The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1125: Tan Yexing

After saying this, the officer's carriage voluntarily gave way, and a man in his sixties came over on a black horse.

The man was sitting on a horse, with a heroic posture, deep wrinkles around his eye sockets, white hair and beard, but the tiger's eyes were still piercing, and he was not angry!

This person exudes a terrifying aura, just like the posture of a general in a military camp, which makes people feel a little depressed under that aura.

Although the people Jin Yougui saw had white beards and hairs, their sharp eyes, like that stubborn eagle, exuded an air of pride.

In front of such an old man, Jin Yougui couldn't help but feel a little confused.

This person's momentum is too scary.

Jin Yougui shivered a little!

"Who are you?" Jin Yougui asked tremblingly.

I saw a pair of sharp eyes and looked around. It seemed that he saw the person he wanted to see. There was a smile in his eyes. When he looked again, he saw Qin Yizhi in the middle of the street. , There was a doubtful look in his eyes.

However, after a fleeting moment, I looked at Jin Yougui who was pretending to be calm, and said with a deep smile: "The old man's name is Tan and his name is Yexing. I don't know if Mr. Jin has heard of the old man!"

Tan Yexing just said the first half of the sentence. Jin Yougui's legs shivered and he fell to his knees. If it wasn't for the eyesight and quickness of the people next to him, he was afraid that he would have to sit on the ground.

"Are you Tan Yexing?" Jin Yougui's voice tremblingly pointed at Tan Yexing, as if she couldn't believe that the old man in front of him was the **** of war!

"It's the old man! Why, didn't you just make fun of the old man but just a soldier?" Tan Yexing had a smile on his face, which really meant a smile on his face.

There was a gleam in Tan Yexing's eyes, and Jin Yougui who looked at him shuddered and sat directly on the ground.

Hurriedly said with a flattering smile: "No, no, there are many types of soldiers, God of War, you are the general and our God of War!"

Jin Yougui kept saying flattering words: "General Tan, you are the **** of war in my heart. I have always been proud of you. The stability of our Qing Dynasty is the result of your blood, General Tan!"

"The stability of the Qing Dynasty was not exchanged with the blood of my Tan Yexing. The stability of the Qing Dynasty was exchanged with the lives of my soldiers who were in the same boat!" Tan Yexing said with a solemn expression, "They exchanged their lives with their lives. The people’s well-being and happiness, they use their lives to give their families a stable life. But what about you? Your Jin family treats people’s lives as ants, bullying men and women, taking money and destroying lives, and doing nothing evil. You can comfortably enjoy the peace they have exchanged for their lives, and here are doing things that hurt their family members, Jin Yougui, hello! You are really good!"

Tan Yexing's remarks are reasonable, and people can't help but think of the things that the Jin family did.

Following Jin Yougui is a group of hooligans raised by Jin Yougui. They have been with Jin Yougui for a living by collecting protection fees.

Some of them were forced to board the thief ship of the Jin family.

If you don't face the Jin family, you will be beaten by the Jin family, and your family will be bullied by the Jin family.

After hearing Tan Yexing's words, some people were originally reluctant to follow Jin Yougui, so they were a little moved at the moment.

At this time, you looked at me, I looked at you, and I saw the hatred of the Jin family from the other's eyes!

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Seeing that the people around him were a little shaken, Jin Yougui couldn't help but panic even more.

The Tan Yexing in front of him is truly the God of War!

Just from the sharp arrow that drew across the sky just now, the man who assassinated Gu Xiaowan was killed accurately with one arrow. It is not difficult to see that Tan Yexing's vigor was not reduced back then, and his skills were as good as when he was young.

Also, the words just now made the people around me confused. I have to say that this person is really brave and strategic, and he is indeed a great general with one enemy and one hundred.

Faced with such a powerful role, Jin Yougui had no bottom in his heart. If this person is holding the handle at this time and keeps pursuing it, I am afraid that today, the Jin family will not be able to eat it.

Jin Yougui knows that Tan Yexing, the great general of fat cavalry, has always been a character who cannot tolerate a little sand in his eyes.

He now says that the Jin family has done things that deceive men and women and hurt the world. He must have said so when he learned about the Jin family from other places.

Jin Yougui couldn't help but remember one thing he had heard before.

I heard that this great general on the fat cavalry had led soldiers to fight when he was in his prime. He passed a town and was stopped in the street by two old couples.

I heard that a country squire in this town took their girl, and did the thing that the overlord used a bow, causing the girl to hang himself directly.

A good-natured girl with a yellow flower was so fragrant that she died, and her father and mother are just such a beloved daughter all year round. Nowadays, it is extremely sad for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.

Kneeling directly on the street, he stopped Tan Yexing's horse.

When Tan Yexing heard about this, he sent someone to ask, and it turned out to be solid evidence.

Then Tan Yexing rushed to the squire’s house with the knife directly, and cut off the lifeblood of the squire. This kind of domineering thing made the common people relish, and thumbs up to praise Tan Yexing as a good general for the people, but Some wicked people listened, but they were frightened and trembling.

Thinking of this, Jin Yougui looked at Tan Yexing's smiling face, and said in his heart that it was not good. Tan Yexing was afraid that the person who came was bad!

"General Tan, the Jin family has always been a good and law-abiding citizen. Where did you hear those false rumors? There is no conclusive evidence. Don't hurt your peace with King Ming!"

Jin Yougui said something like a smile. It seems to be reminding Tan Yexing that my patron is King Ming. If you want to move me, you must first see if King Ming has agreed or not.

Tan Yexing seemed to have anticipated that Jin Yougui would refute him, and smiled without speaking.

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