The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1441: Going to be famous

Such a woman, although not as glamorous as Shu Min, is like the moon, glowing like a jade. And Shu Min, the beautiful is too dazzling, the beautiful is too ostentatious, and the beautiful is too provocative.

Just because it is so beautiful, after the first surprise, it is a provocation that makes people reluctant to look at it any more.

Two completely different beauties, stunned to compare the brilliance of Shu Min.

Thinking of Shu Min's unobtrusive look when she saw the county lord of Anping, and the seeming jealousy, Fang Peiya snorted and laughed.

The ignorant Miss Xiaoyue Jian smiled and asked excitedly: "Miss, is there anything very happy?"

Fang Peiya nodded: "Xiao Yue, I met a very interesting person today!"

It's interesting that I want to imitate her words and deeds, imitating her anger of hiding needles in cotton.

"The person that the lady likes, that's definitely a good person!" Xiaoyue didn't know who the lady was talking about, but seeing the happy face of the lady, she must have thought that the person was good, so she would laugh!

Fang Peiya did not continue to speak, but said: "Xiaoyue, go back and help me with the next post!"

Xiaoyue nodded, and the carriage galloped away and disappeared into the street.

The two sisters Fang Lanxin stood up and looked at Fang Peiya's carriage going further and further in disbelief, their eyes filled with doubts.

What happened to Fang Peiya today?

How did the cowardly temper of the past suddenly change today?

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw their doubts in each other's eyes.

"Sister, what do you say? Do you want to tell your father?" Fang Zhuyun was a little undecided.

Although they are loved by Dad, Dad also warned them.

Fang Peiya is the eldest daughter of the Fang family. They must respect and protect her!

If he knew that they humiliated Fang Peiya so much today, I'm afraid Dad would not bypass them!

"Say, why don't you say it, it's just that we don't say that!" Fang Lanxin snorted coldly, looking at the carriage that had gone far away, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Let me!" Just when the Fang family sisters were in a trance, an unpleasant voice suddenly came from behind.

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun looked back quickly, and saw Su Qianyue and Huang Ruyue walking out of the Ming Palace in a hug.

The two hurriedly bowed their hands and retreated back.

Neither of them can offend them.

"I find it strange, why would Princess Mingdu invite you two concubines to the banquet?" Huang Rushi still looked sour and mean.

Su Qianyue smiled and said, "Sister Huang, they are also ladies of the Fang family. Although they are concubines, they have a very good relationship with Sister Mingdu!"

The relationship between Princess Mingdu and these two people is pretty good. It’s just because these two people are easy to know what to do. When Princess Mingdu doesn’t have a good shot, he can hold these two small knives. Can stab the opponent.

Su Qianyue has a good relationship with the Princess Mingdu, so she naturally knows the meaning of the existence of these two people.

Huang Ru saw that Su Qianyue's smile was open to excuse Fang's sisters, and he snorted softly, glanced at Fang's sisters contemptuously, and said nothing.

"Sister Huang, let's go?" Suddenly, Su Qianyue invited Huang Rushi to leave with him. Huang Rushi had already stepped on the carriage with one foot. After hearing Su Qianyue's words, he looked back in surprise, but saw her. His eyes looked bright, and the corners of his mouth were smiling, as if he had something to say to himself.

"Sister, there is a good Biluochun on my carriage. Would you like to try it together?" Su Qianyue was taken aback when seeing Huang Ru wrong, and then said immediately.

Huang Ru knew that this person had something to tell him, so he nodded, walked down again, and ordered the maid beside him: "You follow along!"

So Huang Rushi got into Su Qianyue's car, and under the gaze of the Fang family sisters, Yang walked away.

In the carriage, Tan Yushu talked about today's affairs in the Ming Palace, smiling from ear to ear.

Just because her maid Ayu and A Zuo next to Gu Xiaowan didn't go in, they retelled what they had learned and told them.

Ayu didn't hear what happened inside. When he heard Tan Yushu's words, he was first angry, then shocked, and finally admired.

"Anping County Lord, you are amazing!" Ayu couldn't say anything nice, so she could only look at Gu Xiaowan with admiration and admiration, and she was very surprised.

"Ayu, the start and the end are amazing, it's really amazing!" Tan Yushu corrected. Although it was a while after leaving the Ming Palace, Tan Yushu was still very excited when it came to the matter just now.

"Sister, from now on, your talents will spread throughout Kyoto. When that happens, let's see who else dares to copy you!" Tan Yushu said excitedly.

Gu Xiaowan smiled bitterly when she saw Tan Yushu's excited look.

If it is possible, she is really willing to stay peacefully in the Qingyuan for a lifetime. She is really unwilling to do such a showy thing.

Gu Xiaowan smiled at the corner of her mouth, but a flash of frustration flashed in her eyes.

The carriage soon arrived at Qingyuan, and after saying goodbye to Tan Yushu, Gu Xiaowan walked into the garden.

After entering the room, Zuoben wanted to wash Gu Xiaowan, but Qin Yizhi was waiting for her in the room, but Zuo had to retreat.

"How are you playing today?" Qin Yizhi's brows and eyes were smiling, he had known about the affairs of the Ming Palace.

Hearing Gu Xiaowan at Shu Min's banquet, her mouth was full of talents, and Qin Yi felt a sense of honor with you in her heart.

This is his little cat, so talented, he is overjoyed.

It's just that, what's the daughter he likes to not admire him?

After listening to Gu Xiaowan retelling what happened at the banquet, Qin Yizhi always regarded it as the first time he heard it.

After listening, Qin Yizhi looked at Gu Xiaowan with a smile: "Wan'er, you're so amazing! I'm not so good at being able to export into poetry!"

What Qin Yizhi said was not a lie. If he were to let him go, although he could do it, it would certainly take more time.

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