The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1144: As air

I have long been brooding about what the village chief Liang did back then, considering that he is the old village chief in the village, and has never dared to disobey him. Nowadays, some of the courageous people are forced to decide because of Gu Xiaowan’s affairs. Those who have gotten a fortune are all accusing Sang Huai at this moment: "Sister-in-law of the Zhang family, this matter is to blame Village Chief Liang. If he hadn't vowed to say that Xiaowan was a disaster star, how could we bear to do such a thing!"

"Moreover, all those things were done by Chief Liang, it has nothing to do with us!"

Some people are eager to distinguish themselves from the events of the year, and all these things are pushed to the head of Village Chief Liang.

However, this matter originally meant that there were two people, Village Chief Liang and Gu Chuanlu.

Village Chief Liang wanted to take away all the business that Gu Xiaowan had on hand, and Gu Chuanlu wanted to seize Gu Xiaowan's property and fields. The two were embarrassed and hit it off, and they came up with such a detrimental move.

They also encouraged the villagers to drive away Gu Xiaowan. All this is the fault of Village Chief Liang!

When the villagers saw that someone had already spoken first, then Village Chief Liang's face was green.

Someone has already said it anyway, and it doesn't matter much.

Immediately afterwards, another villager spoke: "In the past, Village Chief Liang said that after you fell into the river and was rescued, your temperament changed drastically. What you didn’t know before will be the same now, and you have earned so much money. It must be possessed by the calamity star, and also said why you make so much money, because you have taken away all the wealth and wealth in our village!"

"Yeah, yeah! That's what Village Chief Liang said at the time!"

This Village Chief Liang is just talking nonsense.

It is a lie to take away all the wealth and honor!

Since Gu Xiaowan left Wuxi Village, Gu Xiaowan told them that all the extra livelihoods they can earn have been blocked!

Where can there be money? Where can there be wealth!

Not to mention wealth, the crops in the field were almost impossible to harvest in this year of drought!

If it wasn't for Gu Xiaowan who taught them how to dry bamboo shoots as food, some families still have a lot of food in stock, and I am afraid that many people will leave their homes and beg for food!

Seeing that everyone was looking at themselves with indignation, I wanted to come to these villagers' opinions about themselves!

Village Chief Liang doesn't care at all!

He drove away, what's wrong!

Who knew so many things would happen!

Village Chief Liang showed some embarrassment on his face, some hesitant to say something, "Xiao Wan, you can't blame me for everything back then, if not."

Seeing so many people around him, Village Chief Liang suddenly lowered his voice and said, "If it weren't for Gu Chuanlu, how could I have done such a damaging thing! You know, you have always wanted your wealth, but your uncle? !"

When Gu Xiaowan saw him say such a thing, she still had no expression on her face, as if she didn't put the words of Village Chief Liang in her ears.

Village Chief Liang glanced at Gu Xiaowan’s attitude, and she accidentally caught her eyes. When she was overruled by her calm eyes, Village Chief Liang felt that his whole body was shaggy, and that the hairs on her back were standing up. Gu Xiaowan just turned away from her eyes when she was about to see dense sweat on her face. did not speak, and walked towards the Gu family's ancestral house and entered the house.

When the other people saw Gu Xiaowan entering, they followed directly behind Gu Xiaowan.

No one said a word to the village head Liang, nor did he say hello to the villagers.

The Gu’s old house is very large, and the yard inside is very spacious, even if two carriages are parked.

Opening the gate, the carriage went straight into the courtyard.

Village Chief Liang also came in with him, and the stone directly closed the fence yard.

The fence gate was closed heavily in front of him, and the stone didn't even look at him, turned around, and went to unload the carriage.

Village Chief Liang turned green when he saw that no one was paying attention to him.

When has he been bullied like this!

Some of the brave people, who had not been able to understand Village Chief Liang, laughed unceremoniously when they saw the ashes of Village Chief Liang's nose.

After seeing that Gu Xiaowan had entered the house, the village chief Liang never came out again.

Knowing that he was standing here would only be regarded as a joke, turned around, and coughed heavily towards the villagers who were watching behind him.

The whispering stopped immediately.

This Village Chief Liang has become the head of Wuxi Village, almost half of his life, and has accumulated a lot of prestige.

Moreover, the Liang family has become the richest family in Wuxi Village as the village chief for most of his life. The house is the best, so who would dare to underestimate it!

The turbid eyes of Village Chief Liang swept away, especially when he looked at those who were indignant and said they were slanderous just now. After being supervised by Village Chief Liang, he immediately silenced, there was no movement, or he arched and ran away grimacing. , Or bend down, do everything possible to reduce your sense of existence.

Village Chief Liang glared when he saw him, and the group of people were silent, no matter where they dared to speak any more, a smug smile appeared on their faces.

This Wuxi Village, he is still the boss, who dares to yell at himself.

Those people who spoke badly about themselves just now are all in their minds.

Village Chief Liang coughed heavily, put his hands on his back, held his head high, and walked away.

Seeing that the village chief Liang had left, the group of people had no interest in staying any longer, and they could only disperse as a bird.

Some people still don't give up, and they stand on tiptoe to see what's in the two carriages in the old house of Gu's house, but they can't see anything, they can only turn around one step at a time.

The bottom of his eyes is all Chi Guoguo's envy.

Village Chief Liang and his mother-in-law returned home. As soon as they entered the house, Village Chief Liang kicked the pillars of the house and scolded angrily: "A dead girl who has become the county host. I flew to the sky, is there still a village head like me in my eyes!"

His mother-in-law looked at Liang Zhu at home distressedly and was kicked out of a footprint by Village Chief Liang. She hurried to the ground and wiped Liang Zhu, and said distressedly: "Master, this is our family's stuff. You kicked it badly. But kicked our own family!"

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