The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1117: A fierce battle

"Who are you?" Jin Yougui asked fiercely.

Looking at Jin Shikai's fainting appearance, he became furious. This group of people was well-dressed. It was heard that there were some people who could martial arts, and the martial arts were not low. Then Jin Yougui became wary of these people.

Where did these people come from?

What is the purpose of trespassing into the Golden Mansion!

"My surname is Qin, these are all my family members. King Shikai captured my family members, and I am here to rescue them!"

Qin Yizhi pointed to Gu Ningping, who was bleeding continuously, and his blood had solidified and turned into a black faint. Tan Yushu was also dying while being supported by Gu Xiaowan.

Jin Yougui saw the appearance of the two of them, and then looked at the appearance of Jin Shikai, and said unkindly: "You come to my Jinfu to make trouble, and you said that my son took you captive. How can there be such a reason!"

When Jin Yougui came back, someone reported to him that three children had come to make trouble in the Jin Mansion this afternoon. This group of people came to make trouble in Jin Mansion. They really took the courage of the bear heart and the leopard, and it was considered the best to do them without killing them. Up.

Also beat King Shikai like this!

The more Jin Yougui thought about it, the more angry he was, and he was too lazy to bother with Qin Yi.

The fierce appearance became more and more serious. Qin Yizhi saw it and increased his vigilance. Knowing what happened today, he was afraid that fighting would be inevitable.

"Take them all to me!" Jin Yougui roared, looking extremely gloomy in the night.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help feeling stunned when she saw that group of people like that kind of people, so fierce and vigorous.

Just now they were in the front yard, they had already beaten down countless family members, and those family members collapsed on the ground crying for their father and mother.

But the people who came back here again seemed to have been stimulanted one by one, completely without the embarrassment just now.

Gu Xiaowan's eyes darkened when she saw the person who came back.

How many family members did this Jin family raise?

I've hit so much just now, how come there are so many.

The torch brightened the yard.

Gu Xiaowan and a few people were surrounded by the group of family members, and the encirclement became smaller and smaller.

Those family members walked towards Gu Xiaowan fiercely.

Gu Xiaowan's hands trembled slightly, Qin Mozhi had been standing in front of Gu Xiaowan, and Qin Mozhi felt the slight tremor that came from her body.

He quickly turned his head, glanced at Gu Xiaowan comfortingly, and said softly: "Don't be afraid!"

Then, the whole person suddenly rose into the air, kicking the group of people surrounding them to the ground.

One by one fell to the ground, making ouch sounds.

"Amad, take care of them!" As soon as Qin Yizhi's words fell, the sword in this hand swung away mercilessly like those family members. Qin Yizhi has fought countless times on the battlefield and has seen so many elite soldiers, but his face remains unchanged and his heart beats.

Although there are many people in this group, each of them is not as powerful as the soldiers on the battlefield.

Qin Yizhi was not afraid on the battlefield, and he was even more disregarded of these family members.

Ah Mo tightly guarded Gu Xiaowan and the others behind him, holding the sword, staring at the invaders!

The Jiading who rushed up at any time was stopped by Ahmad and let out a scream.

All were defeated.

Although there are many people in those family members, because of Qin Mo's high martial arts, those family members did not get the slightest benefit. Jin Yougui saw that something was wrong, and the powerful family members he transferred were actually divided by Qin Mozhi. They all fell on the ground, and their eyes deepened.

He followed the retreating family, hiding behind.

I was afraid that the sword in Qin Yizhi's hand would greet him.

Jin Yougui became more and more angry when he thought about it. Suddenly, he shouted loudly, "Prepare the bow and arrows for me."

I saw that the roof of the yard was full of family members, with bows and arrows in their hands, and they could shoot cuts at any time.

The group of households that surrounded Gu Xiaowan and the others immediately dispersed at the sound of an arrow. Only Qin Yizhi and Ahmad Fen surrounded Gu Xiaowan and the others.

Those who are standing on the roof are afraid that there will be dozens of people. If these arrows are sent together, Qin Yizhi can hardly guarantee that it will not harm Gu Xiaowan.

Qin Mozhi frowned, the sword in his hand tightened.

Spreading his hands, she guarded Gu Xiaowan more closely behind her.

In the flames, the icy arrow shone coldly, but Gu Xiaowan trembled.

The sword has no eyes. If Qin Yizhi has the slightest damage, she can't even think about it!

Moreover, Qin Yizhi was still standing in front of him, and the posture that opened his arms to block was obviously to block those arrows. Gu Xiaowan did not dare to let Qin Yizhi take the risk.

Gu Xiaowan was worried, so she stretched out her hand to pull Qin Yizhi, not letting him stand in front of her: "Brother Yizhi, don't"

She stared at Qin Mozhi nervously, with plea in her eyes.

She can't use Qin Yizhi's life to protect her own life!

Qin Yizhi felt Gu Xiaowan’s worry, and quickly turned around to look at Gu Xiaowan’s worried look and the act of trying to pull herself away. He hurriedly protected her behind him, and said comfortingly: "Don’t be afraid, I am here. , Nothing will happen."

Jin Yougui retreated to a safe zone, seeing only those people left in the middle of the yard, and then without asking, raised his hand as if to give an order.

Qin Yizhi's phoenix eyes narrowed, and within a short time, the whole person rose into the air. When everyone saw him land again, they found that Qin Yizhi held Jin Yougui and stood in the middle of the courtyard.

The sword in his hand was pressed hard against Jin Yougui's neck, and it seemed that traces of blood oozing out could be seen.

Jin Yougui didn't expect Qin Yizhi's martial arts to be so powerful. He was originally a greedy person who was afraid of death. At this moment, he was a little trembling with fright, and kept trembling: "The hero is forgiving, the hero is forgiving!"

The house on the roof was already full of bows and arrows. When Jin Yougui saw him, he quickly shouted sternly: "Stop it, don't let go!"

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