The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1199: Swollen mouth

Gu Xiaowan stretched out her hand and stroked Qin Yizhi’s face inch by inch with her slender fingers, stroking his brave nose and thin lips, the face like a knife, inch by inch, a little bit, staring attentively. Seeing tenderness is like water.

"Wan'er" Qin Mozhi's voice was filled with a strong nasal sound. Perhaps it was the first taste of this delicacy. Where did Qin Mozhi restrain himself, move forward, open his mouth, and put in the pink lips. I opened my mouth and talked shallowly.

"Woo" This kiss was soft and long. Gu Xiaowan was lying on the ground, as if someone had pulled her whole body away. Where did she get a little bit of strength, her whole body was weak, lying on the ground, as if turned into A puddle of water.

When Gu Xiaowan came back to her senses, she realized that she was already sitting in a chair.

As before, he was held in his arms by Qin Yizhi and sat on his knees.

But when Gu Xiaowan recovered, she realized that her lips were more numb than before, and she felt a little swollen after touching it with her hand.

Gu Xiaowan was embarrassed immediately, how can he go out to meet people later!

Looking at the culprit who looked like a kid who stole food, Gu Xiaowan's embarrassment could not be seen. From time to time, she lowered her head and came to steal the jade. Gu Xiaowan was really helpless against him.

In the end, he could only cover his lips and whimpered and said, "Brother Yuzhi, if you do this again, how can I see people next time!"

This is true. His lips are already numb and swollen, and Qin Yizhi realized that he was too impulsive.

I just expressed my love and completely forgot that Gu Xiaowan was still a child.

For an instant, I only felt very distressed in my heart. I gently stroked her lips with my fingertips, and said softly: "Sorry Wan'er, it's all my fault, it's me, I shouldn't"

Qin Yizhi said with sincerity, even he didn't know what was going on, he was not afraid of anyone, why in front of Gu Xiaowan, he was just like a submissive little rabbit!

Maybe, he would rather be bullied by Gu Xiaowan!

Gu Xiaowan glared at Qin Yan angrily, and then when he was unprepared, she immediately jumped off his lap, blushing and left a sentence: "You have a good rest!" The person ran away without a trace.

Looking at Gu Xiaowan's almost escaping appearance, Qin Mozhi only felt that all his rushing and tiredness in the past few days had disappeared without a trace.

He involuntarily stroked the lips that he had kissed the pink lips just now, and with a light sniff, he seemed to be able to smell the sweet fragrance.

The fingertips kept rubbing on the lips, reluctantly, lingering.

In my heart, it was as if there were a hundred fawns constantly bumping into each other.

When Gu Xiaowan blushed and ran out of Qin Yizhi's room, Gu Fangxi and Gu Ningping ran towards him.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's face reddening, Gu Ningping knew so much, so she immediately asked, "Sister, what's wrong with your face? Why is it so red?"

"Oh, it's a bit hot!" Gu Xiaowan replied.

"Sister, why are your lips swollen?" Gu Ningping is really a curious baby.

And Gu Fangxi stared at Gu Xiaowan’s lips curiously at this moment, a little confused, then a look of joy, and then looked at Gu Xiaowan ambiguously.

Gu Xiaowan's face became redder, and there was no reason to talk to them. Looking at her aunt's expression, she clearly knew what had happened!

Gu Xiaowan snorted sweetly, then stomped her feet, with a gesture of a little girl, without speaking, she ran away.

Gu Ningping was left behind and shouted with concern: "Sister, your lips are swollen, or ask the doctor to see it!"

Upon seeing this, Gu Fangxi directly slapped Gu Ningping who was ignorant.

"Aunt, why are you hitting me!" Gu Ningping was a little confused. He cared about his sister. Is it wrong to care?

"My sister's lips are swollen, and I don't know what it was bitten. I'm going to see the doctor!" Gu Ningping felt sorry for her sister. This swollen lips is not fun. If it loses the appearance, it will be over.

"Hey, don't go!" Gu Fangxi usually stopped him and refused to let him go. Then, in Gu Ningping's puzzled eyes, Gu Fangxi said mysteriously: "Don't worry, my sister's mouth will heal soon. of!"

"Aunt, you are not a doctor, how do you know?" Gu Ningping was still curious.

"Of course Auntie knows, don't worry, tomorrow will be fine!" Gu Fangxi said vowedly.

Gu Ningping listened to her aunt, and seeing her so confident, he could only listen to her.

Gu Xiaowan's mouth was really swollen.

Qin Yizhi did not master the strength well, he was also a newborn calf and had no experience.

When I was eating at night, I didn't see Gu Xiaowan coming out.

Qin Yizhi was worried, and didn't eat any food, so he ran in to look for her.

After knocking on the door for a long time, Gu Xiaowan opened, but she covered her face with a veil, leaving only two dark black eyeballs outside.

Qin Yizhi thought something had happened, so Xin immediately mentioned it in his throat, grabbed Gu Xiaowan, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong, Wan'er?"

Gu Xiaowan glared at him unceremoniously with her slick eyeballs, and said complainingly: "It's all to blame, your mouth is swollen!"

Gu Xiaowan's tone was purely complaining, but she didn't know how coquettish she looked at the moment, like a thousand years of time, full of affection and tenderness.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know how exciting she was at this moment.

Gu Xiaowan is sixteen this year. It is the most beautiful age. At this moment, she is slim and graceful. Although she does not look like a country, but because she carries on her body the self-confident aura brought by her striving for so many years, people just feel , The girl in front of her seemed to have magic power all over her body. When she stopped, she was not the most amazing one in the crowd, but the first one that would attract people's attention.

Qin Yizhi smiled and hugged Gu Xiaowan into his arms, looking distressed at the lower jaw covered by the veil, and the sad look in his eyes. Qin Yizhi didn't hold it back, and bowed his head directly, looking for the lips. .

There was a veil in between, Qin Yizhi couldn't control it, and kissed it directly.

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