The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1381: Qingyuan

Such a person is easy to get close at a glance.

Gu Fangxi also came to talk with Madam Li. After hearing what Madam Li had just said, he asked curiously: "How much is a box of rouge gouache?"

"Look at this gouache store. The things here are normal in the capital, but a box of rouge gouache costs twenty taels of silver!" Madam Li sighed.

"What? Twenty taels?" Gu Fangxi exclaimed in disbelief and sighed in surprise.

Gu Fangxi used skin care creams, beauty creams and the like, and because Gu Xiaowan bought her a lot of rouge gouache, the skin has been getting better and better over the years.

Because Gu Xiaowan had bought it for her before, and they were all selected ones, after Gu Fangxi learned about it, she didn't let Gu Xiaowan buy it for her.

Said that this thing is too expensive, she has the money, she will buy it.

Since Gu Fangxi can also embroider, he and Gu Xiaoyi would make dolls and handkerchiefs and sell them in the town on weekdays. Gu Xiaowan gave all the money from the sale to Gu Fangxi.

Especially when a cloth play shop was opened in Beijing, Gu Fangxi also followed Xiao Yi to learn how to make puppets. Although they were not as refined as Gu Xiaoyi, they were also very good in appearance. They also sold a lot of money in the capital.

Gu Xiaowan didn’t move a single copper plate, and kept all of it for Gu Fangxi. In addition, Gu Xiaowan would give Gu Fangxi a lot of money during the holidays. For so many years, Gu Fangxi has also saved it. A lot of money.

The rouge gouache she brought in Liujiazhen was running out. Just when she was about to buy it, when she heard that the rouge gouache was so expensive, she was so scared that she slapped her tongue on the spot: "It's so expensive, my goodness. Liujiazhen comes here more! It's so expensive, it can't be paid, it can't be paid!"

Although Gu Fangxi had some money on hand, seeing such an expensive rouge gouache, he still felt distressed and reluctant to buy it. Just listening to it, he already felt that it was extremely expensive, let alone buying it.

After hearing Gu Fangxi's words, Gu Xiaowan laughed on the spot: "Auntie, this rouge gouache has a shelf life. You brought so many rouge gouaches. If it breaks, it won't be used anymore, it's not worth it!"

Mrs. Li also smiled and said: "Xiaowan is right, Fangxi, don’t look at the expensive things here, but to be honest, this thing is better than the one bought in town. After applying this thing, the skin is more delicate. Smoother."

Gu Fangxi heard that it was useful, and was a little moved, but thought of such an expensive price, still a little distressed.

Fortunately, this topic hasn't continued yet, someone over there reports that it is the arrival of the house.

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she hurriedly opened the curtain and looked outside.

On the bustling street, a luxurious mansion is located here so quietly.

There was some noise just now, but it was very quiet here.

On the door, a simple plaque inscribed the two characters Qingyuan, the handwriting is just and powerful, and you can see that it is from a famous artist.

Because Mrs. Li didn’t know that this house was now under Gu Xiaowan’s name, she pointed to the house and praised it: "Xiaowan, when you came here, I heard that the owner of this house is going to travel all over the world. I rented this house out. Brother Li knew that you were coming. He heard that the imperial house had not been repaired, so he immediately rented it out. This is the most prosperous street in Beijing, if not If that person is in a hurry to travel around the world, I'm afraid he won't be able to rent it at such a cheap price!"

Mrs. Li said that the house is good: "There are seven entrances to this house, and it's on the busiest street again. Tsk."

Gu Fangxi knew that this house belonged to Gu Xiaowan’s name, but Gu Xiaowan didn’t say anything, she wouldn’t say anything. After hearing Mrs. Li’s words, she smiled and said, “This house is such a big house. Besides, we also have a place to live. When the house is repaired, we will move there too."

Mrs. Li listened and said, "That's not it. After all, it's someone else's house. Although the owner is not there, but living in someone else's house is always weird. Where can I find my own house? Just do it. That's it!"

Gu Xiaowan agrees with this. Although she knows that the house is her own, she can't tell it. Moreover, she can only live here as a temporary resident, and she doesn't know how to get it later!

Thinking of Qin Yizhi telling himself not to worry, he will solve it, and he doesn't know what he will do!

"Qingyuan, who is the owner of this house?" Gu Xiaowan asked suddenly.

"It's not clear. I heard that the master is mysterious. No one knows who owns this house! When it was about to be rented, I heard that someone else rented it out. The real person didn't show up!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, and in a blink of an eye, the sedan chair walked in through the gate.

When all the sedan chairs had entered the house and the door was slowly closed, the carriage curtain was lifted, and Qin Yizhi was seen lifting the curtain in front of the sedan chair, looking at Gu Xiaowan with curving eyebrows: "Here, come out. Let's walk around!"

Gu Xiaowan had this intention. Originally, when the sedan chair entered Qingyuan, Gu Xiaowan wanted to get off the sedan chair and walk away, but because no one spoke, Gu Xiaowan couldn't speak.

But there is excitement hidden in my heart, this is my own house, I really want to see what this house looks like.

Seeing Qin Yizhi's voice just fell, Gu Xiaowan smiled with joy, put her hand into Qin Yizhi's palm, and was lightly brought down by him, and eased down the sedan chair.

Leaving Mrs. Li in the sedan chair, she watched this scene greedyly: "Tsk tsk, Fangxi, look at how good the relationship between Xiaowan and Qin Gongzi is, how much Qin Gongzi loves Xiaowan!"

Gu Fangxi knew how much Qin Yizhi loved Xiaowan, and said with a smile: "Yes, but my family is good, Xiaowan deserves to be treated so well to her!"

There is pride and pride in the eyebrows and words that cannot be concealed.

Mrs. Li also nodded in agreement: "Yes, Xiao Wan, this girl is really good. If my Miao Miao is half as good as Xiao Wan, that's fine!"

"Sister-in-law, Miaomiao is innocent and lively, gentle and generous, and looks good. When Miaomiao grows up, I am afraid that the threshold of your family will be broken by how many people!" Gu Fangxi said flattering words. , But sincerely, when Mrs. Li saw someone complimenting her daughter, she couldn't happily close her mouth from ear to ear: "Okay, I will borrow your good words from Fangxi!"

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