The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1332: Good marriage

The two sons of the Zhao family both wanted to marry Gu Xiaowan, and they had sent a matchmaker to advance. Mrs. Xu knew this.

It's just that the eldest son of the Zhao family later retired, and never had this idea again.

However, the second son of the Zhao family, the son of Zhao Xun's outside room, but he did not die, and now he is still doing such nasty things!

"That's how Hong thinks I will be her daughter-in-law!" Gu Xiaowan sneered, her eyes like ice knives.

"When the Zhao family is in this generation, their status and money are far from the past!" Xu Xianlin said, "If I guess it is right, the Hong family has always been Zhao Xun's outside room, Zhao Xun's wife. Jealous, the lady and her child are not allowed to enter the Zhao Mansion. If you want to come, the Hong clan wants her son to marry a good wife, so the Zhao family is so large. If this is the case, they can enter the Zhao family in an open manner! If you really marry Gu Xiaowan, it won’t matter if you progress into the Zhao family!"

Xu Xianlin's guess is not wrong at all!

That Hong's is with such a plan!

For so many years, I have never given up such a dream!

Since your Madam Zhao won't let me enter the Zhao Mansion, I can't be the wife of the Zhao Family, and my two children can't enter the Zhao Family, so make yourself strong first, and be strong enough to make them admire!

"But later, didn't Zhao Xun return to the Zhao family with two children?" Mrs. Xu still knew something about the Zhao family: "Her children have already entered the Zhao mansion and become the young master, why is she? Don't give up!"

Mrs. Xu’s beautiful eyes were full of worries. When she heard that such a thrilling incident had happened to Gu Xiaowan on the street, she immediately couldn’t sit still, pulling Xu Xianlin and rushing to Gu Yuan, waiting to see Gu Xiaowanzhen Nothing happened to him, so I felt relieved.

At this point, Gu Xiaowan thought more clearly than Mrs. Xu.

Was it a small one under the fence, or a big one by another door? At this point, Hong Shi has been an outside room for so many years, and she must have tasted the ups and downs thoroughly!

After sending away the worried Xu Xianlin and his wife, Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi refused to leave Gu Xiaowan at one step, even at home!

"Aunt, aunt, I'm really fine!" When they arrived in the room, Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi locked the door and were about to take off her clothes to see if there was any bruise or injury on their bodies.

Gu Xiaowan was dumbfounded by the actions of the two.

"No, we have to see. The frightened horse is a brainless beast. Auntie dare not even think about it. How scared you were when you were alone in the carriage!" Gu Fangxi said, with distressed tears. The water is about to fall: "If there is anything wrong with you, aunt, aunt"

Gu Fangxi couldn't continue, so she cried after hiding her face. Seeing her so sad, Gu Xiaowan was also very sad.

He hugged Gu Fangxi and said with comfort, "Auntie, look, I'm really fine, it's fine!"

She took off a coat by herself, revealing the smooth arms and jade back inside, which were flawless and indeed not injured.

Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang were relieved: "It’s fine if you are not hurt, it’s fine! But in the future, what about the Zhao family, the key is not giving up? Today will surprise your horse, who knows they will do it tomorrow? What is going on!" Yes, it was prevented once and twice, but it is difficult to prevent it all the time.

The three of Hong's mother and son are now more like not being mad and not becoming a demon. This method is becoming more and more vicious and vicious. If it is really unprepared, everyone will not even think about it.

Thinking of this, Gu Fangxi looked around and asked a little dissatisfied: "Where is Zuo? Hasn't she been by your side all the time?"

"Auntie, this is at home, Hong's hand hasn't stretched so long! Don't worry!" Hearing that at home, my aunt wanted Zuo to be by her side at any time, Gu Xiaowan couldn't laugh or cry: "I will send her out. I have done something, and I will be back soon after the calculation."

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, there was a knock on the door and a familiar voice: "Girl, I'm back!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't talk to Zuo in front of the two adults, and sent them away with good words. Gu Xiaowan asked how things were going on with Zuo, and whether the things were sent out!

Zuo nodded: "It was sent out, and the man saw something, his eyes straightened!"

"Anything else to say?" Gu Xiaowan took a sip of tea quietly, gracefully.

"I said, thank you girl for giving her a good marriage!"

Good marriage?

Gu Xiaowan grinned, and slowly put the tea cup back in her hand. In the cup, her eyes were as cold as frost.

Whether it's good or bad is still unclear!

But for the Zhao family, what is certain is that this is a bad marriage that cannot be worse!

The Hong clan was confined and kept in the place where he lived. Zhao Xun's consumption of food and clothing was reduced by 60%.

Without two masters, so much overhead is naturally not needed.

At that time, Hong was beaten by Zhao Xun and couldn't get up. He lay sadly in the room and rested for many days before he felt better.

It's just that there are no two lifebloods in the family anymore. The Hong clan washes his face with tears every day, faintly, so miserable.

Now there are only three maids in the house, a rough maid, a close servant, and an old servant who is a janitor.

The original big family has now become such a thin and weak general. Comparing the two, one is in the sky and the other is underground, the great days of Hong's family are finally over.

These three minions were all selected by Zhao Xun, and the rest were not served in front of the Hong clan before, so the Hung clan did not worry about them. And these three people knew that the Hong clan was not liked by the master now. I'm not so caring either. I can just get through everything and make it through one day.

On this day, Hong had just woke up and was very thirsty. He wanted to drink water, but he looked around, and there was not even a person around him serving tea or water.

She called many times without seeing a person, but the laughter from time to time at the door let Hong know that this person was at the door.

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