The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1158: Have ulterior motives

"I said, no wonder the veil in the hands of the lotus branch in the morning was soggy that water dripped out. It turned out that you picked it up!" Gao tried his best to hold back his inner joy and excitement.

Gao Lianzhi also calmed down at this moment. She just picked up her veil in the morning, and now she accidentally bumped into someone else’s bucket and got his clothes wet. She took off her clothes and put them on herself. How can he be wronged.

So he hurriedly pulled Gao and said: "Auntie, I accidentally ran into his bucket just now. Look at him, and even took off his clothes to me. How can I blame him? It’s just that I’m not good!"

The original purpose of the Gao family was to let Gu Ning'an and Gao Lianzhi get to know each other. Now that the two of them have met, they don’t care about the others. They quickly said with a smile: "Yes, yes, no, no, no It should be! Ning'an, don't blame your aunt just now, it's because the aunt feels so sorry for the child Lianzhi, this is a mess. Don't take it seriously!"

Gu Ning'an didn't think of anything else, so he nodded and said, "I am not careful, and I am offended. I hope the girl will not take it seriously!"

"Ah, Ning'an, you're going to be out of here. What a girl is not a girl, she is my niece, and her boudoir is called the lotus stick. You are also people who have met. You don't have to be so polite. Call the name!"

Gao cried that the two would go to the worship hall in the clothes of the bride and groom's official bride!

Where did Gu Ning'an call someone's girl's name? Gao Lianzhi had never experienced such a thing before, and was instantly stunned on the spot.

Gao's over-renow look is a bit suspicious.

Gu Ning'an frowned, did not say a word, squeezed away from the crowd and left.

The Gao clan still kept saying at the back: "Ning'an, your clothes, I will let the lotus sticks wash your clothes when I go back, and send them to you when they are dried!"

How could Gu Ningan care about that piece of clothing? Besides, it was a piece of clothing that was worn by other women. He really didn't intend to come back again!

Seeing Gu Ningan's departure from the back, Gao's smile has never been less.

A discerning person knows why this Gao laughs at a glance!

The pig-killing lady just saw Gao's smile and flattery, she felt uncomfortable.

That Gao's smile was too obvious. Looking at Gu Ning'an, he seemed to be looking at the prey.

"Cut, what's your excitement? Who doesn't know that you have taken a fancy to Gu's reputation!"

The woman was outspoken and straightforwardly revealed the thoughts in Gao's heart.

Gao thought this in his heart, but she was not convinced when others spoke so bluntly.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The Gao cried out dissatisfied: "It's all from the village folks. He hit my lotus branch. Should I hit him again!"

"Who knows, I'm afraid this is the result you want most!"

The woman snorted.

Gao listened, rolled up his sleeves, and was about to step forward to teach the woman a lesson, but at this moment, Gao Lianzhi sneezed.

The clothes on this body are all wet, and the weather is already in autumn again, and all the clothes that I wear next to me are soaked. I was blown by the autumn wind, and how could I not get soaked. I stood in the autumn wind and shivered. Sneezes came out one after another.

Like the slender willow on the side of a pond, gently swinging with the breeze, the pitiful appearance makes people feel affectionate immediately. At this moment, someone has spoken: "Gao girl, your clothes If it gets wet, I have to go home and change clothes. If it’s freezing, it won’t be so good!"

Gao heard Gao Lianzhi sneezing, and he was afraid that Gao Lianzhi had the wind and cold, and he didn't bother to talk about it quickly with the woman, so he pulled Gao Lianzhi and went home.

Gu Ning'an had no clothes and the bucket was empty, so he returned home.

Gu Fangxi walked out when he heard the movement outside, and saw that Gu Ningan's clothes were missing, only his jacket was left. After a long time of water, the bucket was still empty. And those shoes, I just changed a pair this morning, now they are wet again.

The bucket was sprinkled on Gao Lianzhi's body just now, naturally it also knocked Gu Ning'an a kick.

The shoes are all water again.

"My goodness, Ning'an, what's wrong with you!" Gu Fang was happy to see Gu Ning'an like this, and rushed forward again, pulling him into the kitchen.

There is still a fire in the kitchen, so you must quickly take off your wet shoes and bake your feet!

Don't catch a cold.

When Gu Xiaowan came to the kitchen, she saw that Gu Ning'an took off her shoes and was sitting in the mouth of the stove toasting her feet. The clothes on her body were gone. Only a coat was left with a piece of clothing outside. That color should belong to Gu Ningping.

At this moment, Gu Fangxi was holding his shoes and roasting them by the fire again. It seemed that the shoes seemed to be wet again.

"Aunt, what's the matter? Why didn't the shoes be taken out and dried out? Why were they taken over and baked again?" Gu Xiaowan asked puzzledly.

"Where, the pair outside is still there, this is the pair that I changed later!" Gu Fangxi said distressedly.

Because they won't stay long in Wuxi Village this time, they didn't bring a lot of clothes. Everyone had two pairs of shoes and they could change and wear them.

But now, both of Gu Ning'an's shoes are wet. If they don't bake one pair as soon as possible, I'm afraid that Gu Ning'an won't be able to leave.

"Ning An, why are your shoes wet again?" Gu Xiaowan asked puzzledly.

"It's not just that the shoes are wet, and the clothes on her body are gone!" The clothes that Gu Fangxi brought over were Gu Ningping's clothes.

Gu Xiaowan's brows became even more frowning, her shoes were soaked twice a day, and now she even disappeared from her clothes, which is so strange!

"Sister, just now when I came back from carrying water, I accidentally ran into someone and got her clothes wet, so I took off my own clothes and gave them to her!"

"Who did you bump into?"

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