The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1139: Go find her in Beijing

The princess protector, the first emperor always praised his loyal officials.

One is a fairy in the sky, and the other is a flat-headed kid on the ground. This insurmountable gap lies in front of the two. Gu Ningping wants to chase him, but he can't catch up!

Moreover, I heard that the marriages of the noble princes, princesses, princesses, and the children of the minister of humerus cannot be decided by themselves!

Whoever the emperor wants you to marry, whoever you want to marry!

Whoever the emperor wants you to marry, you must marry someone!

Tan Yushu's marriage cannot be decided by himself, and Gu Ningping has little hope.

The carriage walked groaningly, and the two of them were thinking about their own things, but they did not speak.

When they arrived at Jinfu Tower, only Gu Fangxi and Shishi were waiting at the door.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan and the others were coming, Gu Fangxi hurriedly went to the back kitchen to warm up their dishes.

Stone told Gu Xiaowan about the return.

Gu Ningping obediently bandaged the wound and ate a few mouthfuls of food. Without saying a word, he entered the house. I haven't been out until now.

Because Tan Yushu left, the room she had slept in before became vacant, and Gu Ningping moved all his belongings into Tan Yushu's room.

After listening to Stone's words, Gu Xiaowan looked at the room where Gu Ningping was sleeping now, and sighed!

But Qin Yizhi was thoughtful!

News of something wrong with the Jin family came over the next day.

In Jinfu Building, there are discussions about the Jin family everywhere.

The three masters of the Jin family, dead and wounded, are still missing.

Gu Xiaowan thought of Tan Yexing's urgent look before leaving. Could it be that something happened at home?

She couldn't think of it, but it didn't mean that Qin Mozhi was unexpected!

Tan Yexing hurriedly left Ruixian and killed Jin Dingtian and Jin Yougui, but left Jin Shikai alone. This was also a disguised way of preserving a bloodline for the Jin family!

Could it be that Jin Dingtian has any secrets in his hands that are worth using in exchange for a life?

You know, with Tan Yexing's personality, the blood of the Jin family who didn't kill is flowing into a river, it is already the best and righteous!

"General Tan has been looking for the cause of death of his son and daughter-in-law for so many years. Master, do you know who was found by this clue recently?" Ah Wei also came to Ruixian at this moment and reported what he knew to Qin. Drag it.

Qin Mozhi's eyes narrowed: "Who is it?"

In an instant, someone thought of him: "Ming Wang?"

"The master is smart, yes, he is King Ming!" A Wei busy said, "Little General Tan and his wife spying on the military situation in the enemy country, just as if they were invited into the urn, they ended up with a mutilated body! Naturally, General Tan was in the end. I feel that there is definitely someone making a ghost here! I must have known the whereabouts of General Tan, and reported the whereabouts to the enemy country. This caused the lives of General Tan and his wife to die!"

Yes, after knowing the whereabouts of Tan Ying and his wife, the enemy army came to catch turtles in an urn!

It's really a good plan!

"Master, do you think King Ming did what happened to the Tan Ying couple?"

King Ming is the younger brother of the first emperor, and now the uncle of the little emperor.

All the aptitudes of the King Ming are better than those of the first emperor, but because he is the second son of the emperor, the throne is naturally passed on to the emperor, and naturally, the throne is passed on to the emperor.

"Ming Ming thinks he is known for his amiability, and he has always been the first emperor's right-hand man, and has been making suggestions for the first emperor. You said how could he do such a thing? Could it be a mistake?"

After hearing what Awei said, Qin Yizhi did not answer, but stopped the pen in his hand and hung it directly on the pen holder.

A drop of ink dripped from the end of the pen and onto the rice paper.

The rice paper that was still white just now was spent instantly because of that drop of ink.

"Awei, look at this brush. If there is too much ink, it may not be a good painting. It is just like a person, carrying too much desire, and even the best person will spend it!" Qin Mozhi After saying such a sentence meaningfully, there was no more words.

Ah Wei looked at the hazy ink in a daze, thoughtfully.

Since living in the room where Tan Yushu lives, Gu Ningping has not communicated with everyone for several days. During the whole day, except for the urgency during eating, he kept himself in the room for the rest of the day.

Looking at Gu Ningping's increasingly injured look, Gu Xiaowan couldn't bear it either.

Seeing that they are sad together.

Gu Ningping didn't eat or drink during this period, and bore himself in the room, not knowing what he was thinking or doing!

Seeing his waning body and pale face, how could Gu Xiaowan still bear to let him think about it all by himself!

In a blink of an eye, it has been seven or eight days since Tan Yushu left Ruixian.

Gu Ningping returned to the room after only two or three bites of rice.

Looking at Gu Ningping, the people at the table put down their chopsticks in sadness, wherever they could eat.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help it anymore, and went into the room after him.

I saw Gu Ningping sitting on the ground stupidly, with jade pendants and kerchiefs given by Tan Yushu on the ground. They were placed neatly, with a handkerchief underneath, as if they were afraid of getting them dirty. general.

Gu Xiaowan came in, but Gu Ningping didn't react at all, and still sat there stupidly, without even lifting his head.

When Gu Xiaowan saw her younger brother's desperate look, she felt as if she had eaten Huanglian.

After calming his mind, he stepped forward and said softly to Gu Ningping, "Ning Ping, if you want a jade book, shall we go to the capital to find her together?"

When he heard that he was going to the capital to find Tan Yushu, Gu Ningping suddenly raised his head, and a burst of ecstasy flashed in his eyes: "Sister, really?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded hurriedly: "Really, if you want to go, we will leave for the capital early tomorrow morning!"

There is a carriage at home, it should be there in ten days and a half as soon as possible.

Gu Ningping was very excited. He immediately put away the things in front of him, carefully put it into his arms, then stood up and said excitedly, "Good, good, good"

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