The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1195: More ambiguous

Gu Xiaowan's good-smelling daughter fragrance, like a gu, attracted him to come closer.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment. In Gu Xiaowan's eyes, only seeing the handsome face getting closer and closer, she could find her own reflection in Qin Mozhi's eyes.

Qin Mozhi's breath fell on her face with a sweet breath.

Gu Xiaowan's face turned red immediately, from the red cheeks to the roots of the ears, at this moment, it was like being frozen, and she didn't dare to move.

After three months of not seeing him, Qin Yizhi felt even more joyful when he finally saw the sharp-hearted person.

Without even thinking about it, he hugged Gu Xiaowan and sat on his lap, feeling the stiffness of the person in his arms. Qin Yizhi felt annoyed for a moment and felt that he was too impatient.

From Gu Xiaowan and Jing, Qin Yizhi has been suppressing his feelings, not allowing himself to show too strong feelings.

She is a thin-skinned person, except for the occasional hug, she dare not make unnecessary other ambiguous movements. Qin Yizhi had always taken into account Gu Xiaowan's feelings, and he dared not make any other actions besides hugging.

In the past few years, the two people have been respecting each other as guests, and there has been no substantial progress.

At this moment, Qin Yizhi was a little annoyed by his impulse just now, he just stayed there, as long as he moved a little bit forward, the tips of the two people's noses would touch each other.

Due to the proximity, Gu Xiaowan also saw the annoyance and loss in Qin Mozhi's eyes.

From Jijing to the present, apart from hugging and kissing the forehead, the two of them didn’t have too much affection. First, Gu Xiaowan felt that she was too young. Second, Gu Xiaowan couldn’t adapt to such a young age. She didn't talk about love in a previous life, and she didn't want to talk about it in this life.

Perhaps in the bones, there is a strong and independent personality brought by the previous life.

For her, love is the spice of life, not the whole of life. She loves a person, but does not necessarily have to depend on men. For her, when love comes, she happily accepts it, but will not regard love as life. All of, Gu Xiaowan would not easily hand over her future into the hands of any man before she became stronger.

Even if Gu Xiaowan had determined that Qin Yizhi was the one who would live her entire life in the future, she still had to follow him in a calmer way.

Many things happen naturally.

Like life, like love.

It was too forceful, and if she started too early, Gu Xiaowan felt no bottom, and she didn't dare to bet on her future.

For so many years, although she has been in love with Qin Yizhi, she has always been in love with respect to courtesy, always reminding her words and deeds that she will not have too much impulse.

Qin Yizhi also cared about Gu Xiaowan's ideas, and always followed Gu Xiaowan's views, and did not dare to make any transgressions.

It is precisely this point that Gu Xiaowan has more and more respect and admiration for Qin Yuzhi, and even loves it.

Qin Mozhi is seven years older than Gu Xiaowan. At Qin Mozhi's age, he has already married and had children, but because of loving her, for so many years, she is the only one in her eyes and only her in his heart.

It was never because of his own age that others had already married a wife to complain about Gu Xiaowan. He has always followed in Gu Xiaowan's footsteps. He does what Gu Xiaowan says!

All this made Gu Xiaowan feel sorry for Qin Yizhi.

When reading a book in the yard in the afternoon, the aunt muttered to herself, and the voice even complained about Gu Xiaowan.

Well, Qin Yizhi did not complain, but his aunt complained.

Complaining that Gu Xiaowan made Qin Yizhi wait for too long, saying that he has been 23 this year, and has been with Gu Xiaowan for six or seven years. The love between the two has been confirmed for so long, why hasn’t seen him so long? The happy event for the two of them!

After so many years, Gu Fangxi has long been familiar with the temperaments of Gu Xiaowan and Qin Mozhi.

Gu Xiaowan said to go east, but Qin Yizhi would not go west.

Gu Xiaowan said that he wanted to kill chickens, but Qin Yizhi would not kill dogs. Gu Xiaowan's words, as long as it is in the right situation, Qin Yizhi has never complained and executed it unconditionally.

How did Qin Mozhi treat Gu Xiaowan? Gu Fangxi saw him for the first time. When a man fell in love with a woman, even when she was angry at Qin Mozhi, Qin Mozhi's eyes were smiling.

Gu Xiaowan was the treasure in Qin Yizhi's hands, and she felt that way when Gu Fangxi found out.

The marriage that Gu Fangxi experienced before was a nightmare in her life. Now that she woke up from the dream, she felt that her life was very good, but in her bones, she still felt that the woman would marry earlier.

