The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1151: The white boy

After speaking, Gao's clutching his stomach, oops, ran away.

As soon as Gao Lianzhi wanted to tell her that he was walking with her, there was no shadow of Gao running away.

Gao Lianzhi looked around and found it strange.

There is no one beside the creek except the person in white clothes. Why did my aunt bring herself here?

Gao Lianzhi had doubts in her heart and wanted to go back, but was afraid that her aunt would come to him later, so she could only follow her aunt's request and go to the stream.

As he walked closer to the stream, the voice of the young man in white clothes came over.

"A fair lady, a gentleman is so beautiful" Gu Ning'an's voice was full of magnetism. I don't know why when I read this sentence, Gao Lianzhi seemed to have thought of something, and his face immediately blushed.

He lowered his head and came to the edge of the stream, unwilling to make a sound. Sitting at the edge of the stream, watching the water and secretly listening to this man in white studying.

Listening to her ears, the thoughts flew far away.

His face kept red as if he was about to bleed.

Gu Ning'an didn't realize that there was a girl in red not far from him, and his mind was always on the book in his hand.

After returning from Liujiazhen, Gu Ning'an discovered that this place is really a good place for reading.

The stream is gurgling, and the Niaoming Mountain is more secluded.

Tired of reading, I can still see the gurgling water and the mountains not far away. It is simply wonderful.

As a result, Gu Ning'an would come every morning, and the group of women who had to carry water and washed clothes were almost finished.

In this place, he was the only one, and no one else was bothered.

Gao Lianzhi dragged his cheeks and listened quietly.

It seemed that his thoughts were completely integrated into Gu Ning'an's voice.

Gao's family clutched his stomach and walked not far. When he saw Gao Lianzhi approaching the stream, he quietly followed behind her, hiding himself behind a big tree, and saw that Gao Lianzhi looked shyly. Looking at Gu Ning'an, his face flushed.

Gao was happy to his heart.

Gu Ning’an is a good and talented person, and now there is a fifth-grade county owner in the family, and the Liangtian mansion has everything. If this Gao Lianzhi married to the Gu family, it would be a high incense in the Gao family’s previous life. .

Gao's heart was filled with joy, thinking that when he came to Wuxi Village with Gao Lianzhi, he told his maiden brother and sister-in-law that when Gu Ning'an's identity, the eyes of the maiden brother and sister-in-law would shine.

This is a golden feast. If they can marry into Gu's family smoothly, then their Gao's family is really going to rise up.

Not only Gao's brother-in-law thinks so, but even Gao thinks so.

If Gao Lianzhi married Gu Ning'an, then the Gu family and Liang family would also be relatives.

Dabao's business will be Gu's business from now on!

Thinking of this, Gao almost laughed out loud, but for fear that he would disturb the silence, he quickly covered his mouth and stared in the direction of Gu Ning'an and Gao Lianzhi without blinking.

When Gao Lianzhi heard Gu Ning'an studying, he was fascinated. He didn't expect that the veil in his hand would fall into the creek and walk along the stream.

By the time she found out, the veil had already floated to Gu Ning'an.

Can not help but exclaimed: "My veil!"

Gu Ning'an's voice was interrupted, and he turned to look at the voice, and saw a girl about the same age as he was standing there, staring distressedly at the gurgling stream.

Gu Ning'an immediately reacted and looked into the stream. There was a veil floating on the stream, passing in front of him.

Gu Ning'an didn't even think about it, put the book into his arms, didn't even take off his shoes, and jumped directly into the creek. After taking two steps with the water, he picked up the veil. Gao's hiding behind the tree, watching this scene, almost clapping his hands in applause.

This Gao Lianzhi is really a real person without showing his face, he is not a real person!

This trick was to lose the veil, but it really didn't show the mountains and the dew. Looking at the look of Gu Ning'an desperately picking up the veil, my heart became more and more proud.

The girl taught by my maiden brother is really good at hooking!

Gu Ningan picked up the veil and walked to the shore. He saw Gao Lianzhi blushing: "Thank you, son! Your clothes are all wet!"

A look of guilt, and the red eyes, as if to cry.

Gu Ning'an's shoes and pants were soaked, and the stream in this autumn was still a bit cold.

