The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1316: Interrogation Master Xiang

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Well, such a fun thing, I want to join in the fun too!"

However, now is not the time to make a big fanfare, just look at those people and see what waves they can make.

Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi left the house at night without telling everyone.

Zuo followed without leaving.

When I arrived at the government office, I found Ahmad. In the middle of the night, Master Xiang drank too much. At this moment, he was lying in the room like a dead pig, snoring like thunder.

It occurred to him that he had tortured Qin Mozhi, but he did not expect to be bullied by Qin Mozhi.

When the four came into the room, Master Xiang was still sleeping like a pig.

When he was awakened by Ahmad, Master Xiang still looked triumphant: "I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk, I can drink another pot! Come, come, do, do!"

It seems that Master Xiang has not drunk enough. When Ahmad tied him up and woke him up with a basin of cold water, Master Xiang discovered that there were so many people in his house suddenly. He wanted to scream, but the sound from his mouth was screaming. I couldn't shout a word at all.

His mouth was so full that he couldn't say a word.

I can only look at the people in the room in horror, with horror and fear on his face.

"Don't be unharmed, Master Xiang!" Qin Yizhi sat in the seat and sneered at him.

Master Xiang screamed, twisting his body vigorously, trying to break free of the rope, but it still didn't help.

"Master Xiang, my girl will come to you to ask something tonight. If you answer well, we won't take you anything, but if you are sloppy, don't blame me for being cruel!" Ah Mo is a practicing family, following Qin Yi The battle on the battlefield was naturally full of hostility. At this moment, Master Xiang thought of the time he was in the interrogation room when he was teased by Qin Yizhi, and he was stunned.

Busily nodded as if pounding garlic, screaming, as if agreeing to Ahmad's words.

Ah Mo took out what was in his mouth, and kept kowtow to the master: "I must say, I must say! The county lord is forgiving, the county lord is forgiving!"

Gu Xiaowan ignored him, and looked at the furnishings in the room. It was luxurious and exquisite. How could the antique jade in this attic look like something a small government master would have?

Gu Xiaowan had a clever idea, as if thinking of something, she suddenly smiled and said, "Master Xiang, if I guess it is correct, this house should be the house where Master Lu lived before?"

The former Master Lu was naturally the Lord Fuya in Liujiazhen. A small master, who was not the imperial order officer, dared to live in Master Fuya's room. This Master Xiang is really courageous!

Master Xiang knelt on the ground, his hands and feet tied tightly, his face turned pale when he heard Gu Xiaowan's words. Gu Xiaowan is right, this is indeed the room where Master Fuya lives!

Although he is a master, the new government official has not yet come to take office. As the largest official in Liujia Town, he should sleep for a while, shouldn't it matter?

Besides, who knows who the new Lord Fuya is?

However, he wanted to return to his heart, if this matter was spread, his reputation would be completely destroyed. If the new adult is a prudent person, maybe his master's position will be lost.

Originally, he thought that before the new adult took office, he would also enjoy the treatment of the adult. Who knows, he was able to find out Cheng Yaojin halfway through, and he was seen through by Gu Xiaowan.

Master Xiang didn't dare to be ambiguous, and he kowtowed and confessed his mistake in a panic: "Anping county lord, the official and the official drank too much, accidentally went to the wrong room, accidentally went to the wrong room!"

Master Xiang licked his face and kept saying that he drank too much and accidentally walked to the wrong room. How could Gu Xiaowan believe him?

Everything in this room is clean. If there is no one in the room on weekdays, why should this room be cleaned so clean?

"Master Xiang, is it true that I went to the wrong room? The wrong room is small, but if this matter falls into the ears of the newcomer, I am afraid it is not a matter of drinking too much and walking to the wrong room. What? I heard that the newcomer of the government office is very concerned about the honor and inferiority of this officialdom!" Gu Xiaowan agitated him, and as expected, he saw Master Xiang's face all green.

"Anping County Lord, I, I," I dare to say a word to Master, and looked at Gu Xiaowan pitifully.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I was confused for a while, and I hope that the county lord will assume that this hasn't happened, and the official doesn't want to leave the government office!" Master Xiang said, tears flowed from his eyes. Come out, think about it, really a little scared.

If you really let the newcomer know that you slept in his room, don't you still want to wear your own shoes?

Master Xiang didn't dare to bet on his future, so he could only plead with Gu Xiaowan to tell her not to tell the matter.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Well, as long as you answer one of my questions, we shall not have seen this matter!"

"What's the matter?" When Master Xiang saw Gu Xiaowan agree, he hurriedly agreed.

"Where is Fan Yu? Where are the two Yamen who arrested Fan Yu?"

Sure enough, Gu Xiaowan carefully stared at Master Xiang's face, and saw that his face suddenly changed when he heard Fan Yu's name. It seems that Master Xiang must know where Fan Yu is!

Master Xiang looked at Gu Xiaowan, did not speak, and stared at Gu Xiaowan like that.

Gu Xiaowan waited for a while, but when he saw him, she waved her hand and said, "Since Master Xiang refuses to say, then I won't ask. I am the head of Anping county pro-appointed by the emperor, and the new master of the government took office. My Gu Yuan, he will definitely go, if the county owner accidentally missed his words by that time, you can hope that the master will not care too much!"

After Gu Xiaowan finished speaking, she took someone to walk outside.

"Don't don't don't, the county lord, I said, I said!" Master Xiang saw that they were leaving, anxious, if he really said something then

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