The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1147: Rural life

Gu Xiaowan didn't know what the old Gu house looked like before.

Since she had the memory, she had never stepped into the gate of Gu's old house, and Cao Xinlian was like a watchdog, so Gu Xiaowan and the others were not allowed to enter.

Therefore, she does not know the furnishings in this room!

However, in order to restore the original appearance of the old house, Gu Xiaowan also took a lot of thought!

She asked Stone to find a person who participated in the construction of the Gu’s old house. When he was behind the crowd as a helper, he was still a young descendant in his early twenties. Now almost twenty years have passed, and he was young. Later, now he has become a weather-beaten middle-aged uncle.

That uncle still had a great impression of Gu's old house. After all, when he wanted to build such a good house, some people didn't even dare to dream of it!

That uncle was also aspiring, thinking that after so many years, he must build a house better than this one.

Therefore, when the uncle followed everyone to help the Gu family's old house, he carefully wrote down all this.

Stone found him, and after the uncle went to Gu's old house with him, he told him everything he knew back then.

The Master Du who helped Gu Xiaowan build Gu Yuan also took notes, and then repaired everything as the uncle said.

After the repairs are completed, it will be the same as before.

Many of the furniture inside were gone, and they were sold by Cao Xinlian at a low price for silver!

Although Gu Fangxi has not returned for many years, she has lived here for a long time. She is familiar with everything in this house, and she can naturally see it at a glance.

Gu Xiaowan took pains to do all this.

And Gu Xiaowan's purpose for doing this is just to let parents, grandparents and grandparents be underground, and if they can know this house, they are taking good care of it now.

This house is already a year old. Although Gu Xiaowan doesn't care much, her grandparents left this house for her parents, so she naturally wants to protect it.

After allocating the house, everyone took their own things into the house and tidied up, and they just lived there.

I haven't returned to Wuxi Village for many years, everything here is just more dilapidated.

Because in autumn, the farm work in the field is almost finished, and the people in the village have nothing to do during the day, so they rush around.

Some people's life is worse than before!

And here, there are naturally some people who hate Village Chief Liang. They blame Village Chief Liang for blasting Gu Xiaowan out of Wuxi Village and cutting off their money. Now Gu Xiaowan is back.

They also heard a lot about Gu Xiaowan.

Zen Master Huiyuan said that she was the destiny of a wealthy man. Soon afterwards, the emperor personally named her the head of Anping County. Gu Ningan was admitted as a scholar. I heard that the Gu family had built a big house in Liujiazhen. Wait for everything, everything.

Looking at what they are wearing now, they wear silk, silk, gold and silver all over their bodies, where they are like before, it is simply blinding the eyes of the villagers. In order to make money, some people have no choice but to go to the old house of Gu’s cheeky to find Gu Xiaowan.

For these villagers, Gu Xiaowan has no feelings.

This group of people are just people who are only thinking about themselves, and they have not done any wicked things. When they came to the door, Gu Xiaowan couldn't drive them out.

Occasionally, I heard this group of people complain about the village chief Liang, and they all told Gu Xiaowan of the disaster incident that year.

Hearing from the beginning to the end, and thinking about what Village Chief Liang told him in a low voice before, Gu Xiaowan almost understood why that happened!

Village Chief Liang and Gu Chuanlu, two of them are indispensable!

Gu Xiaowan snorted coldly. Seeing this group of people flatteringly wanted to get close from here, Gu Xiaowan was not a bad person. She brought a lot of sweet potatoes, which was only ten kilograms per person. When it was time for planting, let them Go to Liujia Town to buy seedlings and come back to plant them.

When the villagers heard this, all of them were excited.

You know, Gu Xiaowan used to firmly oppose people in Wuxi Village to buy sweet potato seedlings.

But this seedling can only be cultivated by Gu Xiaowan's family, and everyone can only buy it from Gu Xiaowan.

Although Gu Xiaowan's prices are very fair and the quality of the seedlings cultivated is also very good, she does not sell people in Wuxi Village!

Therefore, in the past few years, sweet potatoes have been grown wildly in various places, and the output has been greatly improved. Wuxi Village can only grow rice here. Without seedlings, you can't grow sweet potatoes.

Now, Gu Xiaowan easily says that they can buy seedlings, doesn't that mean they can buy seedlings for planting next year!

All of them were so happy that they ran around the village to tell each other.

When the fact that people from Wuxi Village could buy seedlings got to the ears of Village Chief Liang, the Chief Liang was almost breathless.

Before Gu Xiaowan didn't sell seedlings to the people of Wuxi Village, Village Chief Liang could still look at the side drum, saying that Gu Xiaowan was a careful person. For the things of the year, regardless of everyone's life and death, let everyone see Gu Xiaowan's vicious heart.

But now, when a few villagers came to Gu Xiaowan's house and said, Gu Xiaowan agreed to sell them the seedlings. Those people were upset, and they said that Gu Xiaowan was a good girl!

So, I also found a good excuse for why Gu Xiaowan didn't give them seedlings before!

Whoever it is, you almost burned you to death in the past, you have no possibility of forgiving you without saying a word! Now, everyone is going to Gu Xiaowan's home to tell about the difficulties of the past two years. When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she immediately said that she would plant seedlings for everyone in the future.

What does this show?

This shows that Gu Xiaowan is a kind-hearted person!

When the chief of Liang heard that the villagers in this village said that Gu Xiaowan was a soft-hearted person who dared to love and hate, and had a headache!

The overwhelming voice in this village is becoming more and more unfavorable to him as Village Chief Liang!

Village Chief Liang's angry throat went on fire, and after two days of tossing, he fell ill.

On this day, the weather was very good, and the sun was shining on people's body warmly.

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