Moreover, Qin Yizhi is not young anymore. He is seven years older than Gu Xiaowan, and his family is in his twenties. He has not married a wife and had children. Others have seen this, and what is wrong with Qin Yizhi!

Gu Fangxi's tone, with distress for Qin Yizhi, Gu Xiaowan was astonished at the time: "Aunty, it seems that I am your niece? Why are you talking to me after an outsider!"

Gu Fangxi said at the time: "I am helping or not, Xiao Wan, how Xiao Qin treats you, everyone sees it, your age is not young, and his age is not young, you guys Ah, let's get married early, and give birth to a baby as soon as possible, and you can take it with you while your aunt and aunt are still young!"

Aunt Zhang was cutting the cloth and nodded heavily and said yes.

All at once, the spear was on Gu Xiaowan. All of her tone was distressed towards Qin Mozhi. Gu Xiaowan heard that they said that she was not right. She was a little discouraged. It seems that she really did something wrong. Everyone is saying they are wrong!

But think about it, too, Qin Mozhi is twenty-three, and other people, I am afraid that there are many children, Qin Mozhi is still alone.

Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang flashed through Gu Xiaowan's mind, and suddenly asked, "Brother Yizhi, do you hate me?"

Qin Yizhi frowned, obviously not understanding Gu Xiaowan's words, and asked casually, "Why do you ask?"

Gu Xiaowan pursed her mouth and said, "Today, my aunt and aunt told me that I have dragged you down until you are not married. If you were another man, they would have married a wife and had children. You are still a widow! Look at you, it's all bad for you, my aunt and aunt have both spoken for you!"

Gu Xiaowan said dullly, that ruddy lips, pouting, are really cute.

Qin Yizhi held back the strength of his whole body, and then suppressed his urge to kiss Fangze. He pulled Gu Xiaowan in front of him, leaned her head against his shoulder, and hugged her tightly. , His voice was a little hoarse, "No, I like you. No matter how long you wait, I'm willing to wait. Even if you don't marry me all your life, I will always be by your side."

Gu Xiaowan was a little stunned when she heard this, she wanted to see Qin Yizhi, but Qin Yizhi held her head tightly to prevent her from moving: "Wan'er, don't move."

The voice was hoarse and low, as if trying to endure something.

Qin Yuzhi’s voice has changed a little. Gu Xiaowan was only curious about what Qin Yuzhi said just now, but did not hear anything unusual. Gu Xiaowan was a little curious and wanted to get rid of it. How did you know that Qin Yuzhi’s strength was getting stronger and stronger? Hold her down, just keep her from moving a bit.

"Brother Yizhi" Gu Xiaowan shouted in a low voice.

"Don't move, Wan'er" Qin Mozhi's voice is mixed with other voices, and his body is also scary at the moment.

Gu Xiaowan was a little worried, could it be that he was sick?

Gu Xiaowan twisted her body as hard as she could, trying to break away from Qin Mozhi's embrace, but the harder she moved, the stronger Qin Mozhi's hand became.

"Brother Yizhi, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Gu Xiaowan cried distressedly, twisting her body.

There was a warm breathing sound in my ear, and I heard a low and dull voice in my ear: "Wan'er, don't move, I'm just a little bit, I want to kiss you"

Qin Mozhi’s breath rushed to Gu Xiaowan’s earlobes. The hot breath made Gu Xiaowan’s body tremble. When she reacted, Qin Mozhi’s soft lips had already contained Gu Xiaowan’s small and delicate lips. earlobe.

This is the most sensitive place. Gu Xiaowan seems to be frozen, and only feels a tingling sensation from the soles of the feet. From the soles of the feet to the scalp, the feeling that makes people tremble all over, like an electric current. It gave her a feeling of hemp and crisp.

Gu Xiaowan's earlobe was held in the flap of her lips, and the warm breath that followed was like a poison, which had already wiped out Gu Xiaowan's last reason.

"Brother Yizhi" Gu Xiaowan seemed to have been drawn away from her body, and even her voice groaned like she had never done before.

She wanted to get rid of Qin Yizhi, but the desire in her heart kept urging her to move on.

Qin Yizhi held Gu Xiaowan's earlobes, and the tip of his nose was filled with sweet daughter's fragrance, blowing to the tip of his nose in bursts.

He was a little regretful and annoyed, why he was so impulsive just now, the daughter's fragrance in his arms now seemed to be mocking him and restraining himself.

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