The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1395: Not seen

Gu Xiaowan gently pushed Qin Mo, but was pulled by Qin Mozhi, and fell into Qin Mozhi's arms again, causing the two people behind A Zuo and Kou Dan to smile deeper.

Gu Xiaowan originally thought that Gu Ningping's trip would go well, but when Gu Ningping came back at sunset, she looked lonely.

"Girl, girl, the third son is back." Zuo ran in from outside and said eagerly.

Seeing Zuo panicked, Gu Xiaowan secretly said not good: "What's wrong with Ningping?" "The third son is too drunk and drunk. Kou Hai helped son back to the yard." Zuo said anxiously.

"Is he drunk?" Gu Xiaowan was taken aback: "Didn't he go to find Yushu? Why did he drink?"

Gu Xiaowan followed Zuo to Ningping's courtyard, listening to Zuo talk about Gu Ningping's brother.

It turns out that Gu Ningping never entered the general's mansion, let alone see Tan Yushu.

"I heard Kou Hai, who went with the third son, said that when the third son arrived at the general's mansion, he did not go in at all, and the door of the general's mansion had not been opened at all. No one notified the third son!" Zuo said.

"What? Is there no one in the General's Mansion?" Gu Xiaowan kept walking. When she heard that no one came to open the door in the General's Mansion, she felt strange: "Isn't Yu Shu in the mansion?"

"If the Lord Protector was in the mansion, he would definitely not fail to open the door to the third son, but today there is no one in the General Mansion!" While talking, Gu Xiaowan has already come to Gu Ningping’s courtyard.

I could only smell a scent of alcohol coming from inside, and I could hear Gu Ningping's murmur after drinking too much.

"Jade Book"

When I opened the curtain and went in, I saw Kou Hai standing aside, looking at Gu Ningping worriedly.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan coming in, Kou Hai hurriedly came over to salute: "Girl"

"What's the matter with Ningping? What happened when you went to the General's Mansion today?" Gu Xiaowan sat on the edge of the bed anxiously, looking at the drunk and pale Gu Ningping distressedly.

"The son took me to the General's Mansion. Originally, he wanted to enter the General's Mansion to meet the Lord Protector, but the son knocked on the door for a long time. The General's Mansion just didn't open the door, let alone a person to take care of it." Kou Haimo With tears in his eyes, he said, "The son waited for a day, but no one came!"

It is impossible for the General Mansion to have no servants. No matter what, there will be a servant guarding the gate, but the General Mansion will not open the door at all.

"The son waited for a day, and then he thought about it, saying that the county lord Huguo was angry with him and deliberately avoided him. The more he thought about it, the sadder the son, so he ran into the tavern, crying and drinking, and the slave stopped no matter how he stopped. Don't stop." Kou Hai: "The slave looks at the son, and the slave feels sad!"

Kou Hai wiped a handful of tears: "The son drank while calling the name of the princess. The minion looked sad when he looked so sad."

"Is there no one in the General Mansion? Why is no one to open the door for you?" Gu Xiaowan asked suspiciously: "It stands to reason that the General Mansion is so big, there must be someone guarding the door!"

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