The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1338: Zhan Hongyu

"Huh, that's not the one! It's your pink confidant, Zhan!" Zhao Yuner said grotesquely, with a full face of sadness.

Upon hearing this name, Zhao Zijie was a little confused: "Is it her?"

"Huh, they are very generous in their shots. One shot is three hundred taels. I bought all the four boxes of fragrance powder. The other girls only have their eyes wide open to see!" Zhao Yuner I was almost jealous: "Huh, brother, tell Yun'er, how much have you contributed out of those three hundred taels of silver!"

That widow was so generous in her shots, she didn't even know how many men she was with to be as generous as she is now.

Hearing Zhao Yun'er teasing herself, Zhao Zijie was a little embarrassed, touching his head and hissing and said, "My brother is just playing with that person."

"Playing every time?" Zhao Yuner didn't believe it: "Brother, you might not know. Then Zhan said last time that she is the one she loves the most, but what about you! Tsk tsk, if you are willing to marry her, she I'm willing to live less than ten years!"

"It's unreasonable, really nonsense, how could I marry her? Not to mention that she was married, and she is still a widow. Look at her age, she is more than ten years older than me, and a few years older, I can Call her mother!" Zhao Zijie retorted hurriedly, with a look of disgust and disgust: "The powder on the face is thicker than the skin, and it can't hide the wrinkles on the face. So a widow, this son will marry her? It's just a delusion! On the contrary, it is my sister"

At this moment, Zhao Zijie's voice changed abruptly, where there are still the disgust and dislike just now, and the words are full of joy: "Look at you, it is smooth and tender, and powdered is almost the same as if powdered! It is really natural beauty!"

Zhao Zijie looked envious!

Zhao Yuner always liked to listen to good things, but when she said it from her brother's mouth, she still chuckled and chuckled, and punched Zhao Zijie with her powder fist: "Brother, you are really bad, but That's bad!"

The two joked and made a mess. They were on the bed and closed the door. Zhao Zijie pulled Zhao Yuner and the two lay on the bed.

When Madam Zhao pushed the door directly in, she happened to see Zhao Zijie holding Zhao Yun'er's two hands and cutting her backhand on top of Zhao Yun'er's head.

Zhao Yun'er was lying on the bed with messy hair and disheveled clothes, while Zhao Zijie was bullying her body and was riding on Zhao Yun'er. That scene

It's a picture of an **** palace in a living place.

Madam Zhao's face suddenly turned dark, and she shouted sharply: "What are you two doing!"

Zhao Yuner panicked, and hurriedly pushed Zhao Zijie away, got up and stood up, the hair on her head was messed up, her clothes had slipped over her shoulders, and there seemed to be faint purple on it, which made people think.

Zhao Yuner got up in a panic, but it was not because Madam Zhao was here, but because she saw a person behind Madam Zhao-Zhan!

Zhan is also dressed in lotus-colored clothes today, his hair is meticulously combed, and the clothes on his body are neatly without any folds. The good looks are dignified and rich!

Zhao Yuner didn’t want to be compared by the widow in his brother’s mouth. She raised her voice and held her head high, trying to suppress the widow from her aura: "What are you doing? Madam Zhao, this is Zhao Mansion. The rules? A notorious widow can enter the door of our Zhao family at will!"

Zhao Yunren took a mouthful of Mrs. Zhao, her face turned into pig liver when she was angry: "Asshole thing, I am your mother!"

"My mother's surname is Hong!" Zhao Yuner scolded with a stubborn neck.

Madam Zhao is almost going to be **** off by these two people, pointing to Zhao Yuner's stunned life, she can't scold him. If it weren't for today's Zhan family to send herself the powder that money can't buy, otherwise, she would return it. I really didn't come to this yard full of medicinal smells. I didn't want to provoke my bad luck for nothing, and also covered the fragrance.

However, coming today is not without gain!

Thinking of the ambiguous picture she saw just now, Madam Zhao sneered at the corner of her mouth.

He didn't say a word with the brothers and sisters of Zhao Zijie, just glanced at Zhan, then turned and left.

Suddenly there were only three people left in the room, and Zhao Yuner glared at Zhan curiously and furiously.

Zhan's eyes were full of spring, holding a kerchief. From the moment he entered the room, his eyes never left the person on the sickbed.

I haven't seen him for many days, I have lost a lot of weight, but I am still handsome.

Zhan's eyes were straight, and Zhao Zijie's heart shook as he watched, "Hongyu, why are you here?"

Zhan's boudoir is named Hongyu.

As soon as Zhan Hongyu heard Zhao Zijie call his name, the tears fell down. Fortunately, she was very touching: "Zijie, the Nujia thought you forgot the Nujia!"

After finishing speaking, wipe the tears from the corners of the eyes with the veil in his hand. It is really charming and charming.

Zhao Zijie had fallen a long time ago. The play with Zhao Yun'er just now made him wonder why he lost his mind. If Mrs. Zhao hadn't arrived in time, he could not control his mind and kissed him. Go down.

Seeing Zhan Hongyu's arrival at this moment, Zhao Zijie's heart began to itch again, and another tingling came from his tail vertebra, which made him feel hot, and directly stretched out his hand to Zhan Hongyu and motioned her to come.

This action angered Zhao Yun'er, who was still standing here. Why couldn't my brother change this temperament, as soon as he saw a woman, he couldn't walk.

Zhao Yun'er looked up and down the daughter coldly.

At the age of more than 30, because of the good maintenance, it is really like a young woman in her twenties.

His face was coated with white powder, and he was wearing lotus-colored clothes. Between his gestures, there was a young woman's charm and charm.

Zhao Yun'er couldn't learn the image of the young woman who turned all sentient beings upside down, so naturally he was extremely jealous.

Seeing the look of her elder brother looking straight at Zhan's body with squinted eyes, she really had nothing to say to this elder brother. She glared at Zhao Zijie with a pair of big eyes hating iron and steel, and then turned it over with disdain. Looking at Zhan Hongyu with blank eyes, he squeezed the kerchief and walked away proudly.

Seeing his sister leave, Zhao Zijie saw it as if he hadn't seen it. Without the interference of the third party, it was even more satisfying.

Busily calling Zhan Hongyu: "My dear, come here to my lord! I haven't seen you for a long time, but I want to die of my lord!"

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