The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1306: Take in Sun's mother and daughter

Seeing them out of the shop, Zhao Yun'er stomped angrily and said aggrieved: "Brother Qin, why are you ignoring me!"

Like that, it seems to be about to cry soon!

Liniang didn't want to pay attention to her, so she just picked the curtain and went in.

Seeing Zhao Yun'er's sad look, Gu Xintao hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her: "Yun'er, don't be upset. Gu Xiaowan, who took care of Brother Qin to death, as long as she is here, Brother Qin dare not say something to us. Words!"

There is still half of Gu Xintao's words left, even if Gu Xiaowan is not there, he would look at you more and wouldn't say a word to you!

Gu Xintao thought of the many grievances she had suffered in Qin Yizhi's hands before, and the more she thought about it, the more sad she became.

Gu Xiaowan, if you don't let me be good, I won't let you be good! Gu Xintao thought fiercely.

"Xintao, you mean that as long as that woman is not there, Brother Qin will look at me more?" Zhao Yuner looked forward to seeing Gu Xintao excitedly, waiting for her to pick him up. Come down.

"Well, Yun'er is so good-looking, Brother Qin will definitely see you!" Gu Xintao said flatteringly. How did you know that Zhao Yuner gave her a fierce look and said displeasedly: "I can only call him Brother Qin. , You can't shout!"

Gu Xintao nodded hurriedly, with a look of sincerity and fear, followed Zhao Yuner back.

Zhao Yuner’s carriage was waiting outside. Gu Xintao, like a maid, helped Zhao Yuner into the carriage, and then followed along the way back to Zhao's Mansion. Zhao Yuner and Gu Xintao kept discussing how to give Gu Xiaowan one. Get off the horse.

After finally discussing the countermeasures, Zhao Yuner got out of the carriage and returned home. Unexpectedly, Gu Xintao followed all the way in.

It turned out that Gu Xintao fell in love with Zhao Yun'er, because she lives in Ruixian, and there is no place to live here, so she can only borrow to live in Zhao Yun'er's house temporarily.

Gu Xintao went to the lobby with Zhao Yuner, and just saw Sun and Hong chatting together. Seeing that Zhao Yuner was back, Hong hurriedly said with a smile: "Look at your heart and peach, dignified and beautiful, where is it like ours? This monkey is like a monkey!"

What Hong said was just a polite remark. Gu Xintao could hear it, and then smiled shyly, which was regarded as an answer.

But Zhao Yuner grew up amidst the compliments of Hong’s family and the praises of others. Suddenly he heard that his mother was in front of so many people, and she actually praised others. Zhao Yuner turned her head and sternly Gu Xintao glared at him.

Gu Xintao sensed Zhao Yun'er's ill-intentioned gaze, so she hurriedly said: "Where is the lady, if you say that you are born beautiful, beautiful and dignified, who can compare to Yuner! Such beauty and generosity!"

Gu Xintao was busy talking about Zhao Yuner’s good things, and Sun also heard the meaning of the words, and said hurriedly: "Yeah, yeah, we are all from the small family, how can it be compared to Miss Zhao? Noble and dignified!"

The mother and daughter kept boasting Zhao Yun'er's kind words, Zhao Yun'er felt very good in his heart, raised his head with a triumphant expression, walked to the position, and sat down without anyone else. Just now, the Hong clan also saw Zhao Yun'er's eyes, and naturally knew that Gu Xintao was eaten to death by her.

Gu Xintao is like a well-behaved child, with his hands folded in front of him, with his head half lowered, like Xiaojiabiyu coming out of the little door, and then looking at the Yuner in his own house, Xu Ye has always been praised by others. Used to the apex of the heart, his face is proud.

The Hong clan and the Sun clan said a few more polite remarks, and only then did they lead them to lead the Sun clan’s mother and daughter back to the small courtyard where they lived.

As soon as they left, Zhao Yun'er's face immediately fell: "Mother, why do you leave them at home!"

I also asked her to be good friends with Gu Xintao. She is a golden branch and jade leaf. How can she be a good girlfriend with Gu Xintao's little village girl who came out of the countryside?

Zhao Yuner's face was full of dissatisfaction, thinking that Gu Xintao's name was also his own Brother Qin. These three words, Brother Qin, were said to be disgusting and disgusting from the mouth of this little village girl.

Seeing his daughter's reluctant look, Hong knew that she couldn't listen to her words, even if she listened, it was extremely unhappy!

At that time, watching Sun and Gu Xintao were embarrassed in Jinfulou, Hong specifically went to find them both, and brought them home, invited a doctor for them, and served them with delicious food.

Hong did this for a reason, but Zhao Yuner couldn't figure it out.

"Mother, what are you taking them in for? The guy who is not useful at all, after suffering such a big loss from Gu Xiaowan, he knew that he was running sullenly!" Zhao Yun'er looked disdainful, and sat down just now. The place.

"Yun'er, you don't understand!" Seeing Zhao Yun'er's impatient look, the Hong family hurriedly persuaded: "It's because they suffered such a big loss in Gu Xiaowan's hands, we must better draw them in. , Maybe they will come in handy at that time!"

Gu's Dafang and Gu Xiaowan's troubles are as fierce as possible. It is best if the two of them come back to each other, and that is the best!

In this case, it would be much easier for her to use Gu's big room to treat Gu Xiaowan.

"Mother, what do you want to do?" Zhao Yun'er frowned, and clearly said that she would handle this matter, so why would she be involved in Gu Xintao again!

Thinking of Gu Xintao's hypocritical appearance when pulling herself, and the delicate voice of Brother Qin, Zhao Yuner felt a great threat.

"Yun'er, my mother has no other thoughts. My mother just wants to marry Gu Xiaowan to be my daughter-in-law!" The Hong sighed and said ah.

As long as Jie'er married Gu Xiaowan, that Jie'er's status and status would be much higher than that of Zhao Zicong.

The master is getting older and older. Whoever heads this Zhao family's ancestral house will sooner or later fall into the hands of his son.

Zhao Zicong is the eldest son. The probability of Zhao family being headed by him is much higher than Jie'er. If the old lady really takes the lead, will they still have a way to survive after the three of them?

Zhao Xun valued Gu Xiaowan so much. If Gu Xiaowan was grabbed, the probability of Jie'er competing for the head of the Zhao family would increase by a few percent!

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