The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1308: Anti-eye

"On the day that Jinfu Tower reopened, a major event happened at the entrance of Jinfu Tower. Does the lord know about it?" Hong said mysteriously with a look of excitement.

This Zhao Xun really didn’t know much. He was not in Jinfulou that day, and he didn’t want to know about these things about Zhang’s parents, Li’s family, but seeing that Hong was so interested, Zhao Xun could only pretend to be curious. Asked indifferently: "Oh? What happened?"

Hong said carefully what he saw at Jinfulou at that time, and he didn't miss even the details, and he expressed authentically what happened at the entrance of Jinfulou that day. .

After Zhao Xun listened, he didn't feel much. It was all private affairs in other people's homes. He was not interested, so he gave a dull hush and didn't answer.

When the Hong clan was on his head, seeing Zhao Xun hum, he continued: "Master, the wife and daughter of Gu Chuanlu were bullied like that by Gu Xiaowan, but it's really pitiful! You didn't see their mother and daughter at the time. , Tusk, it's really miserable!"

Zhao Xun’s impression of Gu Xiaowan is very good, but he thinks that Mrs. Zhao Jiashao will be the candidate for the future mother-in-law, but it is a pity that Gu Xiaowan has Qin Yizhi beside him, and he has nothing else to do with his Cong. Meaning, Zhao Xun is also sorry.

However, fortunately, the child Cong'er is still upright, and the relationship with Gu Xiaowan is not bad.

At this point, Zhao Xun is still very satisfied.

At the very least, this Anping county owner doesn't hate his Conger, that's also a good sign!

Therefore, when he heard Hong's saying that Gu Xiaowan's methods were too cruel, Zhao Xun did not agree with Hong's words, but said displeasedly: "The reopening of Jinfu Tower is such a good thing, they ran to the door to find others' unlucky , Also deserves it!"

The Hong originally thought that Zhao Xun would suppress Jin Fulou and Gu Xiaowan like himself. He didn't expect that when Zhao Xun spoke, he would not complain about the grievances of Gu Chuanlu's wife and daughter at all, but applauded Gu Xiaowan!

This made the Hong clan not know how to take the next words, he was shocked for a while, and immediately changed his face: "Yes, the mother and daughter of the Sun clan are really a bit hateful. However, they are also forced, the backbone of the family. Now it’s locked in a cell, and no one in the family is holding it up, so are the mother and daughter in a hurry!"

"What an urgency, huh, you can't live by yourself, who will let that Gu Chuanlu do such a damaging thing!" Zhao Xun said viciously.

When the Hong family heard this, it was over. It seems that the master feels very bad about Gu Chuanlu’s family, but

She promised Sun's things, and Sun's promises of her own things, like a spell. Although she knew the danger, but the dangerous situation was accompanied by the surprise of another village. She had to step out. This step!

Thinking of this, although Hong knew that she would be rejected by Zhao Xun next, she still had to say that if she couldn't grasp this opportunity today, she would regret it for life!

"Master, I also know that Gu Chuanlu did things that hurt the heavens and the truth, but no matter what, they are also for his children and his family. Now he is in the cell and he seems to have repented. If he is shut down, his family will be separated. The wife and daughter are unreliable, and they are being bullied like this outside. It is our mother and daughter. Don’t you feel uncomfortable in your heart?” Hong tears It rushed down, and under the candlelight, I really felt pity.

It's just a pity that Hong couldn't figure out what Zhao Xun was thinking about now. The more she pretended to be pitiful, the more disgusted Zhao Xun's heart that she didn't know why. Zhao Xun took his hand directly from the back of Hong's head, and said angrily: "Just say what you want!"

The Hong cried, a tear was still rolling in his eyes. He was a little dumbfounded when he heard Zhao Xun's cold words: "Master"

A frightened look.

Zhao Xun was even more disgusted in his heart, got up, jumped out of the bed quickly, and put his clothes on his body when he reached out. The fast Hong did not even notice.

Seeing him getting dressed, the Hong cried out anxiously: "Master, it's so late, where are you going?"

Zhao Xun didn't answer Hong's words. After putting on his clothes, he pushed the door and left, leaving Hong sitting on the bed naked and at a loss.

It was just a moment, and the master left.

Before leaving, that face was as black as carbon, how ugly and ugly!

Could it be that this is a taboo of the master, can't you say?

There was a gust of wind blowing outside the house. Just now, after a while, the whole body was covered with damp sweat, which finally dried out. This time the cold wind blew, and the whole body shuddered.

Except for a few red lanterns hanging high above the house, it was pitch black.

Hong's heart was like falling into an ice cave, and after that, a suppressed anger surged into his heart, and Hong's eyes stared at the direction Zhao Xun was leaving, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Gu Yuan was busy during this time, and after getting busy, this day passed especially fast.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Stone got his wife.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly, the slightly cool wind was blowing slowly, and it was cool to eat on the body, without the warmth of summer, this is really a good day!

Early in the morning, everyone got up and prepared to clean up. As soon as the auspicious hour arrived, the sedan chair to welcome the relatives went to Fan's house.

Gu Xiaowan has never seen a bride, she really wants to follow the past to see, but according to the custom, as the husband’s family, she has to wait at home. Liu Dazhuang’s wife went to Fan’s house with Shishi as a matchmaker. All the way to greet the relatives singing loudly, neighbors all ran out to watch the excitement.

When the Fan's family came back, the Stone welcomed Fan Ling back, and when Fan Ling came back with so many dowries, the Stone was still a little surprised. Thirty-six paid the bride price, and many of them were brought back by Fan Ling.

The stone was a little surprised. It is rare to see Fan Daqu wearing a red dress, his whole person seemed more vigorous, and the hand holding the stone just didn't let go: "Stone, this is my only girl, I will leave it to you now. You have to be nice to her forever!"

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