The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1388: Tentative

After finally leaving everyone’s sight, Master Liao also went down wittily. Tan Yushu hugged Gu Xiaowan again, and said happily and excitedly: "Sister Xiaowan, I finally saw you again! I thought I would spend my whole life. I can't see you! Sister Xiaowan, I miss you so much!"

Gu Xiaowan was also busy comforting her: "Yu Shu, Sister Xiaowan misses you too. After so many years, Yu Shu has become a big girl!"

There are a lot of Tan Yushu up and down, and his stature has swayed a lot, his eyes are like stars, round and round, like a full moon on the horizon, showing the arrogance of the sky and the fearless, the eyebrows are heroic and even more revealing. The heroic spirit of a man.

The melon seed face, small nose bridge, rosy lips, and a noble and exquisite women's dress set off her exquisite figure. She is a rare beauty.

"Yu Shu, when I grow up, I am a big girl!" Gu Xiaowan said.

"Sister Xiaowan, are you here to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday?" Tan Yushu asked.

Gu Xiaowan nodded and said yes.

"Are everyone here?" Tan Yushu asked suddenly, looking at the people Gu Xiaowan had brought, and when he didn't see the person he wanted to meet, he felt a little lost.

"In addition to Aunt Zhang's family, Ning An is preparing for Qiuwei, and everyone in the family is here!"

"Oh!" Tan Yushu became excited: "Sister Xiaowan, how are you doing all these years?"

Gu Xiaowan gave a rough overview of what happened in the past few years. Tan Yushu is quite familiar with Ruixian, so when you say it, you won't get a black eye.

Gu Xiaowan's description made Tan Yushu extremely excited, especially when she heard about Gu Ningping, her eyes seemed to shine.

"Really? Brother Ning Ping really did this? Well, that's not bad, this is a real man!" Tan Yushu didn't care about the presence of others, and didn't care what's wrong with him always praising a man.

Ahmad and Azuo are already adults, so they naturally know Tan Yushu's mind. Gu Xiaoyi knew it too.

Only Li Miaomiao was a little confused.

He hurriedly pulled Gu Xiaoyi's hand, and asked with some confusion: "Who is this girl? That person called her the princess, she is the princess?"

This girl has a noble temperament, she doesn't look like a girl from an ordinary family.

"Well, she is the lord of Huguo County!" Gu Xiaoyi nodded softly.

"Do you know?" Li Miaomiao is even more strange. This princess protector seems to be very familiar with sister Xiaowan!

"Yes, when she came to Ruixian, she played very well with us!" Gu Xiaoyi finished answering, thinking whether to tell her brother if she saw Sister Yushu today.

"Xiao Yi" Tan Yushu called her.

"Sister Yushu" Gu Xiaoyi just recovered from the thoughts just now and hurriedly called.

"You are all here, so good, so good!" After Tan Yushu finished speaking, the tears were about to fall again.

Several people said a few words to stick to oneself before they gave up. While reluctantly at the gate of Jinxiu Cloth Village, Tan Yushu still held Gu Xiaowan's hand and didn't let go: "Sister Xiaowan, can I go see you?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, thinking of someone, and hurriedly said, "Of course, we all welcome you!"

"Do you really welcome me?" Tan Yushu said something like this to himself, a wry smile flashed across his face: "I have lied to him so much, will he still welcome me?"

Seeing Tan Yushu's lost look, Gu Xiaowan couldn't answer for Gu Ningping.

This is a matter for the two of them, and naturally they have to resolve it.

Seeing Tan Yushu's carriage drifting away, Gu Xiaowan and the others also turned around and walked towards Qingyuan.

Walking on the road, Gu Xiaoyi was a little curious and said in a voice with only two people: "Sister, sister Yushu was so sad just now, why didn't you tell her that my brother was thinking of her all the time?"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head: "That's Ningping and Yushu. Although we know it, we can't decide for them! Only the two of them can open up such a knot!"

From beginning to end, Tan Yushu was cautiously asking about Gu Ningping, and Gu Xiaowan had been telling Gu Ningping's things in an objective and fair manner. Tan Yushu listened with gusto, and her eyes were full of yearning.

Tan Yushu thought that she had deceived Gu Ningping. Moreover, the fact is that Gu Ningping was also angry with Tan Yushu and that she did not trust herself.

Although this feeling was diluted by Tan Yushu's departure, the two people did not talk frankly once. What other people said can only affect the judgment of others.

Gu Xiaowan could not make a decision on their choice, nor could he be the middle judge.

Whether to stay or go, they ask their hearts!

While Tan Yushu was on the carriage returning home, her eyes were red and swollen from crying. Ayu kept leaning on her with a warm towel, and said distressedly: "Little lady, look at you, the eyes are all red, go back to the master and watch Now, I must be heartbroken!"

"Ayu, you said, if Brother Ning Ping knew that I saw Sister Xiao Wan, would he be as excited as me?" Tan Yushu asked in a nervous but agitated way regardless of whether his eyes were red or not.

Ayu carefully closed her eyes for her, thinking that at that time, the little lady wanted to tell Gu Ningping about her affairs, but because of the master's decision, she was completely upset.

She walked away on the back of a deceitful charge, strangling to death the budding love that had just come out of her ignorance.

But this one of Miss Only's grows bigger and bigger, and now it has grown sturdily into a towering tree with luxuriant branches!

"Miss, Gu Gongzi must be very excited too!" Ayu replied, her own little lady is so good, she has turned away how many banyan family's requests for him to marry, and how many emperors and queen mothers have refused to marry her. If Gu Ningping doesn't appreciate the kindness of the little lady, then he is the one who really has no heart.

Over the years, the young lady has always blamed herself for what happened in the past.

I always said that if I had told Gu Ningping in advance, after so many years, she would not be so self-blaming, and would not always remember every night when Gu Ningping might have suspicions, and could not sleep at night.

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