The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1352: Save people

"Brother Yizhi, what should I do?" Many of those who came to see the lantern worshiping the moon were single young men and women. These people are agile and don’t have to worry. It’s just that they sell things, some of them are young children. , And the elderly, taking advantage of such a good time, came out to earn two more money, how do you know that such a disaster happened now?

At this moment, some people are crying and racing against the fire to grab things, and there are people who want to rush into the fire desperately, wanting to rescue things, but the fire is so big, I am afraid it will be burned clean.

The young woman, hugging her child, weeping helplessly, this thing is the belongings of the whole family, and all of it has been burned out.

There are also some old people wailing miserably: "My goods, my goods!"

Many houses at this time are made of wood, and if the fire spreads to the residential buildings, it is even more dare not to imagine.

Gu Xiaowan looked back at the location of the Song Liancheng station just now, where his people, Zhao Yuner and Song Liancheng, and the few oops who were lying on the ground pretending to be dead just now, had already run away without a trace.

Qin Yizhi was worried about Gu Xiaowan's safety, but now, in such a scene, if he does not save people, he is afraid that someone will really be injured.

Qin Yizhi looked around, and suddenly he hugged Gu Xiaowan and rushed to a safe place. Before leaving, he carefully told Gu Xiaowan: "Wan'er, you stay here and don't move, I will come!"

Gu Xiaowan worried about the safety of those people, nodded hurriedly, and said anxiously: "Okay, I'm waiting for you here, you also have to be careful!"

Qin Yizhi glanced at Gu Xiaowan worriedly, and then left without looking back. Gu Xiaowan looked at Qin Yizhi’s leaving back without even blinking. The expression in her eyes has been following him, but with The crowd, and dusk, Gu Xiaowan searched for a long time and never found him again.

A heart in her heart has been hanging in her mouth all the time, going up and down, and the glazed lantern in her hand gave her a sense of peace.

Gu Xiaowan stayed where she was. As more and more people came to fight the fire, the fire became smaller and smaller, and Gu Xiaowan's heart stopped.

Suddenly, I didn't know where I heard an exclamation: "Oh no, someone was smashed. Someone has saved someone from the fire and hasn't come out! Just the young man!"

When Gu Xiaowan heard the young man, her heart slammed down again. She didn't know if Qin Yizhi asked her to wait here just now, she rushed into the fire with her leg pulled out, but at that moment, she didn't know. A huge force suddenly rushed from where.

Gu Xiaowan didn't have time to evade, but felt that she had been severely hit by someone, and then she involuntarily threw it out with the huge momentum, and the glazed lamp in her hand fell.

Gu Xiaowan was directly rushed into the fire.

Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment, and then they heard another shout: "It's not good, someone fell into the fire!"

The glazed lantern fell to the ground and smashed to pieces. The crisp sound seemed to have never existed in the noise of life.

When someone saw it, they hurried over to see, trying to catch the culprit, but that person quickly disappeared into the dark night and was no longer seen. "Hurry up, save people, the owner of Anping County is inside! Come on!" someone shouted.

Qin Yizhi was helping the poor people race against the fire to grab things. Although he didn't save much, he did his best to reduce losses.

When I was busy in the heat, I heard someone yelling that the county lord of Anping had fallen into the fire. Qin Yizhi was horrified, passing by and looking at the place where Gu Xiaowan was standing, but there was still that familiar figure there. Gone. The glazed glass on the ground was shattered, and someone pointed at him and shouted: "Anping County Lord is inside!"

Qin Yi jumped in fright and rushed directly into the fire: "Wan'er"

When the people outside saw Qin Yizhi rushing in desperately, you were fighting for the fire at the door, but after waiting for a long time, no one inside came out.

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned: "It's over, it's over, the county lord of Anping will not be"

"Oh my God, doing evil, doing evil! These are a pair of golden boys and girls, why are they so"

The crowd wailed, but when they looked again, they saw a handsome figure rushing out of it.

The man was holding a delicate figure in his arms, everyone's eyes widened, and then suddenly someone suddenly yelled: "My son, my son, still inside!"

A bloated woman holding a child in her hand, suddenly cried out in horror.

It turned out that she gave birth to two children, the small one on her hand, and the older one rested because she was tired. The woman put the baby on the small bed behind the table.

When the fire was burning, she suddenly forgot. She only remembered to take the little child and rushed outside. She didn't remember the eldest son inside.

At this moment, she was about to rush into the sea of ​​flames in horror, shouting sternly: "My son, my son!"

If it hadn't been for the vendor on the side to hold her, she would have rushed in regardless.

Qin Yizhi rushed out with her arms around Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan had something in her arms. Suddenly, she shouted in her arms: "Mother, mother, here I am, here I am!"

The mad woman rushed in desperately, and suddenly a familiar voice came from behind and stopped her footsteps. When she looked back, she saw a familiar little figure running towards her: "Mother, mother"

The woman was still looking lifeless and desperate just now. At this moment, she was joyous and wept with joy: "My son, my son!"

Hugging the child in one hand, in his arms, like a lost treasure.

Qin Yizhi’s general Gu Xiaowan hugged her arms tightly. She was still in shock just now. She still seemed to lose her soul at this moment. She kept asking: "Wan'er, is there any injury or pain?"

Qin Yizhi clutched a heart tightly. Just now he heard someone say that the county lord of Anping fell into the fire, God knows, his fearful heart was pinched in one place.

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