The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1312: Stone as the shopkeeper

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Well, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to go back this time!"

Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang looked at them, and their eyes were full of reluctance: "Then when are you going to leave?"

"When everything is ready, we are about to set off." Gu Xiaowan said that he wanted to take care of everything after he left, especially when it came to Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang. Things.

"Uncle and aunt, if I go to the capital, Gu Yuan and the things on the fields, you will have to pay more attention to it!" Things about dozens of acres of land, rent collection, and things on the fields will all be Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang are busy, Gu Xiaowan is really afraid that they will be too busy with these things.

Shitou is going to work on the things in Jinfulou in the future, but there is really no such candidate yet.

"Xiaowan, don't worry! You have my uncle, my uncle, and the stones in the house, so don't worry about these things!" Aunt Zhang said hurriedly, to reassure Gu Xiaowan.

"Yeah, Xiaowan, don't worry, if we are at home, you can go with ease!" Uncle Zhang also hurriedly said: "It's just a stone, I'm afraid I would not dare to be the shopkeeper!"

The stone is dumb, and he has never learned the management affairs of the house, and it is still such a big Jinfu Tower.

If Jinfulou was a small restaurant, it would be fine, but the point is that now in Liujia Town, this Jinfulou is the only big one. How many small restaurants are lingering behind, and how many people hate Jinfulou, thinking Let Jinfulou have something to do.

If this restaurant is handed over to Shishi, Shishi never understands these things. If something happens, Jinfulou shouldn't do anything!

Uncle Zhang is worried, and Aunt Zhang is also worried: "Yes, Xiao Wan, I am also afraid that Shishi will not agree. Your uncle and I are also worried. Jin Fulou has already done so well in your hands. If there is anything wrong in the hands of the stone, we"

Why did we start Gu Xiaowan right!

Gu Xiaowan could see their concerns, and hurriedly said, "Uncle and aunt, don't worry, I will convince him where the stone is. Moreover, it is not that difficult to manage the restaurant. I have never learned from nothing before. Does it look like this? Brother Shitou just doesn't like to talk, but he is careful, Jin Fu Lou is now on the right track, as long as it is well managed, nothing will happen, and there are so many seniors in Jin Fu Lou, Shitou used to manage the restaurant. , It will be very smooth!"

However, when Gu Xiaowan told Shitou to let him be the treasurer of Jinfulou, Shitou was surprised: "Xiaowan, me and me"

A face of rejection: "Xiaowan, I won't do those things, I won't"

The stone head shook like a rattle, but refused to pick up this matter.

Gu Xiaowan knew Shishi’s concerns, and when he disagreed, she smiled and said, "Brother Shishi, if you are worried that you will not be competent in this matter, you can rest assured that Liang Yucheng, Gaozi and Fatty Li will help you. I Before leaving, I will also take you to adapt to the work of the restaurant. You don't have to worry about not being competent at all!"

"But I can only farm, and I really can't do other things!" Stone knew that he didn't understand the things in the restaurant. Now the business in the restaurant is so good, how many people are waiting to see the good show in Jinfulou. If I am incapable of the job and I am ashamed of Jinfulou, how can I explain to Gu Xiaowan!" But Brother Stone, if I go to the capital, how long will it take to come back? I don’t even know who will take care of this Jinfu Tower? Is it possible that I just let it go. Jinfulou, the dragons have no head, Brother Shishi, I finally built Jinfulou like this, don't you want to watch it become a mess?"

Stone is a soft-hearted person. Seeing Gu Xiaowan's words like this, he dared not refute Gu Xiaowan's words and said hurriedly: "Well, or else, you take me to see first. If I can do it, I will do it, but If you can't do it"

Although it is still embarrassing, there is more room for change than the blind rejection just now.

Gu Xiaowan saw that the stone had become loose, and nodded in agreement, "Okay, starting tomorrow, you will follow me to Jinfulou!"

In the next few days, Gu Xiaowan took Shitou to Jinfulou to learn things every day. To prevent Gu Xiaowan from disappointing, Shishi was studying seriously and thinking.

Although stone learning is very slow, it is much better than the previous blank paper.

Gu Xiaowan taught the heart, and the stone learned is more heart. He studied in Jinfu Tower and also learned when he returned home. Fan Ling and Zhang Shu and Aunt Zhang both saw such things in their eyes, and they were also happy.

Later, Gu Xiaowanye tried to let Shishi go to Jinfulou to deal with things on her own. Faced with some simple things, Shishi was able to deal with it on her own, which made Gu Xiaowan very pleased.

"It seems that my vision is really good. Brother Shitou is a good shopkeeper!" Brother Shitou is careful and enthusiastic. In this position of the restaurant shopkeeper, with more time, his advantages will definitely be revealed. from!

"Then when will you go to the capital?" Qin Yizhi saw Gu Xiaowan happy, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and she was also indulging in a smile.

"When Brother Shitou can get started with Jinfulou's affairs, let's go there, at most half a month!" Gu Xiaowan said confidently.

Half a month?

That time is enough.

Qin Mozhi's long and narrow eyes held a smile, and there was a pampering light in his deep eyes.

Slender fingers picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip of tea.

The taste of Lanxue tea is getting better.

It seems that everyone is very busy during this period. Qin Yuzhi goes out early every day and returns late. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. Gu Xiaowan is busy giving Shitou a lesson, and there is no time to control Qin Yuzhi. Moving.

Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi were busy packing, everyone in the family was busy.

On this day, Gu Xiaowan did not go to Jinfulou with Shitou. She was packing up with Gu Fangxi at home. Fan Ling was also helping out. Suddenly, she saw Gu Ningping running in panic: "Sister, Brother Shishi has something wrong! "

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