The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1301: do as promised

Stone is a love and righteous person. After so many years of love, it can only show that he is a long-lasting person. For such a person, she is willing to marry, and she can marry with peace of mind. Although she knows that she has someone else in her heart, she knows, One day, she will walk into the heart of Shishi, and she will be the only one in her heart for a lifetime!

She didn't expect that at such an early day, Shitou told herself that she would be good for her life!

Fan Ling was surprised and couldn't say a word!

When the stone, who had been waiting for her answer, saw that she didn’t speak, he was a little anxious. For fear that Fan Ling would not believe in herself, she hurriedly said: "Xiaoling, don’t worry, I stone is a promiser, what I said to you I have thought about it carefully, and what I have said must be done!"

Shishi kept explaining, but the more he explained, the more excited Fan Ling became.

The lingering tears flowed down her cheeks, like two small rivers, wet her eyes and wet his heart.

Except for his mother, no woman in this life has shed tears for him!

The stone only felt that his heart was like a rock suddenly cracked open, as if some spring breeze had blown into his heart, warming his heart!

Fan Ling was surprised, more moved. She whimpered, and repeatedly promised: "I know, I know!"

Fan Ling's words, the hanging heart of the stone, then let go.

At this moment, Fan Ling's somewhat dark face seemed to have been painted rouge at this moment, the blush scattered, and it gave her a different kind of elegance.

Especially those black round eyes, looking at him sullenly and affectionately.

When they left the house, they saw Fan Daqu and Fan Yu standing at the door, motionless, as if they had become fossils.

"Father, Yu'er, what's the matter with you?" When they got outside, they didn't see Fan Daqu and Fan Yu say a word, but their eyes widened and their mouths widened to look outside.

Seeing their stupid actions, Fan Ling was a little nervous, and hurriedly pushed Fan Daqu and Fan Yu, and asked anxiously: "Father, Yuer, what's wrong with you?"

Pushed by Fan Ling, the two of them recovered from their shock and saw Shishi and Fan Ling. Then Fan Yu pointed his finger outside and said in surprise, "Sister, look at the courtyard. !"

Fan Ling looked in the direction of Fan Yu's fingers, and when she saw the scene in the courtyard, she was also surprised that she couldn't say a word.

"This is." Then, with shocked eyes, she looked at the stone aside, her eyes full of shock.

The small courtyard was filled with bridegroom gifts brought by stones.

Box after box of yellow rosewood, piled up one by one, filled a courtyard.

Fan Ling was dizzy, and she couldn't figure out how many boxes there were.

"Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-six days, there are thirty-six in total to pay the bride price, my goodness!" Fan's house, where few people came, was surrounded by crowds watching the excitement. I was stunned by the dowry from Zhang's family.

Not to mention what's in it, that yellow rosewood box is worth tens of taels of silver!

Zhang family marrying a daughter-in-law, unexpectedly made such a big handwriting, one can imagine how satisfied Zhang family is with Fan Ling.

Many of the onlookers were married or unmarried girls who were younger than Fan Ling. At this moment, seeing that Fan Ling was going to get married, the man came to the door to give the betrothal gift, but he even sent thirty-six gifts. Dowry.

This number, let alone Liujia Town, even in Ruixian, this number of married women can be ranked!

A few days ago, there was a wealthy family in Liujia Town who married his daughter-in-law to marry his daughter. The betrothal gift was only eighteen, but even that was the case, it was considered very beautiful.

This time, it’s okay. Fan Ling, a poor girl in the countryside, got married, and her husband’s family has come up with so many dowry gifts.

Fan Ling fell into the golden nest this time.

A woman who is as old as Fan Ling, but has already become a biological child. She used to make fun of her from time to time by taking Fan Ling's age and not being married.

With so many dowry gifts, even if it is to let them marry a few years later, they are happy!

The unmarried little girls looked at Fan Ling enviously. Everyone’s eyes were jealous. Fan Ling had no appearance and was so much older than a stone that he could marry someone. Such a good family!

Fan Ling looked at the box in the yard in astonishment. She asked the stones beside her in a puzzled and startled manner: "Stones, these."

"It's all for you!" Shishi pointed to those things, and then said, intending to tell the truth: "The 28th dowry here was prepared by Xiaowan! It is a gift for us to get married!"

"What?" Xiaowan sent the 28th betrothal gift?

Thinking of the woman with picturesque brows, Fan Ling was grateful.

"She was about to go to the capital to pay a birthday, and she wanted to see us getting married before she left. She said that we got married so much ahead of schedule. It must be because the preparations were very hasty in the world, and then she bought the 28th bride price. Said it was to apologize to us!" Shitou smiled. When talking about Gu Xiaowan, the bottom of his eyes was still pampering, but there was always a kind of helplessness at the corners of his eyes and brows.

Fan Ling wouldn't try to expose him, nor would he mock him.

At the age of the beginning of love, who has no one in his heart who has admired since childhood!

She is twenty this year and is already an old girl.

Originally, she thought that when she was going to be lonely all her life, she would have such a good marriage.

She didn't even believe that it was true in her dreams, but looking at what Aunt Zhang gave her at the time, she knew that none of this was a dream.

She is going to marry, she is going to marry the old but eager little brother.

Although she later learned that he had someone in his heart, this did not make her hate him. On the contrary, the kind of pain that could not be loved made her feel sorry for him, and she wanted to cherish him even more!

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