The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1451: Be a new self

According to the practice of seven days a week, Gu Xiaowan arranged a recipe every day, stipulating what to eat every morning, every noon, every night, desserts, and afternoon tea.

Because Fang Peiya's appetite was greatly reduced at once, this was a big challenge for Fang Peiya. Then eat a few more meals a day and a little less at each meal.

Eat smaller meals!

Moreover, Gu Xiaowan also stipulated how many servings can be eaten for each meal, which is tantamount to a big challenge for Fang Peiya, a gluttonous person.

Fang Peiya frowned and looked at the recipe, gritted her teeth and said firmly: "Sister, I will definitely eat according to this recipe. I will definitely not eat more!"

"Well, but if you want to lose weight, you can't just eat less!" Gu Xiaowan took out another list and said, "In addition to eating less, what is written on this recipe should make you move by yourself. !"

Running, brisk walking, waist twisting, sit-ups, etc., must make Fang Peiya's whole body move.

"Sister, how do you twist this waist? And this, sit-ups, and how do you do it?" Fang Peiya asked eagerly. Tan Yushu didn't speak, but he held his face and looked at Fang Pei with a gloomy face. What Ya held, looked at Gu Xiaowan with admiration.

Gu Xiaowan taught her how to twist her waist. In the aspect of sit-ups, Gu Xiaowan brought Xiaoyue to demonstrate how to hold Fang Peiya's leg, which is an exercise that can only be done by two people.

"Xiaoyue, besides helping your lady press her legs, you have other tasks. Losing weight is very hard. You can't lose weight without full confidence and brutality. Peya wants to lose weight. , She can’t do it alone!” Gu Xiaowan said solemnly.

"Anping County Lord, what do you want a servant girl to do? As long as my lady can lose weight, the servant girl will die!" Xiaoyue heard that the lady has a very important role to lose weight, and said in a serious tone.

Seeing her seriousness, Gu Xiaowan said with a smile: "Don’t worry, it won’t be that serious. I just want to trouble you to supervise your lady every day. It’s best to eat less food. My recipe can guarantee your lady every day. Under the daily nutrition, the appetite of your lady has been reduced as appropriate. If your lady is hungry, you'd better watch your lady and don’t eat randomly. Something like snacks and pastries will make you fatter."

After Xiaoyue listened, she glanced at Gu Xiaowan and Fang Peiya again, and saw her own lady nodding firmly: "Xiaoyue, you must watch me! You can't let me go just because I'm hungry!"

Fang Peiya's eyes were filled with desire and expectation, and even despair that had not been completely suppressed.

Xiaoyue knew why she was desperate.

For the lady, for the lady, the lady must lose weight this time.

Xiaoyue clenched her fists and nodded fiercely: "Okay, Anping County Lord, don't worry, the servants must take care of my lady! Never let my lady eat more!""Well, in addition to this, there is also this exercise formula. I have written time on it. Half an hour, a quarter of an hour, how many sit-ups are Write it clearly and plainly! All you have to do is to supervise your lady every day. The number of times I set above cannot be less! Do it as hard as it is painful!"

"Yes, the servant must do it!"

"Xiaoyue, don't be afraid of me just because I'm a young lady, so you dare not talk about me. During this period, if I don't complete the task, I won't mind how you scold or punish me!" Fang Peiya also said, I was afraid that she would want to be lazy when the time came, and Xiaoyue did not dare to talk about herself, so Fang Peiya gave her a vaccination in advance. As long as it is something that concerns her to lose weight, she must be timely. speak out.

"Miss, don’t worry, whether you hit me or scold me, if you foul or fail to complete the task, the maid will speak out. Let’s work hard together, and with the county’s weight-loss plan, this time you will definitely lose weight. Come down! The slave and maid also believe in my lady!"

With human supervision, the master and servant both made up their minds, and Gu Xiaowan was relieved.

He gave the exercise prescription to Fang Peiya and continued: “Peiya, because you have just been exposed to exercise, and your body suddenly moves, you will definitely be overwhelmed. So this exercise prescription I formulated is very simple. After a week, your body can adapt to this intensity, and if you come back, I will add more exercise in it!"

Fang Peiya put the things in her arms as if holding a treasure. She was afraid that she would not see it. She pressed it hard, like a treasure: "Sister, don't worry! I will definitely come by then. Yes! This time, I must lose weight!"

Fang Peiya wants to lose weight too much. She has been fat for so many years, and has been scolded by others as fat for so many years. Everyone said that she would not even be able to marry anyone in the future, and that she was a shame to the Fang family!

If someone wants to marry her, it is entirely in the face of Fang Zhengxing, a second-grade official.

There are also those two weak Liu Fufeng's concubine sisters, and the same coquettish Liu family, I don’t know how many times they laughed at themselves and their mothers, saying that they are a big fat man, ugly, no one wants it. . To be an old girl for a lifetime.

She also refrained from eating less, but within a day, she was so hungry that she turned her head to eat again, and her weight became fatter.

this time

Fang Peiya suddenly became a little worried, a little uncertain between her brows, and then carefully asked Gu Xiaowan: "Sister, can I really lose weight?"

She wants to lose weight too much. What if she can't lose weight?

What if it remains the same as before?

"Don't worry, as long as you follow my prescription to eat, exercise, and keep you thin!" Gu Xiaowan said confidently.

Gu Xiaowan's eyebrows danced, and Fang Peiya immediately had full confidence: "Okay, sister, I will definitely lose weight! I will definitely!"

At that time, she can also wear beautiful skirts and a proud figure, so that those who laugh at her will all be shocked. She has to work hard to be a brand new herself, so that her mother will no longer worry about herself and stop worrying about herself. Wash your face with tears all day long.

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