The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1183: betray

Gu Xiaowan smiled when she heard of serving, "You are a man, why would I let you come and serve me! As long as you treat Lianzhi well and treat her all your life, it will not waste her love for you!"

Tang Shanzu nodded repeatedly: "I love her. From the moment I fell in love with her, I have regarded her as the most important person in my life!"

Tang Shanzu's true feelings were revealed, and when he looked at Gao Lianzhi, the light in his eyes was really shocking.

Gu Xiaowan saw this pair of lovers and couldn't love it. To help them and to help herself, Gu Xiaowan decided to help them anyway.

When they returned home, Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi had been thinking about how they should talk to Gao Daping and his wife.

And Tang Shanzu, after returning, told Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi all the things.

It turned out that after Gao Lianzhi and Tang Shanzu met two years ago, the two were attracted to each other.

One is an erudite scholar, handsome in appearance.

One was a charming and lively woman, who seemed to have known each other a long time ago, and immediately walked into each other's heart.

In this way, Gao Lianzhi and Tang Shanzu had a love affair with each other.

However, after the matter of the two was later known by Gao Daping and his wife, they resolutely opposed Gao Lianzhi's contact with Tang Shanzu.

In order to cut off Gao Lianzhi's miss, she also locked Gao Lianzhi at home, and went to the Tang house to find Tang Shanzu's father, so that Tang Shanzu would not delay his daughter.

Tang Shanzu is such an arrogant person. Although he really likes Gao Lianzhi in his heart, seeing that her parents did not agree to be together, he wanted to hide the love in his heart.

After Gao Lianzhi found out, she secretly ran to the house to tell Tang Shanzu that she would stay with him forever.

Tang Shanzu looked at the determined Gao Lianzhi at the time, and only felt that he had to be with this girl all his life. She is so determined to be with herself, what else can she say.

The two were just together like this, secretly, not letting her parents know.

Gu Xiaowan has been listening quietly, taking a look at Tang Shanzu from time to time.

In Tang Shanzu's words, he was only very excited when he said Gao Lianzhi, and at other times, he was faint.

Moreover, he could not hear his dissatisfaction with Gao’s parents in his words and in his tone. He just told the matter very plainly. Finally, he said that he could understand the feelings of Gao Lianzhi’s parents. I have nothing, the only thing I have is a heart that loves Gao Lianzhi.

However, because of this heart, he has to work hard to make Gao Lianzhi live a good life.

Looking at the firmness in Tang Shanzu's eyes, Gu Xiaowan suddenly felt that if Gao Daping and his wife were to beat the mandarin ducks, they would be afraid that Gao Lianzhi would be unhappy all his life.

A man mocked by his beloved woman’s parents, but in front of outsiders, he does not complain to her parents. On the contrary, he will put himself in the position and think about them. This kind of tolerance means that he will suffer some setbacks temporarily. In the future, The future will definitely be bright.

Gu Xiaowan decided to help them a lot.

The first thing to do is to solve the problem between Gao Lianzhi and Tang Shanzu, and the problem between Gao Lianzhi and Gu Ning'an must be solved first. Gu Xiaowan knew that if Gao Daping and his wife insisted on Gu Ning’an to marry Gao Lianzhi, the Gu family could not find any refutation.

Even if Gu Xiaowan knew that Gao Lianzhi and Tang Shanzu already had skin-to-skin relationship, but for such a good girl, Gu Xiaowan couldn't bear to bet on other people's reputation.

Gu Xiaowan wanted to help, and no one was hurt.

And this decision was also supported by Qin Yizhi.

The two thought of many ways to get the Gao family's parents to directly deny Gu Ning'an, but how to deny it?

If the Gao family values ​​Gu Ning'an, then Gu Ning'an naturally has something to attract them, either Gu Ning'an or Gu family.

This is something that the Gu family cannot change at present, so the only thing that can be changed is the Gao family.

Didn’t Village Chief Liang say that Gao Lianzhi is coming to be the grandmother?

What if Gao Lianzhi refused to be this young grandmother? To force it to death?

Gao Daping and his wife love this daughter so much, are they afraid that they will obey Gao Lianzhi's wishes?

As soon as Gu Xiaowan and Gao Lianzhi said this, Gao Lianzhi agreed, and vowed that they would not tell anyone about this matter.

Gao Lianzhi simply cried and hung himself on a hunger strike.

That day was also the third day that Gao Lianzhi was crying. Before Gu Xiaowan got up, she heard screams and crying outside.

A louder than a louder sound, as if you were afraid that others would not hear it, the sound got closer and closer, and in the end, it seemed to stop at the door.

Gu Xiaowan listened attentively, and her heart squatted, and she heard the cries of Xu's cries and Gao's verbal abuse at the door.

She quickly got dressed and heard Gu Fangxi knocking on the door outside: "Xiao Wan, get up quickly, something has happened, something has happened!"

Gu Xiaowan's hands were a little trembling when she wore clothes, and she didn't know what happened.

When she put on her clothes pretending to be calm and came to the door, she saw Gu Fangxi's panic: "Xiaowan, the Gao family sent Gao Lianzhi to our door!"

"What do they want to do!" Gu Xiaowan knew that Gao Lianzhi was pretending to be on a hunger strike. What are the Gao Daping couples going to do!

"They said that Gao Lianzhi is already a member of the Gu family, and he must die at the Gu family!" Gu Fangxi took Gu Xiaowan and ran to the door.

When I arrived at the door, I saw a group of Wuyaya people standing at the door, craned their necks to watch the excitement.

Gao Daping was pulling a flatbed cart with Gao Lianzhi sitting on the cart. The whole figure seemed silly, softened into a pool of muddy water, sitting on the cart so stupidly, because he didn't dress up, his head was shaved. The embarrassed appearance seemed to have been wronged by the heavens.

Xu's kneeling beside the flatbed cart, kowtow to Gao Lianzhi, crying nonstop.

But Gao, with his hands on his hips, stood in the middle, yelling at Gu's family.

This curse is as ugly as it is.

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