The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1277: Love

The way Liu Dazhuang's wife ate cakes just now, I think she has never eaten this stuff before.

The look of gorging on her, suddenly reminded Gu Xiaowan of the first time she bought pastries to eat for her younger siblings.

Gu Ningping was the most anxious. He took a piece of cake and wrapped it in his mouth. The whole mouth was swollen immediately.

However, the pastry sucked the water, throated, couldn't swallow it, and was reluctant to vomit it out, anxiously Gu Ningping turned pale.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly asked him to spit it out. The child was reluctant to spit it out when his eyes turned pale. Later, Gu Ningping ran to the stove to pour a scoop of cold water and swallowed the cake.

After swallowing, Gu Ningping's face was contented, and he clicked his mouth straight, as if he was aftertaste of the fragrance just now.

After swallowing the first sentence, Gu Ningping's eyebrows were narrowed, and he sighed with great satisfaction, sister, this is the best food in the world, if only one piece of food was eaten every day.

Gu Xiaowan remembered the expression and satisfaction of Gu Ningping at the time.

At that time, I secretly vowed to realize my brother's dream.

I remember that at that time, they had just been able to guarantee meals, and they could not guarantee that they would be full at every meal. However, Gu Xiaowan had this belief at that time.

Well, within a few years, Gu Ningping's dream came true.

Nowadays, whatever they want to eat, as long as it is not extravagant and wasteful, what they want to eat does not have to be concerned about the price, and they can eat whatever they want.

For them, the pastry is also a daily necessity, but even if it is the most exquisite and delicious snack, when placed in front of Gu Ningping, he will not want to eat more than one or two.

Zuo's eyes on the side were a little moved.

Gu Xiaowan thought about the anxious and gobbled look of Liu Dazhuang's wife just now eating pastries, and that she had never eaten this kind of food at home, so she thought about bringing it to her.

The cautiousness of the Anping county host even amazed Zuo!

With the guidance of Liu Dazhuang's wife, the carriage slowly walked along the trail.

Fortunately, there is still a carriage on this trail, and when it reaches a junction, it is not so good.

"The county lord, if you walk a quarter of an hour ahead, you will be at the Fan family’s house. However, the road is not easy to walk, and the carriage can’t go, so the county’s lord has to get out of the carriage and walk over." The carriage stopped suddenly and Liu Dazhuang’s wife probed. Come in, some self-blame.

In such a poor country, the horse-drawn carriage cannot go, and the county lord of Anping has to walk in. Thinking of the clothes of the county lord of Anping on weekdays, the exquisite embroidered shoes, and the luxurious clothes that reach the ground, this muddy potholes and depressions, I'm afraid that it will make Anping County Master all embarrassed.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know where Liu Dazhuang's wife's self-blame came from, but when the county lord of Anping stood on the side road, Liu Dazhuang's wife's eyes looked on Gu Xiaowan's body, her mouth was slightly open, and she could put an egg.

Immediately afterwards, the self-blame on his face disappeared in an instant, and it turned into a strong worship and admiration. Liu Dazhuang’s wife was a bit self-blaming at first. Yesterday, she was a little lost at the beginning, but she was a little excited later, so that when she heard that Anping County Lord would go to Fan’s family to propose marriage, Liu Dazhuang The daughter-in-law has forgotten the most important thing.

Although Fan's family and Liu's family are in the same village, because the village is next to the outskirts of Liujia Town, the village is very large and the crowds live in twos and threes, and they are not very concentrated.

The Fan family lives in the innermost part of the village, which can be said to be the outermost edge of the village.

Because there are no family members living in it, this road is very difficult to walk. When it reaches the innermost point, it can only be a dirt road and a carriage for one person, but I don't even think about it.

Liu Dazhuang's wife was so excited all the way, she was dumbfounded when the carriage came here.

Only then did she remember that the last part of the way to Fan's house was a dirt road that could only be described as a ridge.

Only one person can pass, and there are fields and small ditches on both sides of the road. If you step on the empty ground, you will most likely step into the ditches or paddy fields.

Seeing this winding ridge road, thinking of the honorable Anping county lord in the carriage, the good mood of Liu Dazhuang's wife just now disappeared immediately, and she blamed herself instead.

It's because she doesn't know how to do it. If she tells the county lord of Anping that this is the way, maybe the county lord of Anping will think of other ways to come over.

Liu Dazhuang's wife blames herself.

However, this self-blame disappeared after Gu Xiaowan got out of the carriage.

The clothes Gu Xiaowan wears are not half as luxurious as usual, and she seems to have expected that this road will be difficult to walk. She wears ordinary cloth shoes, and the dress is not as complicated as usual, on the contrary, it is very simple. , Looks like an ordinary girl's dress.

When Liu Dazhuang's wife saw Gu Xiaowan's outfit, her self-blame was gone, but her eyes immediately brightened.

The county lord of Anping didn’t know the situation of Fan’s family, and certainly didn’t know that there was an extremely difficult ridge road to Fan’s family. The carriage could not cross, but the county lord of Anping dressed up.

Thinking of the Fan's house to be visited later, the county lord of Anping was obviously trying to get closer to that girl.

It seems that there is more respect for Fan Jia in it.

Imagine that an Anping county owner whose status makes these ordinary people smack their tongues, put on elegant clothes and go to an ordinary, almost impoverished home.

Liu Dazhuang's wife couldn't bear the gratitude in her heart and cast her respectful look at Gu Xiaowan.

Such an Anping county host has a kind heart and respect for the common people. How can they not love such a good girl?

Gu Xiaowan didn't know that Liu Dazhuang's wife had so much emotion in her heart. She pointed out that she looked at the simple and almost crude ridge road, and felt a sense of emotion and familiarity in her heart.

For many years, she has never walked such a ridge road since she came to Liujiazhen.

When she was in Wuxi Village before, she had walked through this ridge road countless times!

Liu Dazhuang's wife took the lead, Gu Fangxi followed closely, and Gu Xiaowan ranked third. Zuo had been following Gu Xiaowan, following closely, leaving only a step away in the middle.

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