The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1345: Jan's pregnancy

"Forgive you both for not dare!" Zhao Yuner's words would grab Madam Zhao's heart!

Yes, the two people in front of you are descendants of the Zhao family, and sons and daughters of Zhao Xun. If you don't care about their life and death, what will Zhao Xun think of himself if he wants to get rid of this matter?

There is no nasty thing in the courtyard of which boudoir!

Mrs. Zhao’s weakness was pinched by Zhao Yuner and she could only give up: "I will cover this matter for you."

Hearing this, Zhao Zijie and Zhao Yun'er lowered their heads and looked at each other, and they were happy.

Before the words were finished, an anxious voice suddenly came from the door: "Madam, that Zhan's fainted in the house."

Aunt Lian hurriedly went out to ask, and when she came back, her face was very ugly.

After saying a few words in Madam Zhao’s ear, Madam Zhao gave Zhao Zijie a fierce look. Now, the anger can't go away anymore: "What did you do to that Zhan Hongyu!"

"What is it?" Zhao Zijie didn't understand what she was talking about. There were so many things that happened on this day, and he still had pain in his body, so he didn't have so much brain to think about.

"Keep it from me!" Madam Zhao couldn't wait to step forward and kick the worm to death Zhao Zijie: "That Zhan Hongyu is pregnant! Say that child is yours!"

The fewer people who know the matter, the better. That Zhan Hongyu is not a worry-free one. He originally wanted to give her some money to pass. If she was really pregnant, it would be troublesome!

"How is it possible!" When Zhao Zijie heard it, he jumped up from the ground suddenly: "How could she be pregnant with my child at such an age!"

"Older? No matter how old you are, women will still get pregnant. Where did you hear that older women will not get pregnant!" Madam Zhao stroked her forehead, this stupid man was so stupid.

"What Zhan Zhan said, she said, she has no Kui Shui now, and she won't be pregnant, so, I, I," Zhao Zijie trembled and couldn't even say a complete sentence.

"You believe what the woman said!"

Zhan is now a widow, and she is in her thirties. How could she hook up with Zhao Zijie if it wasn't for her charm!

If I want to come, I must see that Zhao Zijie is so deceiving, I want to take the opportunity to climb Zhao Zijie, and now I have climbed Zhao Zijie, and I want to rely on him.

Although the Zhao family hasn't worked in the past few years, it is still everyone!

However, in this century-old family, as a descendant of the Zhao family, how could Zhao Zijie marry a widow who is a watery widow!

"That ridiculous woman, who knows if the child is mine!" Fortunately, Mrs. Zhao is not stupid, and when she hears it, Mrs. Zhao said fiercely: "Go tell that Zhan, if she dares to talk nonsense, Don't blame the Zhao family for being rude to her!"

A servant took his life. When Zhao Zijie heard that Mrs. Zhao cleared the obstacles for him, he was relieved. How could the Zhao family be the master of bullying! "Thank you, my mother, for your son!" Zhao Zijie also learned Zhao Yun'er at the moment and complimented Mrs. Zhao.

Seeing these two children calling their mothers now, Madam Zhao smiled coldly in her heart, but she was very proud on her face!

The two children recognized themselves, presumably because they saw that they had taken care of this matter for them, but that's okay, if the master came back, he would naturally take a high look at himself and couldn't help but feel proud.

Hong, look at your two children, now they call me a mother!

Madam Zhao had talked a lot with Zhao Zijie and Zhao Yuner, and she was thinking about how to clean up the relationship between them. Now that this matter has been discovered, the people in the family are still able to deal with it. The most difficult thing is that Zhan Hongyu.

Thinking of this, Madam Zhao hurriedly talked to Aunt Lian. Aunt Lian's expression was panicked and she hurried away!

"As long as you two hold on to this matter, you will say that it has never happened. From your father, I will conceal it from you. If I can't conceal it, I will explain it to the master!" Madam Zhao looked like I was good for you.

Zhao Zijie and Zhao Yuner were so touched that they almost hugged Madam Zhao's leg and called to their mother!

All the wounds on Zhao Zijie's body broke open, and the wound opened again, bleeding, and the doctor came and bandaged it again. However, looking at the unhealed wound on his body, I felt strange, but people How can he ask questions about things in the big family!

It's just that the wound on this side

After thinking about it, I still have to say something, there is a wound on this face, if it is not good, if it is rotten then, if such a beautiful face is ruined, then

"Young Master Zhao, do you like spicy food these days?" The doctor asked Zhao Zijie's pulse, stroking his beard.

Zhao Zijie nodded. He really likes spicy food. The kitchen has a variety of spicy fish and spicy meat. The big fish and meat are big and spicy all day long. It is really enjoyable to eat!

"The wound on Mr. Zhao's body is still not healed now. It is better for Mr. Zhao to eat less of this big meat and spicy thing, so as not to affect the healing of the wound!"

The doctor finished speaking, but Zhao Zijie didn't seem to hear him. He was still eating the oily chicken drumsticks that were added to him in the kitchen, and his mouth was full of oil!

Seeing that he didn't take his words to heart at all, the doctor could only shake his head and left.

Hey, he has already said so clearly, if he is not learning his lesson, let him go!

But, I'm afraid this beautiful face is going to be ruined.

The original wound was getting more and more ulcerated, and even the good skin on the side was festering and purulent. I think the anger in the body was too heavy!

And Madam Zhao returned to her yard, her frowning eyebrows never loosened.

"These two brothers and sisters really followed their mothers, they are the third indiscriminate things, they can't be on the table!" Madam Zhao snorted, took a sip of tea, and then smashed the tea cup on the table. With a crisp bang, the water in the tea cup was spilled.

Madam Zhao looked unhappy, and the Aunt Lian on the side was also carefully waiting on her side: "What do Madam plans to do next? Today so many people are watching the siblings, and Zhan said that she has a body, this matter It won’t last long!"

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