The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1128: Kill Jin Yougui

When Tan Yexing heard the people’s grievances, and then looked at Jin Yougui who still didn’t repent until now, and now he is still sophistry and threatening the people, he immediately became angry from his heart: "We soldiers are not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice. Fighting the enemy bravely on the battlefield is to protect our people from the chaos of war, but you are better off, in this peaceful and prosperous age, you have done bad behaviors that hurt your people. The emperor has always said that all the world is the people, the people The matter is the national matter! If I hadn't come to this Liujia Town to find people today, I am afraid that the emperor would never know that the peace and prosperity he yearns for would be disturbed by your rat shit!"

Jin Yougui panicked, and quickly kowtow to beg for mercy: "General Tan, please be merciful, be merciful! I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Wrong?" Tan Yexing is the **** of war among the people and the devil among the enemy. Although he is more than sixty years old, and although he has been disarmed and retired, the half of the army is full of vitality, and he is still iron-clad.

The people are his life, and he can give up his family to protect everyone. In the face of the Li people he protects, he is being bullied by such people, how he does not hate, how does he not be annoyed!

At this moment, he didn’t care about so much. He directly drew a sharp sword from the soldier beside him, pointed it at Jin Yougui, and cursed angrily: “I never kill the people, but as a criminal, I am never merciful. Jin Yougui, the countless crimes you have committed are already exhausted. Today, for the emperor, I cleaned up the rat **** of this peaceful and prosperous age!"

Jin Yougui saw that sharp sword stabbed straight at him. He was shocked and shivered. He even got wet. He tremblingly closed his eyes and shouted, "Tan Yexing, I am a guest of King Ming, you can't kill me. , If you want to kill me, aren't you afraid that King Ming will turn your face with you!"

Jin Yougui's use of Ming Wang's identity to suppress Tan Yexing was already the last resort.

He also knew in his heart that for the Tan Yushu who was both the first emperor and the queen mother, and a second-rank hussar general, this identity was pressed here. Will King Ming save him?

It's just idiotic dreams!

However, how could Jin Yougui be willing to die? How could he be willing to accept the death of the Jin family!

Thinking of this, Jin Yougui's face became more and more ugly.

He can't die, at least he can't die at this time, and a little time is a little time. If Ming Wang will really save himself!

He wants to block!

Blocking his hand, there is still King Ming's handle!

When Tan Yexing saw that Jin Yougui said that he would be afraid of King Ming, he immediately laughed: "I turned my face with King Ming? Haha, I, Tan Yexing, faced millions of enemy troops on the battlefield and never said anyone was afraid of!"

When Jin Yougui saw that Tan Yexing didn't put King Ming in his eyes at all, his heart became more and more nervous. Seeing Tan Yexing holding the sword, getting closer and closer to him, Jin Yougui's heart suddenly kicked into his throat.

When the surrounding people saw Tan Yexing actually carrying a sword, they walked towards Jin Yougui, looking angry, as if to kill Jin Yougui.

I don’t know who spoke, and suddenly someone shouted: "He is the God of War, he is General Tan!"

There was a moment of silence in the crowd, but immediately, the roar of excitement was loud and deaf: "It is General Tan, really the God of War! I have long heard that the God of War is a brave man, my God! I actually saw the God of War!"

"God of War, God of War" I heard that the sixty-year-old man in front of this is General Tan, the God of War, and the people watching are all boiling!

The scene was once chaotic. Tan Yexing is now unarmed, and it has been almost six or seven years, but his fame is still resounding throughout the Qing Dynasty.

His heroic deeds are even more popular among the people.

What is called a hero, in order to protect the Qing Dynasty, to protect the people, for the common people of Li people, and for the stability of the Qing Dynasty, what is called a warlike **** for the welfare of the people!

Many people in Ruixian County have heard of the prestige of God of War, and now they see real people, and they are even more excited.

If it weren't for the soldiers riding war horses to stop the group of people, I'm afraid this scene would be out of control.

Tan Yexing was also very moved when he saw the people's impassioned and excited look.

This is the people of the Qing Dynasty, he and the soldiers, soldiers, and soldiers, to protect the people. Now he has been unloaded for six or seven years, but these people still remember him and remember him!

Tan Yexing doesn't care about his external name, but the praise of the people makes him feel that everything he has done is worth it!

Including the dead son and daughter-in-law, they were killed to protect the Qing Dynasty and the Li people!

With the praise of the people, these are not worth mentioning!

Tan Yexing looked at the excited people, waved his hand, and said awe-inspiringly: "People, I, Tan Yexing, are just for the stability of the people. But now, Liu Jiazhen has such a scum, allowing everyone to live in In the deep waters, this is Da Qing’s dereliction of duty! Although I have already returned to the field, Tan Yexing is still Tan Yexing. I will not let anyone hurt the common people, and the emperor will not let it go!”

When the people heard this, they all clapped their hands and cheered, calling out to kill Jin Yougui.

Tan Yexing held his sword and came directly to Jin Yougui's side, looked at Jin Yougui condescendingly, and drank coldly: "Jin Yougui, what else do you have to say?"

Jin Yougui's face is as gray as death, where there is the arrogance and domineering just now, now, the tip of the sword is only an inch away from him, he knows that if Tan Yexing just stretched out his hand, he would be killed on the spot, but he could not die. , He can't die yet!

Looking at Tan Yexing's face as black as the bottom of a pot, Jin Yougui burst into tears immediately: "General Tan, please forgive me, forgive me, I know I am wrong, I know I am wrong."

"You got it wrong? It's too late!" Tan Yexing raised the sword in his hand and chopped it down.

Seeing that Tan Yexing was really about to hack Jin Yougui to death, the people around closed their eyes, some of the courageous, all opened their eyes, watching Jin Yougui's embarrassed appearance, and they all clapped and cheered. Just wait to see Jin Yougui's blood splashing on the spot!

Jin Yougui has done a lot of evil, and now he is in such a field, that is well deserved!

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