The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1173: Seek the lotus branch

"If my family Ning'an does something that hurts the girl's reputation, of course we will be responsible." Gu Xiaowan's voice suddenly rose. Although there is no hysteria like Gao Daping, but because of the momentum there, the air-conditioning around her body Compared with Gao Daping, he is even better.

Gao Daping didn't expect a girl film to get angry, and the momentum on his body made him feel a little frustrated, and couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

But after thinking about it again, I am an adult, and still have reason, why should I lose my momentum in front of a girl film by Gu Xiaowan.

So, this face was full of anger, and a black-faced Hades: "I don't care, Gu Ning'an hugged and hugged my girl, and took advantage of my girl. Today you have to give it to you, not to give it. I have to give an account too. I have a good girl who was touched and hugged by you, so you want to cancel it out with these few words? Dreaming!"

Gao Daping spit wildly, his cheeks flushed, and his emotions were agitated, for fear that Gu Xiaowan and the others would betray their daughters.

Seeing the appearance of his own family, Xu cried loudly: "My daughter just found her short-sightedness! At present, she is lying alone at home and no one is taking care of it. I want to be fair to my daughter!"

At this moment, someone suddenly came in outside the door.

The person who came was Ahmad, and Gu Xiaowan nodded when seeing him first.

I saw Gu Xiaowan say: "I have invited Dr. Pan from Huichuntang here. What's the current situation of Miss Gao? Why don't you ask the doctor to see!"

After that, regardless of whether Gao Daping and the others agreed or not, Gu Xiaowan took the lead to go out.

"You stop, you don't need to take care of my girl's body, you just need to give me an explanation." Gao Daping saw Gu Xiaowan going to leave, fearing that Gu Xiaowan would be ridiculed again, and stepped forward to block Gu Xiaowan from letting him go.

Seeing this situation, Ah Mo took a quick step and came to Gu Xiaowan's face. He directly grabbed Gao Daping's stretched hand and pinched it severely.

Gao Daping screamed with pain in his wrist.

After being thrown away by Ahmad, Gao Daping still did not give up: "Gu Xiaowan, don't be pretentious. Why do my daughters find short-sightedness? It's not because your brother has done shameless things. As long as you give my daughter an explanation, my daughter will naturally not See you soon again!"

Gu Xiaowan snorted coldly: "Girl Gao looked for her short-sightedness and did not seek a doctor's visit, but she has been here to explain. If there is something short and long, what's the use of it!"

It turned out that when Xu clan said that Gao Lianzhi was short-sighted, Gu Xiaowan asked Ahmad to go to Liujiazhen quickly and invited Dr. Pan.

And Zuo was also outside at the moment, all the way with Doctor Pan.

It turned out that Ahmad brought Ah Zuo back because he was afraid of insufficient staff at home.

Many people are easy to handle, and she is a girl.

If Gao Lianzhi really has any situation, Zuo, a girl's house, can also take care of him.

Gu Xiaowan nodded in satisfaction.

The Gao family panicked when he heard that Gu Xiaowan was going to visit Gao Lianzhi at her home.

The Xu clan looked at her, suggesting that everything was ready, and then the Gao clan took Gu Xiaowan and the others.

auzw.comBecause the people in the village have always been concerned about the progress of this matter, seeing Gu Xiaowan and the others came out, they all walked out of the house one after another to watch the excitement.

Seeing that Dr. Pan from Liujiazhen was here, they all wondered what is going on with Gao Lianzhi.

When they arrived at Liang's house, Gu Ning'an and others did not go in.

Gu Xiaowan only took Aunt Zhang, Gu Fangxi, Ah Zuo and Ahmad into it.

At the door of the room, Ahmad guarded outside.

This room was a guest room of Liang's family. After entering, I saw that it was quiet inside. There was not even a servant in front of the house.

Gu Xiaowan was a little skeptical from the beginning, but now, the suspicion is even worse.

Gao Lianzhi found a short sight, Gao Daping and his wife did not comfort their daughter, but collectively went to explain to her, where there is such a parent, not for the sake of the daughter's life, just thinking about how to compensate.

Gu Xiaowan frowned, and saw Xu cried after entering the house, she ran behind the curtain, and cried out as she ran, "My poor girl, mother is back! Oh, you will suffer. I'm wronged."

Looking through the curtain of the bed, Gao Lianzhi was lying on the bed with a pale face and no strength, like a rag doll with no strength.

I feel pity!

It looks distressing.

When Gu Xiaowan came to the bed, she saw Gao Lianzhi leaning against the bed with Xu's help. Her whole body was as soft as boneless, and there seemed to be a deep scar on her neck.

Gao Lianzhi really hanged herself?

Gu Xiaowan frowned, and when she saw the girl's pitiful look, she thought to herself that she was not good.

"Mother, oh oh" Gao Lianzhi cried before saying a word, and the pear blossoms brought rain, so it hurts.

"Stupid boy, why do you want to do something stupid? If it weren't for my mother to have a lot of thoughts at home, my father and mother would send white-haired people to black-haired people!" Xu cried vigorously, hugging Gao Lianzhi mother and daughter. The two crying were so sad.

Gao Daping yelled at this moment and yelled at Gu Xiaowan: "Gu Xiaowan, look at my daughter. If it weren't for your brother, how could my daughter find a short sight? You've always seen it this time, and my daughter's risk is gone!"

Doctor Pan on the side immediately went to check Gao Lianzhi's wounds. After taking a look, he put on some skin care plasters, and said that it was no problem, and that was the cultivation of good health!

After Dr. Pan finished speaking, he would back off.

Why did you think that Gao Daping held Dr. Pan on hold, and took Dr. Pan’s hand and said to Gu Xiaowan: "Gu Xiaowan, ask the doctor, you ask him, is my daughter the mark left by hanging? If you do, do you think my girl is playing with you with her life?"

Gao Daping seemed to be annoyed by what happened in the Gu's old house just now, and he always reminds Gu Xiaowan everywhere that all the mistakes nowadays are caused by Gu Ning'an.

Gu Ningan should give an explanation.

Gao also echoed from the side: "My niece, what a wonderful child, has been made like this now, how do you make her behave in the future?"

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