Gu Ning'an got wet from the knees, and was still a bit cold when the wind blew. There was still half an hour's time left, but like this, I'm afraid I can't stay any longer. Don't get cold at that time.

Gu Ning'an squeezed his trousers, the splashing water, Gao Lianzhi looked guilty, the tears immediately fell: "My son, I'm sorry, it's all my fault!"

Gu Ning'an shook his head. Seeing the girl said a few words, he cried, frowned, waved his hand, and said, "It's okay, you can be careful next time!"

When Gao Lianzhi heard this, he quickly wanted to use his clothes to help Gu Ning'an.

When Gu Ningan saw it, he quickly backed away a few steps and turned indifferently to leave.

When Gao Lianzhi saw that Gu Ning'an had helped him, he was about to leave without saying a word. He choked and said, "My son, may I ask your surname? You helped me. I don't know what your name is! "

Gu Ning'an didn't like women crying. Seeing that the high lotus branch had just lost a piece of veil, the tears flowed down. He felt a little displeased, but he was embarrassed to show it. He could only say coldly: "But It's a small matter, girl, don't take it to heart!"

After speaking, without looking back, he strode back.

Seeing that Gu Ning'an was gone, Gao Lianzhi looked at the dripping veil in his hand, and no longer tangled.

Seeing that the white-clothed man was gone, he looked around for a long while, why his aunt hadn't come yet, his face was a little worried.

Fortunately, the Gao family saw that Gu Ning'an had gone far, and then he walked out from behind the tree, as if he did not know anything, when he saw Gao Lianzhi, he exclaimed: "Lianzhi, you are What's the matter? Why does it look like crying!"

Before Gao Lianzhi spoke, he saw that the veil in her hand was still dripping, and exclaimed: "Lianzhi, what's wrong with this veil? Did it fall into the water? How did you pick it up, are you okay!"

Seeing her aunt asking herself constantly, Gao Lianzhi shook her head hurriedly and said, "Aunt, I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Gao's heart was smug, but his face was very worried, and he asked quickly: "Your veil is wet. Did it fall into the river?"

Gao Lianzhi nodded: "Yeah"

"You stupid boy, you fell into the water when you dropped it, but it's just a kerchief, and you have to pick it up. What should you do if it falls into the water? Although the water is not deep, the clothes are getting wet and you catch a cold. !"

Seeing her aunt looking worried and caring about herself, Gao Lianzhi was moved in her heart: "Auntie, I didn't get into the water. I was a kind man in white. He picked it up for me." Gao Lianzhi hadn't said yet. After that, the face immediately blushed.

Just now Gao was behind the big tree and saw all the interaction between the two people.

At that time, the shyness and blush on Gao Lianzhi's face, Gao could see clearly!

"Good-hearted young man in white?" The Gao clan didn't know what to do, and asked doubtfully: "There are only you and me here. Where is the young man in white?"

"Auntie, this is the young man in white who was standing on the big rock just now!" Gao Lianzhi didn't fail to see the look in her aunt's eyes. He turned his head and pointed to the big rock where Gu Ning'an was standing just now, and said: " No, he was standing there just now!"

"Oh!" Gao continued, pretending to be very sorry, "Hey, I blame my aunt for her stomachache. I was a step late, otherwise I would know who was so kind and picked up the veil for you. Go and thank people!"

When Gao Lianzhi heard it, he nodded and said, "Yes, auntie. He picked up a veil for me, and jumped into the water without taking off his shoes. The shoes and trousers were all wet! I really want to thank him very well. If it weren't for him, the veil you gave me would really flow away with the stream." Gao Lianzhi expressed gratitude.

"You stupid boy, you have a sincere personality! If the veil is dropped, let's drop it. Aunt will buy you a new one!" Gao said with a distressed expression, but with a smile between his eyebrows.

When Gao Lianzhi heard this, he said hurriedly: "Auntie, don't do it. You have already given me so many clothes and jewelry. There is absolutely no reason for you to give me anything again."

Gao Lianzhi looked frightened.

"Okay, okay, let's not say it!" Seeing Gao Lianzhi's panic on his face, Gao said with a hurried smile: "Let's go, my aunt will take you to the village and meet people. Now, you are going to stay in the village for a period of time, always following my old lady. It’s nothing fun. Why don’t you go and play with the little girls in the village."

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