The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1350: Brother Song

The group of unmarried women who came over all rushed in full of joy. When I saw this god-like man, there was a charming woman in moon-white clothes with picturesque brows, not Gu Xiaowan or who it was!

In a blink of an eye, the excitement in the eyes of the women was lost. They gave Gu Xiaowan a dissatisfaction, but did not dare to offend Gu Xiaowan. They could only stare at Qin Yizhi reluctantly, and then stared at Gu Xiaowan reluctantly. Turned and left.

It's just that the group of women still gathered together, you said and I said, secretly looking at Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan from time to time, still unwilling to think about it.

Gu Xiaowan shook Qin Yizhi's hand back, her eyebrows seemed to be a little bit sad: "I don't know how many people will be pierced in the flesh tonight!"

So many girls are coming, and I have to stand here proudly. If the eyes of these girls are like knives, then I don't know how many knives are needed in this small body!

Seeing the pity of the kitten, Qin Yizhi didn't laugh, and took out a lantern from behind as if turned into magic and handed it to Gu Xiaowan: "Does it look good?"

Gu Xiaowan was pleasantly surprised. This lantern is not made of paper paste like others do. This lantern is made of colored glaze and shaped like a lotus flower. It looks like a real lotus and is extremely delicate.

"Where did this come from? It's so beautiful!"

This lantern really became the most beautiful lantern tonight.

The colored glaze itself is transparent, and on each piece of colored glaze, there is a bright red candlelight, which is beautiful and dazzling.

The crowd was surging, and people squeezed from time to time. Qin Yizhi held Gu Xiaowan tightly and protected her by his side to prevent her from hurting her a little bit. Gu Xiaowan held the lantern in her hand and gained a lot along the way. Envying eyes along the way!

And the most enviable thing is not the kind of lanterns, but from the Jinfu Tower, Qin Yizhi never left Gu Xiaowan’s gaze. From beginning to end, it was gentle and silky, like stars in the night full of lanterns. Generally shiny.

Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi wanted to take a look at the lantern before going to the capital to make a wedding, and then they followed back. However, there are so many people who see lanterns, but there are people they don't want to see.

When I came to a lantern, the lantern was exquisitely made. There were many people watching in front of me. You were saying something there.

Gu Xiaowan happened to be passing by, listening to other people's words, she looked at it curiously, and was stopped by someone as soon as she wanted to leave.

"Oh, isn't this the county lord of Anping? Why do you have time to come out to see the lanterns today!" The speaker, the official Zhao Xun's daughter-Zhao Yuner.

Zhao Yun'er is wearing a pink dress today. The wide robe and narrow shoulders and thin waist line the girl's picturesque appearance.

In terms of looks, Zhao Yun'er is unambiguous at all. willow leaf eyebrows, cherry mouth, a pair of eyes with affectionate eyebrows, when you don’t speak and just look at you, those eyes seem to have countless love words to tell you, watery, and That slender figure and weak waist seemed to be able to be held with one hand by someone else, and it was so beautiful and charming.

Gu Xiaowan had seen the Hong family, so she naturally knew who Zhao Yuner looked like.

If you put this charming and beautiful words on a girl who is already married or in a hook, it still means praise, but these two words are put on the head of an unmarried girl, it is really not a good one. Words.

Beauty is beautiful, but beautiful without the dignity of an unmarried woman!

Zhao Yuner’s words were spoken to Gu Xiaowan, but when he was speaking, the eyeballs never left Qin Yizhi’s body. When he saw Qin Yizhi, the eyeballs were about to drip out, and the whole person Excited, but when Qin Mozhi was holding Gu Xiaowan's hand tightly, his face instantly disappeared, as black as a charcoal.

Gu Xiaowan didn't want to talk to her, and Qin Mozhi did the same. He left without stopping at all.

There were still a lot of people around Zhao Yun'er, all of them looked here, one by one watching the departure of Zhao Yun'er and Gu Xiaowan curiously.

There are also some people who guide the truth, looking at Zhao Yun'er maliciously, with contempt in their eyes.

When did Zhao Yun'er be so despised, Gu Xiaowan really had the courage to not even say hello. It was really uncultivated.

"Really there are people who are not taught in life. Any fool knows to meet and say hello! What's more, I'm still an Anping county head!" Zhao Yuner just finished speaking contemptuously when she saw Qin Yizhi turning his head to look at her, his eyes full of laugh.

Zhao Yun'er never noticed the coldness in his eyes when he saw him smiling at him. She was so excited that she couldn't hold on to herself, so she took two steps forward and looked at Qin Mozhi in surprise: "Qin Brother"

The bottom of my eyes is the shyness of my little daughter's family.

However, when he waited for the next step, Zhao Yuner suddenly felt that her lips were pierced by a needle, and she wailed in pain: "Ah"

In this night with full of voices, this miserable cry seemed particularly abrupt, and Zhao Yuner was seen covering her mouth and screaming in pain.

Upon seeing this, a young man hurried forward to comfort Zhao Yun'er: "Yun'er, Yun'er, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Yuner wailed and did not speak. She looked at the young man in horror with a pair of tearful eyes, and then pointed to the person in front of him and shouted: "Big Brother Song, she hit me, my mouth hurts! Ugh!"

Gu Xiaowan looked back, and saw Zhao Yun'er half lying in the arms of the man named Song, with a look of pain on her face. Gu Xiaowan glanced at Qin Yizhi, and then the two turned around and left hand in hand.

The person who was called to be Brother Song saw that the culprit who made the little cousin upset was the first to go, and hurriedly shouted: "You guys stop. If you bully someone, you want to go. It's not that easy! Come on, take these two. Personally stop!"

Then, I saw seven or eight people in uniform dressing like a family, who did not know where they came from, surrounded Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan with agility.

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