The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1462: Curious person

"Could it be that someone deliberately concealed this matter and is not allowed to disclose it to the outside world?" Jiang is old and spicy after all, Madam Lu understood everything when she thought about it.

"Grandfather, what do you mean is that someone deliberately suppressed the elder sister's affairs?" Fang Peiya thought, it must be the reason, otherwise, if there is such a sensation, why is there no movement at all?

At the very least, after a meal in a restaurant or tea house, what happened to a girl or a young man would first be announced in this crowded place.

The stories of those talented women and talents were the first to be spread, didn't they also start from these places?

"Who has so much power, so many people can be suppressed after attending the banquet?" In Fang Peiya's mind, a flash of light flashed through her mind, and a figure flashed in her mind. Now, she understood everything. .

"Maternal grandfather, I understand. It must be Princess Mingdu! She deliberately suppressed her sister's affairs. Otherwise, with so many people present, whoever said a word can tell the story of that day. But if the people of Mingdu County don’t say anything, I’m afraid no one would dare to say it!” Fang Peiya suddenly thought of the relationship here, and turned angry: “This person has a poisonous mind, and deliberately invited it. There are so many famous ladies, and so many shows are specially performed first. In the end, so many people are allowed to ridicule and make fun of her sister, but she did not expect that her sister is completely different from the person she expected, and her strategy did not succeed. The sister's affairs are suppressed!"

Although Fang Peiya disdains those intrigues, she just disdains it, not that she won't.

After listening to Fang Peiya’s analysis, Mrs. Lu also nodded, but she still felt a little strange: "Why is the body of the Wanjin county lord of the Mingdu county opposed to the Anping county lord who is unfamiliar with her life? It stands to reason. Although the Princess Mingdu is arrogant and domineering, he will not go against a girl who has just arrived in Beijing!"

"Grandfather, she sees who is not pleasing to the eye, she is not pleasing to the eye, there are so many reasons!" Fang Peiya said angrily when she heard this.

She was just because she was fat, and she was scolded many times by Sang Huai by the county lord of Mingdu. She scolded her once and again. Later, other ladies also scolded her occasionally, intentionally or unconsciously, just to please the county lord Mingdu!

Madam Lu nodded, but felt that it would not be that simple.

The county lord of Mingdu deliberately made things difficult for the county lord of Anping, she must have felt that she was threatened. However, in this case, Madam Lu did not tell Fang Peiya, but continued to ask: "You have a seven-day appointment with the county lord of Anping. What is it?"

"Grandfather" Fang Peiya's eyes lit up when she heard it, she reached out and took out a kit from her arms, took out the contents, and said excitedly: "Grandfather, this is a recipe specially prepared for me by my sister. , Said that if it came from her house, I would definitely be able to bear it!"

When she heard that Fang Peiya could lose weight, Madam Lu was also very excited: "Really? Hurry up, let my grandparents see!" After taking the house that Fang Peiya handed over, Madam Lu also felt that after a few glances. Somewhat incredible: "Just like this, can I lose weight?"

"I haven't tried it yet, but my elder sister said that I should follow her prescription, so it must be possible. Originally, my sister said that for seven days, after I tried her prescription, I would go to her again after seven days. But I have never followed the above, and even forgot the date agreed with her." Fang Peiya said helplessly, but the eyes were shining.

Madam Lu returned the things in her hand to Fang Peiya, and said excitedly: "From now on, you will follow the instructions written on this recipe. Your grandfather will fully support you. Your mother has grandparents. Take care, don’t worry too much. What you’re trying your best to do now is to lose weight. If you wait for your mother to get better and find that you are thin again, I’m afraid I don’t know how happy you are!"

Mrs. Lu said with emotion.

I don't know why, Wen Xin is not fat, and Fang Zhengxing is not fat, but Fang Peiya is fat. At this age, she is a whole lap fatter than a girl of the same age. Where does she look better when she is fat?

This is almost fifteen years old, and the person who wants to propose has already come to propose, but Peya hasn't moved at all. Everyone knows that it is because she is too fat.

If she could really lose weight, Peiya would also decide that she would not be far behind according to Lu Wenxin's appearance.

At that time, relying on the identity of the second-tier concubine, it will not be difficult to marry a good family!

Fang Peiya didn’t know that my grandfather could think of the long-term thing of losing weight and marrying a good family. She also nodded: “Good grandma, then I will eat and exercise according to the prescription, the rest I'll stay with and take care of my mother during the time!"

"Good, good! My good grandson!" Madam Lu was very comforted when she saw Fang Peiya's filial piety.

At the very least, Wen Xin still has such a filial daughter to accompany him in the Fang family where there is no half-love.

Gu Xiaowan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Mrs. Lu immediately brought Lu Wenxin and Fang Peiya to the Lu House.

Since Mrs. Lu took great pains to bring Lu Wenxin back to the Lu Mansion, it proves that Lu Wenxin's life is still saved.

For some help, those rumors that Lu Wenxin was about to die were either deliberately fabricated to scare Fang Peiya, or someone really wanted Lu Wen to die, and she really died soon.

"Sister, if you don't want to come up with such a good solution this time, I am afraid that Madam Fang is really bad luck! The Liu clan of the Fang family, where is Madam Fang her opponent!" Tan Yushu said fearfully.

It is really good to use Mrs. Lu to suppress Liu's idea.

Mother is going to see her daughter, can the Liu family stop it?

Even if Fang Zhengxing later learned that Mrs. Lu had taken Lu Wenxin away, and the tape had already been taken away, it would be impossible for him to go to Lu's house to claim someone else!

How Fang Zhengxing embarked on the road of official career, many people said that Fang Zhengxing's official prestige was hindered by no one, but who didn't know!

If it weren't for the help of the Lu family, if Fang Zhengxing wanted to soar into the sky, he would have to see how many catties he had.

Now that he has gained power, he has forgotten the Lu family who helped him. If such a thing reaches the ears of the emperor, let's see how Fang Zhengxing explained it.

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