is that person?"

"I'm just a slave, how do I know it!"

"Don't you tell me!" Qin Yizhi's sword pressed tightly against that Jiading's skin, and he saw a little blood leaking from the skin. The guy felt the pain in his neck, and he was so scared that he was so frightened that he was so scared that he said, "Forgive me, forgive me, maybe my son took them away!"

"Where is your son taking them?" Gu Xiaowan was anxious, and her heart jumped out of her throat.

"My son, the two girls who came to see are delicate and tender, and they are very beautiful. They said they wanted to"

"What are you going to do?" Gu Xiaowan wanted to kill this person, babbling!

"Said to have fun!"

"What?" Gu Xiaowan shuddered when Jin Shikai did such a utterly conscience.


Qin Yuzhi also knew that at this moment, they didn't care so much. It was important to find someone. The more time dragged on, the more dangerous their situation would become. So he asked the family to take them to find the yard where Jin Shikai lived.

Then King Shikai was not confused. Hearing the fighting from the front yard of the entire yard, he thought to himself, maybe someone really came to save them!

He didn't take Tan Yushu back to his yard, but turned around halfway to the most hidden residence of the Jin family.

Gu Ningping was desperately trapped in the wood shed by those family members, and only felt that what came to his heart from the soles of his feet was deep despair.

The family who watched him said that he was going to prepare to beat him to death, but he didn't feel at all.

All I know is that Tan Yushu was taken away by the **** King Shikai. At this moment it is life or death, I don't know!

He said that even if he had tried his life, he would save Tan Yushu, but at the moment, he could not protect Tan Yushu even if he lost his life!

Gu Ningping has never been so desperate and helpless like this moment!

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of Tan Yushu being hurt!

But now

Gu Ningping was sobbing and crying without tears.

Seeing Gu Ningping shivering and crying, the Ding hurriedly said, "You guys, isn't this going to the tiger's lair? The girls go around the gate of the Jin family. It's okay for you to take the initiative to send it to the door. It's just a pity. Those two beautiful girls, I'm afraid they won't survive tomorrow!"

"Tell him so much to someone who is dying! Why do you say so much to him? The son said E, he will beat the blame to death!"

There were two other family members who were in the wood house, so they untied Gu Ningping's hands and feet, and they dragged him out and walked outside.

Suddenly, I saw a family member carrying a gong, knocking on a gong, and came over: "There is an accident in the front yard, everyone hurry up and help!"

The two family members heard that there was an accident in the front yard, where they could manage Gu Ningping, one of them said: "You put him in the wood house again, and I will beat him to death when I come back!"

After speaking, he ran away with the gong knocker.

Now, there is only one Jiading holding Gu Ningping and pulling his collar, just like an eagle catching a chicken, and then sneaking into the wood house.

Gu Ningping looked at him. Right now was the best opportunity, and worried about Tan Yushu's situation.

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