The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1160: Conspiracy

After Gao returned home with Gao Lianzhi, he was overjoyed and asked Gao Lianzhi to change his clothes. He also went to the kitchen to make a bowl of **** soup, brought hot water, and made Gao Lianzhi take a hot bath. After setting up Gao Lianzhi, the Gao family returned to the room contentedly and told the head of the village Liang about the good things of the day.

Village Chief Liang learned that Gao Lianzhi had met Gu Ning'an twice by chance within a day, and back then, it was Gu Ning'an heroes who helped Gao Lianzhi to save the United States.

When the village chief heard that, his beard was about to turn up with a smile, and he patted his thighs and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, as long as Gu Ning'an is interested in lotus sticks, it will be easy, then It's easy!"

"That's not right, as long as the two children are attracted to each other, Lianzhi will be able to bring them together next year, and this will bring them together next year!" Gao said cheerfully.

It seems that I have seen Gao Lianzhi marry into Gu's family, and their Liang's family is also flying all the way!

It's just a pity that their Liang family doesn't have a girl's house. Otherwise, how could someone else take over this good family like Gu's family!

Gao thought of this, still a little bit angry in his heart, strange things, but also blame the daughter-in-law's stomach for not keeping up. After so many years, she just gave birth to the golden lump of Dabao!

I haven't even given birth to a loser!

The more Gao thinks about it, the more sad it is, just like a piece of good meat, he can't eat it, and let others eat it for nothing.

However, fortunately, this person who gave up meat to others is also his natal brother. As the saying goes, the fat water does not leave outsiders' fields, and it does not leave his own fields. It can be regarded as slightly flowing into the fields of relatives next door. Some comfort.

The two villagers Liang and Gao laughed for a long time, feeling proud, but they didn't dare to relax at all.

"The master, Gu Xiaowan of the Gu family is a powerful character. I am afraid that if we know our intentions, we will definitely not agree to it! We must think of a good way to let the Gu family live and die! "Even if they want to get married, neither Gu Ning'an nor Gao Lianzhi is of age. Moreover, as the current Gu family, if you want to marry such a girl as a concubine, I am afraid that the Gu family will not agree.

The village chief Liang and the Gao family thought for a long time before they thought of a good way and waited for time.

In order not to arouse Gu Xiaowan’s suspicion, the Gao family endured for a long time, and then did not take Gao Lianzhi out of the house, and in order to prevent Gao Lianzhi from doubting, so he stayed at home and talked and chatted with Gao Lianzhi. It passed very quickly.

Gao didn't think life was fast, she wished the time passed quickly.

Gu Xiaowan had been in the village recently to inquire about the situation of the Liang family. He heard that the Gao family took Gao Lianzhi at home and never went out. Gu Xiaowan relaxed her vigilance and felt that she was thinking too much. It's a bit unreasonable.

He also relaxed his vigilance on the Liang family.

Gu Ningan is used to reading by the creek. In the morning, there is a cool cold wind, the endless river water at his feet makes a cheerful sound of running forward, and the morning birds rise in the forest. My son’s joyous cry, everything is so beautiful.

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